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crashonskis January 24th, 2011 09:40

Does Co2 lose velocity in cold weather??
if so, how much, as i was going to buy a co2 gun to use in 10 to -10 degrees celsius.

FACE January 24th, 2011 09:59


Originally Posted by crashonskis (Post 1393971)
if so, how much, as i was going to buy a co2 gun to use in 10 to -10 degrees celsius.

Google much?

crashonskis January 24th, 2011 17:53

I did for 20 minuites, and i could find that yes, it does but not how much. the gun is 350 fps, and i was wondering what it would be in these temperatures. please, do not comment if you are gong to hate.

TokyoSeven January 24th, 2011 18:06

Well it definitely wouldn't go up. I imagine it would be similar or at the very least stay in the ball park area of 350ish. Although cool down effects make last a little longer given the cooler temperature.

crashonskis January 24th, 2011 19:35

thanks, i read somewhere that it would severely drop, but I think that was for red/green gas.

crashonskis January 24th, 2011 22:59

I was also wondering a few things regarding fps. i have been shot with a gun that shoots 350 fps with .12 grams, and i was wondering if a gun that shoots 350 with .20s would hurt much more. Also I was wondering what a first good primary (around 200$, just for 1 on 1 or 2 on 2 with close friends) would be (that shoots under 350 fps). thanks

crashonskis January 24th, 2011 23:00

oh, and sorry if im causing trouble... but how much fps would a green gas gun lose in 10 to -10 degrees celsius??

MadMax January 25th, 2011 00:59

at 10C (50F) you follow an isotherm at about 650psi (horizontal line labeled 50F where you get liquid-gas saturation). At -10C (14F) you get an isotherm at 400psi. 38% pressure drop across the temperatures you specified. Unless you're shooting from a regulated supply of CO2, you're going to see significant performance variation across your specified temp range.

Don't even bother with propane.

Swing from 78psi to 38psi. The higher pressure is already borderline acceptable (about the same as HFC134a at 20C).

TokyoSeven January 25th, 2011 01:18


Originally Posted by crashonskis (Post 1394657)
I was also wondering a few things regarding fps. i have been shot with a gun that shoots 350 fps with .12 grams, and i was wondering if a gun that shoots 350 with .20s would hurt much more.

I'm not terribly knowledgeable about gas guns so I am going to answer this question from an electric gun perspective.

A heavier BB will degrease the FPS.

So a gun that shoots 350FPS with a 0.12b BB would create 0.68 joules of impact energy. The same gun loaded with 0.2g BBs would fire at 272FPS and generate 0.68 joules of energy.

actually you know what, I honestly dont feel like going into extreme depth since its late and Im tired and in my pajamas and I missed watching house and how I met your mother tonight so Im cranky.

The long and the short of it is yes, it will probly hurt more. Pain is experienced differently by everyone.

ThunderCactus January 25th, 2011 04:29

Well there are a lot of variables.
First, you need the exact temperature. Then humidity. Then how many shots your taking, as the fps will go down consecutively after each shot. Then math it all, and you'll have your answer :D

But seriously, most things that run off propane don't work for more than 3 or 4 shots below 0 degrees. They're optimal temperature range is above 20 degrees.

CO2 will have more power at the same temperature as propane, specifically because it's a more powerful and stable gas. However it suffers from the same cooldown effects. You still won't get more than a few rounds off before the valves freeze open.

T7, I'll add on to your point;
It depends on the gun. GBB pistols work like AEG's for the most part where differing weights of ammo have the same energy. However in gas rifles with longer barrels, heavier ammo typically has more energy. For example my PDW shoots 380fps on .20g BBs, but on .28g BBs is shoots the equivalent of 405fps on .20g.
But it still doesn't work worth a damn at 0 degrees :D

crashonskis January 25th, 2011 08:41

OK, thank you, but tokyo seven, i realized it would carry the same power, i was asking about a seperate gun, because i have been shot with a gun chronoed at 350 with .12s, i was looking at a new gun chronoed at 350 with .20s, wondering how much more powerful this is. also, can you think of a good compact primary under 200, and under 350fps. i dont really care if its clearsoft, its just for messing around with friends

LegioXIII January 25th, 2011 11:56


most things that run off propane don't work for more than 3 or 4 shots below 0 degrees. They're optimal temperature range is above 20 degrees.
So firing up the barbecue during winter is out.

From what I remember shooting CO2 airguns in cold weather (0*C to -30*C) there is a performance drop and you get significantly less shots.

ThunderCactus January 25th, 2011 15:13

A gun that shoots 350 on .20 shoots with .453j more force.
350fps on .12 is the equivalent of 275fps on .20
I don't think your going to find a good primary under 200fps. That's just silly. If you can't take the pain, don't buy the gun lol
marui guns are fantastic, and most of them shoot 280fps

TokyoSeven January 25th, 2011 15:24


Originally Posted by crashonskis (Post 1394844)
can you think of a good compact primary under 200, and under 350fps. i dont really care if its clearsoft, its just for messing around with friends

No sorry I cannot. My job is to assist with the adjustment and education of new comers. I specialize in airsoft items from mid range to high quality and providing answers in the most basic format to those for easy understanding. While I am familiar with low end quality products my hands on experience is in the range zero to nill. If you are interested in low end soft air products I suggest you try walmart, Canadian tire or perhaps the dollar store.


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1394795)

It depends on the gun. GBB pistols work like AEG's for the most part where differing weights of ammo have the same energy. However in gas rifles with longer barrels, heavier ammo typically has more energy. For example my PDW shoots 380fps on .20g BBs, but on .28g BBs is shoots the equivalent of 405fps on .20g.

So mass = zoom

I understand.

L473ncy January 25th, 2011 16:58


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 1394754)
Pain is experienced differently by everyone.

Man.... that totally could have turned into something sexual. I expected better from you T7......

OP: It's like the difference between getting hit with a hand at 100 FPS and a whip at 100 FPS. The energy carried by each implement is different.

Just for illustrative purposes lets use f=m*a (and assume equal area hit by each implement), sure the hand and whip move at the same speed but their masses are different. This is the difference between the two. Although pain perception is different there is more energy in the whip and all that energy must go somewhere. Some may be lost to sound and other inefficiencies but assuming equal energy losses the whip still has a greater amount of energy to transfer and where does it transfer to? The victim of course (which should teach them to not be naughty.....).

Anyways. Shooting at the same energy at the muzzle, a heavier BB will hurt more due to newtons first law (object in motion tends to stay in motion), this is because there is less energy loss over time/distance and therefore more energy to transfer to the target/victim after getting hit.

As for guns..... CT and Walmart are probably going to be your best bets. In Japan they have a 1J law so you'll be shooting at ~328 on .20's.... otherwise the dollar store or CT/Walmary will likely have what you're looking for. Sorry but my knowledge extends to only that extent. Not trying to be rude/elitist or anything but I really only have knowledge about "real airsoft" and not "crapsoft/softair".

What are you looking to do? If you want to plink pop cans or beer cans a pellet gun (.177 cal/4.5mm) will do the trick but if you're looking for something to shoot at each other with (with proper eyepro of course) pretty much anything from CT will do..... I guess those cheapo spring pistols from CT will do the trick and should shoot within your wanted FPS range (assuming you're looking for those velocities using .20's), if not then dollar stores sometimes have those "BB gun" things that are like $3-4 and shoot 6mm BB's at like 100 FPS (if that), hell some people can throw a pen through a chrono faster than that......

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