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Justinh789 November 13th, 2010 00:01

Game face airsoft
Alright, so this is my first post on the forums. I just have a question regarding the new sub-brand by crosman that they're calling "game face" I've done enough research to know to stay far away from crosman crap but on this site it claims that they are made by classic army. Anyone have any experience with these? at the moment I can't imagine they are available in Canada as I havent seen them on any online stores or anything. At the price of around 200$ they don't look too bad, but that's my relatively noob-ish opinion.


pusangani November 13th, 2010 00:13

Seen the MP5 at bass pro, it looks like garbage, get av'd and buy from this site, "cheap" and airsoft don't mix

worried about spending alot and finding out you don't like airsoft, then go to a game and get a rental and see how you like it.


Originally Posted by fi3re (Post 1349265)
CA now makes guns for crosman??? oh man....

wait so there are full black guns are bass pro now?

not black, clear at bass pro, and too much clear, the handguards and all were clear

Justinh789 November 13th, 2010 00:17


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1349261)
get av'd and buy from this site,

I fully intend to. Thanks for the reply I wasn't sure I had just heard some positive things about CA and thought maybe this could be something decent

fi3re November 13th, 2010 00:21

CA now makes guns for crosman??? oh man....

wait so there are full black guns are bass pro now?

pusangani November 13th, 2010 00:21

CA is good, like real authentic CA, this gameface stuff is shit, the mp5 I held felt really brittle


Justinh789 November 13th, 2010 00:24

Ok, thanks. Sorry I didn't see that thread earlier, my search hadn't yielded any results

Styrak November 13th, 2010 00:52

Real, full metal CA's are very good.
The also make a cheaper "Sportline" version of their guns, which are cheaper and have lower quality parts, etc.
These Gameface versions might be the Sportlines, or might be an even lower quality line.

ArcticFox1984 November 13th, 2010 01:05

Whatsup with this crap:

I'm gonna be pissed when some asshat covers my gear in food grade silicon and food colouring.

pusangani November 13th, 2010 01:13

Lol it's for the same type of players that use crosman guns, ie idiots that don't call their hits and that truly like paintball but find airsoft cheaper and kidiots who want to spray their friends so thy get mummy to buy a bucket for them

*does not apply to the good crosman shell shotgun

L473ncy November 13th, 2010 02:32

Sportline rebrands and from what people were saying a few years ago the sportline series is crap. It was made to compete against cheap clones but the funny thing is that the cheap clones were still better for the price point.

I don't know about now but the cheap clones have made some strides in QC and stuff so I don't know where the CA Sportline stuff stands now.

Anyways, it's a waste of money IMO and even if it doesn't break (as *most* cheap clones do eventually (NB: Not all, sometimes you'll get a cherry but the lemon rate is higher than a "quality brand")) you'll "grow out of it" fast. It's just like buying a cheap POS $5 hockey stick for ice hockey, sure it might do it's job and not break after 1 or 10 or 100 slapshots but eventually you'll want a $20 one and then maybe if you play in "competitive rec leagues" you'll want a $100 stick with all the bells and whistles. See where I'm getting at? Basically don't waste your $5 on a cheap stick, wait and go straight for the $20 one and it'll be fine until you grow out of it and want to play competitively.

NB: There is no "pro league" or "competitive league" in airsoft, we just play for fun. It can get competitive in say milsim games and stuff but at the end of the day there are no "sponsored teams" and there are no trophies/cash prizes, etc. it's all for fun.

PS: The other Crosman that isn't that bad I believe it the CO2 Airmag"C11" or w/e. Those two are the only ones really worth the money.

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