Airsoft Canada

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Dirk7589 November 11th, 2010 23:31

Place in Montreal to try Airsoft out with out making a huge investment
Hello Everyone,

I was curious if there are any places in the Montreal area that cater to new players, who have no experience with AirSoft. Having done a lot of research, I find the game interesting, but would like to try it out before investing a lot of money. Getting a sense for the people and the environment would also be good, so I can decide if it is for me or not. Thank you for all your help.


HeadlessChicken November 12th, 2010 05:57

Take a look through the Games and Events Schedule, look under the sub-forum Quebec and search around for games in your area. Ask the host if they're noob friendly and for rentals through other players. Probably your best bet before diving into this sport vs buying a crappy kraken and some cheap gear.

L473ncy November 12th, 2010 07:02

The barriers for entry into airsoft are definitely lower than say 4 or 5 years ago. I'd say that all you have to do is sign up (ask the host if it's a "noob friendly game") and let the host/other players know you're a noob and need to borrow gear.

At the very least you should have your own footwear and possibly some BDU's even if they're a cheap $30 set of Olive Drab from a local surplus store (that's tunic and trousers). Mask, if it's a paintball venue will have rental masks available and the rest can pretty much be borrowed from other players for say a 6 pack or $10 or something.

I'd say it's perfectly reasonable to pay ~$70 for the day. $15-20 for field fee, $5 for mask, $5 to the guy you borrow BB's from, $20-25 for gun (or just buy the guy a 6 pack and a pizza sometime), $5 for gas money if you're carpooling and the rest for other incidental costs.

PS: THANK YOU for actually asking a proper question in the newbie tank, there's been a lot of idiots who just can't seem to be able to read stuff that's been handed out to them and just post things that have already been answered. I can see you having a great time in the community if you keep up the reading things first before posting attitude.

Drake November 12th, 2010 07:53

Check the Quebec Games & Events section (here), this is where public games are listed; there's a compiled schedule with additional information (including addresses and directions to the fields) stickied at the top of the section (link).

Games at Action 500 occur every 2 weeks and are easy to get to (right in the city, near a subway): you'll be able to meet people, get age verified and check equipment out. Yuo can borrow a mask/goggles for free from the facility if you want to check out the field.

However note that this type of indoor skirmishing is substantially different from what is played outdoors at most events.

Gun rentals are sometimes possible at some games, but in my experience is pretty rare.

Boyso November 12th, 2010 11:27

To add to Drake's suggestion, I went to my first game at AC500. I got a camcorder and I recorded the whole game. I was at the field, and I could see both sides and how the game worked.

Was great, and didn't cost much. Plus, good way to get known, people diggs pictures and videos.

Dirk7589 November 12th, 2010 19:25

Thank you all for the great information. I must say I really like the community feel of AirSoft here. Everyone is looking to have fun, but be safe at the same time. Thanks for all the help.


pusangani November 12th, 2010 21:04

Wow a noob that actually wants to take things slow and get his feet wet before taking the plunge. We are accustomed to idiots who ask where to buy guns

We don't get alot of people like you, welcome to asc :)

SHaKaL November 12th, 2010 21:06


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1349128)
Wow a noob that actually wants to take things slow and get his feet wet before taking the plunge. We are accustomed to idiots who ask where to buy guns

We don't get alot of people like you, welcome to asc :)


Take Pus compliment with seriousness... he don't do that often...

SHaKaL November 12th, 2010 21:13


Originally Posted by Dirk7589 (Post 1349079)
Thank you all for the great information. I must say I really like the community feel of AirSoft here. Everyone is looking to have fun, but be safe at the same time. Thanks for all the help.


You will find that we are a good community; we are serious when we game but like to socialize after the game (and before; when strapping gear's). We are a great bunch of guys (sorry Barbie, frankies and Milee... Mean girls to... women... ah !!!)

Welcome mate! :)

SniperSam November 12th, 2010 21:19

Welcome, maybe i'll see you next year at a game. :)
Montreal (and surrounding areas) is full of airsoft players as well as age verifiers, im sure you'll find someone that can help you on your way

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