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ouyin2000 October 16th, 2010 02:02

Difference between Double Action and Single Action
I found this video explaining in great detail the differences between a Double Action pistol, Single Action pistol, and Double Action/Single Action pistol.

Prior to this, I only had a working knowledge of what the differences were, now I understand it a lot more.

YouTube - Single Action? Double Action? What does it all mean? - Part 1

YouTube - Single Action? Double Action? What does it all mean? - Part 2

Thought I'd share it with the community.

sewktbk October 16th, 2010 13:43

go get your RPAL, you'll learn hands on, way better than watching videos :P

WingZER0 October 16th, 2010 16:28


Originally Posted by sewktbk (Post 1333350)
go get your RPAL, you'll learn hands on, way better than watching videos :P

Pretty much...and I'm not aware of any true single action airsoft pistols.

RacingManiac October 16th, 2010 16:46

1911/Hi-Capa AFAIK are single action only. The most basic is just in single action the trigger works only if the hammer is cocked. The double action can cock the hammer and shoot in one pull. Most guns now are SA/DA(M9, Sig, USP...etc), so the first shot can be shot from double, then hence forth the gun works and SA, until the hammer is decocked with a decocker. 1911 is typically SA only. Some of defensive pistol for enhanced safety, works only in Double Action Only.

Glock, M&P...etc are striker fire, and for all intents and purpose operates similar to single action, though nomenclature differ. Glock calls theirs "Safe Action". The pulling the slide back from the first inserted mag put the striker in half-cock position. The trigger pull completes the full cock and firing, and the striker returns to the half cock for the next shot, its not a true SA or DA...Airsoft version of Glock AFAIK does not really work like that.

AngelusNex October 16th, 2010 18:07


Originally Posted by RacingManiac (Post 1333441)
Airsoft version of Glock AFAIK does not really work like that.

first thing i noticed on them, they are single only.

RacingManiac October 16th, 2010 18:09

There is some benefit to that in our version, the trigger pull is quite nice...

Yuu October 16th, 2010 18:10


Originally Posted by AngelusNex (Post 1333481)
first thing i noticed on them, they are single only.

They are not single action; striker action is what they call it similiar to double action.

Only airsoft gun works da/sa I can think of is KSC USP series.

AngelusNex October 16th, 2010 18:12


Originally Posted by Yuu (Post 1333484)
They are not single action; striker action is what they call it similiar to double action.

for airsoft. airsoft glocks use a single action hammer.

Also, berretas are DA/SA, same with sigs and a few others.

Yuu October 16th, 2010 18:16


Originally Posted by AngelusNex (Post 1333485)
for airsoft. airsoft glocks use a single action hammer.

Also, berretas are DA/SA, same with sigs and a few others.

Airsoft beretta depends on what brands, I know there is only a few brand that operates their beretta in DA/SA.

AngelusNex October 16th, 2010 18:22


Originally Posted by Yuu (Post 1333488)
Airsoft beretta depends on what brands, I know there is only a few brand that operates their beretta in DA/SA.

every one I've seen does. TM, KWC, KJW. however the KWC ended up DA only as it crapped out after awhile.

Styrak October 17th, 2010 00:09

Yup, most airsoft guns that I've seen that are supposed to have DA/SA like Beretta, Sigs, etc work exactly how they are suppose to.

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