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redzaku October 8th, 2010 16:08

for anyone in edmonton that is interest... surplus items
so for anyone that is in edmonton and is interested,
at milarms, there is a sale for woodland BDU straight from what i think, from the CF?
under 20 dollars
helmets (blue) 20 dollars
and how do i tell what beret is new from a surplus pile?
when i grabbed it, the manufacturer is logistic or something similar to it, so i guess made in canada?

ouyin2000 October 8th, 2010 19:06

Logistik Unicorp manufactures berets for CF issue. So that is the real deal.

I don't recall the CF ever issuing woodland pattern combats, unless it is the Garrison jacket, which did come in a sort of woodland pattern.

redzaku October 8th, 2010 23:38


Originally Posted by ouyin2000 (Post 1329476)
Logistik Unicorp manufactures berets for CF issue. So that is the real deal.

I don't recall the CF ever issuing woodland pattern combats, unless it is the Garrison jacket, which did come in a sort of woodland pattern.

well the sign says that its from the CF, so i guess early 1990s give or take?

Redzephyr October 8th, 2010 23:49

The Forces wore ODs right up until the adoption of CADPAT in, if I recall correctly, '97. The one exception, I believe, were helmet covers which did appear in woodland pattern.

ouyin2000 October 9th, 2010 00:13

If it is a combat uniform, it isn't CF issue. They went straight from OD Green to CADPAT. No Woodland, vice what was already said in the garrison jacket and helmet cover (didn't know that BTW, thanks)

Infidel October 9th, 2010 00:48

Some units did get issued Woodland jackets ect, but mostly for over seas duties.


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