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highny September 12th, 2010 19:35

Is KWA compatible with KSC(M93R)?
Hey there!

I've been thinking of getting a M93R v2 and from what I found, the KWA makes a better once. Also found in my research that it needs a specially design type of mags for it though.

So my questions are:

Is KSC magazine compatible with KWA(can't seem to find them anywhere!)

Is their internal compatible?

Also, will using the three round burst consistently cause future damage to the gun?

Thanks for the help.

cjboi September 12th, 2010 19:49

ns2 = system 7

highny September 12th, 2010 19:52


Originally Posted by cjboi (Post 1313981)
ns2 = system 7

I don't know what you mean by that...

I'm still new to the world of GBBs...

Could you please dumb it up for me.


SOCINCO September 12th, 2010 20:07

NS2= KWA (2009-now)
system 7 = KSC (2009-now)
so KWA = KSC

highny September 12th, 2010 20:08

Oh ok! Thanks!

cjboi September 12th, 2010 20:54


Originally Posted by highny (Post 1313982)
I don't know what you mean by that...

I'm still new to the world of GBBs...

Could you please dumb it up for me.


sorry i didn't elaborate.
What I meant was KWA ns2 is the same as KSC system 7 (taiwan version).

There's two kinds of system 7, Japan made (HFC134) and Taiwan made (Green gas / Propane).

For system 7 mags, they're all the same. Except Japan made mags has some trademarks, compare to Taiwan version. Oh ya KSC/KWA fill valve "o-rings" are annoying. They come of easily. Best thing to do is, when you loose them. Go to any piercing shops and ask for 14 gauge silicone rubber bands to replace those o-rings in your fill valve. They're way better than stocks KSC/KWA o-rings. :) hope that helps

highny September 13th, 2010 00:38


Originally Posted by cjboi (Post 1314025)
There's two kinds of system 7, Japan made (HFC134) and Taiwan made (Green gas / Propane).

Oh ok. So If I get the Japan made mags, I could only use duster or can they use propane as well?... Also... The KSC is the Japan one right?....


Originally Posted by cjboi (Post 1314025)
Best thing to do is, when you loose them. Go to any piercing shops and ask for 14 gauge silicone rubber bands to replace those o-rings in your fill valve. They're way better than stocks KSC/KWA o-rings. :)

Thanks! That is very useful. I had lost a couple of those... Never could find a replacement...

And just to be clear, we're talking about the KWA M93R with the 3rd burst version with the front handle.... Because I read on a review that their design are different than the average M9...

cjboi September 13th, 2010 01:44


Originally Posted by highny (Post 1314137)
Oh ok. So If I get the Japan made mags, I could only use duster or can they use propane as well?... Also... The KSC is the Japan one right?....

Thanks! That is very useful. I had lost a couple of those... Never could find a replacement...

And just to be clear, we're talking about the KWA M93R with the 3rd burst version with the front handle.... Because I read on a review that their design are different than the average M9...

KWA and KSC mags are the same just trademarks difference

SniperSam September 13th, 2010 02:21


Originally Posted by cjboi (Post 1314157)
KWA and KSC mags are the same just trademarks difference

just like echo1 usa
KSP90=Echo1 P90
JG M4=Echo1 M4A1

Styrak September 13th, 2010 02:27


Originally Posted by SniperSam (Post 1314163)
just like echo1 usa
KSP90=Echo1 P90
JG M4=Echo1 M4A1

No, Echo1 just rebrands guns. They don't even make any of their own.

I'm pretty sure KSC and KWA have seperate factories, and they both make their own guns, or at least one factory which both come out of.

SniperSam September 13th, 2010 03:45


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1314164)
No, Echo1 just rebrands guns. They don't even make any of their own.

I'm pretty sure KSC and KWA have seperate factories, and they both make their own guns, or at least one factory which both come out of.

thats what i meant, my bad

highny September 15th, 2010 01:08


Does the regular M9 magazine works for the M93R version?

Also would Maruzen m9 magazine and KJW be compatible with the KEA M93R?

cjboi September 15th, 2010 02:25

KWA m9 only takes KWA and KSC magazine.

L473ncy September 15th, 2010 05:15

KSC is for Asia market, whereas KWA is for North America Market.

They should be considered separate entities however they do use the same design and such. When they were a young company I believe it all came out of the same factory with the KSC Japan getting a secondary QC check and the KSC Taiwan going out to market. KWA is a shoot off/subsidary company.

Basically why I say this is because KWA will NOT service your KSC pistols and will in fact refuse to. I believe they will only sell you the spare parts you need but otherwise don't expect support/customer service from them at all.

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