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tinygunner August 31st, 2010 01:11

8mm conversion?
is it possible to convert a 6mm aeg to a 8mm aeg? if so say it was an m4 converted to m16 length or bigger...

pusangani August 31st, 2010 01:15

You would need an 8mm inner barrel, 8mm hopup, 8mm mags and the nozzle on the gearbox may need to be changed as well. I've been thinking about this recently as well.

Styrak August 31st, 2010 02:22

Length has nothing to do with it (sounds like something you were getting at).

doc_pathfinders August 31st, 2010 02:50


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1306719)
You would need an 8mm inner barrel, 8mm hopup, 8mm mags and the nozzle on the gearbox may need to be changed as well. I've been thinking about this recently as well.

only problem is the outer barrel inner diameter.. :(

i've been at this point many years ago.. :(

i got to the point of drawing up plans for a new outer barrel for an M4 (match grade bull-barrel style to hide the extra size of the new barrel) but i fell flat at the HOP unit, not enough time.

it would be one hell of a conversation piece!

CDN_Stalker August 31st, 2010 07:42

Question is, why would you want to? I really don't see any benefits to 8mm BBs.

doc_pathfinders August 31st, 2010 08:05

you would be amazed at the phycological impact 8mm bb's have.. after tiny fast-moving 6mm bb's 8mm just seems like golf-balls flying at you.

i had a marushin m1 carbine that was 8mm, had a f*cking sick range at times (it was gas afterall so variable) when using .34's and even the .45's

the benfit would be: Semi-auto only and _small_ magazines or you'll go broke quite quickly (8mm isn't cheap)

VooDooPeteK August 31st, 2010 08:06


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1306799)
Question is, why would you want to? I really don't see any benefits to 8mm BBs.

Not as easy to get and cost more.... why wouldn't you want to?

Back on track I have to agree with CDN_Stalker's statement. Unless this is just a strange project gun that wont be in play much, or just to say "Hey I did it", just seems like a strange project

tinygunner August 31st, 2010 09:20

well i have the ability to recreate a barret mod body and i figure if i can upgrade the piss so it can shoot really hard i figure a 8mm bb hurts more and get a good distance i can have a semi/full auto 8mm barret sniper gun aeg style.. just thoughts right now though lol.

Guges Mk3 August 31st, 2010 09:33

Who makes a 8mm AEG?

VooDooPeteK August 31st, 2010 09:42

not sure but tinygunner wants to

Crunchmeister August 31st, 2010 10:38

I know Marushin makes a variety of 8 mm guns, but I don't know of any AEGs. They're all revolvers, shotguns and sniper rifles.

doc_pathfinders August 31st, 2010 11:11

no AEG fires 8mm, and the closest to an 8mm barrett is the old shell-loading smokey's monster.. (8mm, bolt action that ejected the shells that held a single 8mm bb)

bearing in mind that i was once shot across a small room in the back of the hand with that gun and i was only slightly pissed (wasn't wearing eye pro, it was marcus the retarded ex-gunsmith at wolf armouries.. they still have it iirc) rather then jumping around in pain, it's a poor choice unless you like spending a metric f*ck-ton on crap.

this (8mm AEG) is an interesting project but no-one will get it working as well as it could unless they craft a HOPUP unit that will fit the 8mm bb's, and even then it'll be hit-or-miss if it's actually usuable unless it's cranking a fair FPS (remember, the lightest 8mm i've seen is .34)

meh, better to grab one of the marushin 8mm m2 carbines (semi) and rock with that

I would hazard a guess (but it's out of my ass) that the larger bb would be better for longer ranges due to the extra weight (.45+ sure i've seen more) and due to the fact that air bubbles within the bb would have a lower affect on the HOP spin (more mass, less of an imbalence then the same size airbubble was in a .43 6mm bb V's and a 8mm .45)

CDN_Stalker August 31st, 2010 11:42

Smaller BBs will outperform the 8mm BBs regardless of weight, they have less air resistance, are less affected by wind and variable air densities, and are denser. I had some 8mm BBs a few years ago, even the 0.45g felt much lighter than the 0.43g 6mm I compared it to. 8mm DO have a greater surface for lift generation, hop up backspin creates some lift and reduces aerodynamic drag (like a boattail bullet), but those two benefits get cancelled out by all the other cons I posted above.

Hence my asking in the first place. :)

wildcard August 31st, 2010 11:59

There are no 8mm AEG in existence SYSTEMA fooled around with the idea back in the 90's but it never got more movement than the prototype stage
The only time I see a 8mm outperform a 6mm is a Highly modified Marushin lever action but the cost itself is priced at a very insane price of $4000 USD, as far as a conversion kit there was a kit available made by PDI but I don't think it's available anymore

doc_pathfinders August 31st, 2010 12:05

CDN_Stalker, i fully realise those counter-points but think about how nice it would be if air bubbles didn't cause such a degradation in consistancy...

ok, higher weight (.36's +) would have fewer anyway, but when they do it would still have an impact due to gyroscopic instability.

basically no, there is no great reason for 8mm.. you could also argue that it's more likely to be deflected as well as being more expensive and harder to find.

all i can say is, try being shot at by someone with an 8mm rifle and you'll come to understand why someone would want one (it's a 'hate it until you try it' thing)

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