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Ryansumms August 24th, 2010 17:36

ICS AK47M Folding Stock, vs, SRC AK47 GEN3, vs, G&G AK 47 REAL WOOD
Ok im planning on buying my 3rd gun, And this time I want to own an ak model, I cant afford any real sword models, but I can afford ICS G&G or SRC, I have been unsuccessful to find, full or accurate reviews for any of these guns. So I am just wondering which of the 3 is the better model, im mainly looking for reliability and performance here.Looks is on the table but not the most important to me. Thank you for reading this and maybe helping me with my problem .

Kid August 25th, 2010 01:53

...just get a RealSword.

You won't regret it, and it'll keep its value, so if you need the money - just sell it.

There's no comparison between RS and the others.

-Edit: If you want to save a bit, buy the Type 56-2. It's cheaper than the wood version and it has a really solid side folding stock.

kolumbo69 August 25th, 2010 02:04

I will also say wait for the realsword its worth the investment, I held one this weekend at a local retailer and it's nice!

Also arnies airsoft has a great review on it if your unsure

Borealis August 25th, 2010 02:43

A friend of mine brought a RS last weekend at the camp and it's unreal, it's like holding a real weapon. The feel, weight and finish of the gun is beautiful. Everybody wanted to hold onto it, even made the gbb SCAR owner jealous.

cjboi August 25th, 2010 03:19

lol you guys keep recommending this dude real sword, when he clearly just says he cant afford it. Yes real sword is a beauty, I would go with SRC since the body is fully TM compatible.

Kid August 25th, 2010 03:45

Fully TM compatible is overrated. Unless you plan to upgrade externally (in which case you should just get a RS). TM is an old design.

Body screws suck.

Diabolic Tyrant August 25th, 2010 04:35

SRC = Cheap chinese clones, G&G are good for certain things, but ICS in my opinion would be the way to go. Higher chance of it being sold too when your ready to move on seeing as its not cansoft.

kolumbo69 August 25th, 2010 12:10

The difference in price is literally $100 dollars Real sword is 640, ics is 540 for a 100 difference I think its worth the investment

cjboi August 25th, 2010 15:48


Originally Posted by Diabolic Tyrant (Post 1302498)
SRC = Cheap chinese clones, G&G are good for certain things, but ICS in my opinion would be the way to go. Higher chance of it being sold too when your ready to move on seeing as its not cansoft.

SRC, ICS and G&G are all made in TAIWAN...

Kid August 25th, 2010 15:54


Originally Posted by cjboi (Post 1302860)
SRC, ICS and G&G are all made in TAIWAN...

SRC is still a clone of TM.

Funny thing though, the RS we're all loving is made in the PRC.

cjboi August 25th, 2010 15:58


Originally Posted by Kid (Post 1302866)
SRC is still a clone of TM.

Funny thing though, the RS we're all loving is made in the PRC.

I would just really suggest SRC and ICS... I dont like G&G AK's internally. SRC gen 3 is pretty good internally and externally i rate it about 8/10. ICS is rock solid, internally 8/10. The guy cant afford RS, so maybe he's thinking of upgrading the gun (internally or externally)

Crunchmeister August 25th, 2010 16:02

No contest. Get the RS. You won't regret it. I had the first known RS Type 56 to land in Canada. It's still bone stock and still kicking like the day I unpacked it. There's no need to upgrade anything on it, as it's already the best externals you can possibly get, and the internals are top-quality.

Ryansumms August 25th, 2010 16:11

id love to get a real sword but ummm, it's $640. and the other models come to around 548, yes that's only $100, but im also buying Russian bdu's, witch adds $160. I plan on, spending only $708ish. well the RS nearly costs the same as every thing on I plan on buying, sure ill try to get $1000. but with my income yeah i dont think so, But the question still remains, SRC, G&G ICS

Kid August 25th, 2010 16:15

And you'll need a good charger, goggles, BBs, battery, extra mags, a vest to carry the mags, some good boots, etc.

The RS Type 56-2 is $540. It's not Russian, but it's an AK and it's in your price range.

If you decide to not listen to us and go with another brand, I vote ICS.

Honestly though, eat rice for a few weeks and get the RealSword.

Ryansumms August 25th, 2010 16:22

I have every thing listed above,ok ill try to get the RS, but that's in the likely account I cant ill get the ics. and im already living off rice lol. nah it's just the damn green gas and g&g bbs, is the money problems

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