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sortie39 July 30th, 2010 20:18

How much is the authentic Cadpat worth?
could anyone tell me the normal price of the real cadpat?Not the high quality commercial one!!

cuz i just found sb selling the pants for $200??

is that trustworthy ? cuz i often see sb throwing away the real,but worn pants,or jacket just for $30 or $40 in the classifield?

any info will be deeply appreicated in advance!

Gunny_McSmith July 30th, 2010 20:20

AFAIK Real CADPAT is now prohibited to sell to the public = price is so high for a pair of pants....

sortie39 July 30th, 2010 20:28


Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith (Post 1286623)
AFAIK Real CADPAT is now prohibited to sell to the public = price is so high for a pair of pants....

not in the public,i found a guy who used to be in the military,can u be more specific?

cuz i did see some guys sell the old pants just for a couple of bucks.

HeadlessChicken July 30th, 2010 20:29

Surplus maybe? I also heard its illegal to sell genuine cadpat to public.

Gunny_McSmith July 30th, 2010 21:55

there's an article about it somewhere on

pugs144 July 30th, 2010 22:02


Originally Posted by sortie39 (Post 1286622)
could anyone tell me the normal price of the real cadpat?Not the high quality commercial one!!

cuz i just found sb selling the pants for $200??

is that trustworthy ? cuz i often see sb throwing away the real,but worn pants,or jacket just for $30 or $40 in the classifield?

any info will be deeply appreicated in advance!

Tried talking to Dave's Surplus? 604-524-5867

Dart July 30th, 2010 22:26

btw its also against the law to sell your uniform if your Ex CF.... My brother couldn't even give me his OD stuff when they switched the camo.

ouyin2000 July 30th, 2010 22:43

If you're finding "authentic" CADPAT in the "approved" Canadian Forces cut, then it is illegal to buy it, or sell it.

Most of the stuff you'll find will be either the same material/cut or the same colour pattern/combination, but it is unlikely that you will (legally) find both.

The Parklands/Frontenac/CP Gear stuff is just fine to play around the bush in. And it is MUCH cheaper than buying the real stuff.

sortie39 July 31st, 2010 01:32


Originally Posted by pugs144 (Post 1286685)
Tried talking to Dave's Surplus? 604-524-5867

i did,they said no!but i think they always do the undergroud deals..

AS92-RD July 31st, 2010 01:56

It's not worth a shortage of materiels for troops. So just don't bother and get something else. I have CADPAT material in ACU cut. It's actually quite practical.

Ozone06 August 1st, 2010 19:51

I would really reccomend the cadpat in acu if you're rocking a chest rig, the normal 4 pocket config on regular tunics gets in the way with a rig while the acu tunic has some handy sideways chest pockets with a pile of pockets on the arms with some female Velcro for morale patches
Or flags, just say no to using unit/specialist patches if you didn't earn it don't wear it!

The Chad August 1st, 2010 20:29

I got CADPAT AR in the original cut here in Kitchener for 80$. Keep looking around at surplus stores, that's where I got mine.

CMac August 1st, 2010 23:16

Is it possible to get hands on Army Cadet issue cadpat uniform? Is it at all similar?

Kokanee August 1st, 2010 23:20

Didn't the army cadets go w/ MARPAT for their ill-fated combats?

AS92-RD August 2nd, 2010 00:36


Originally Posted by Kokanee (Post 1287742)
Didn't the army cadets go w/ MARPAT for their ill-fated combats?

Or as they call it, CADETPAT.

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