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FC4L July 10th, 2010 04:25

Can anyone identify this? (lots of pics if)
The pack worn by Charlie Sheen in 'Platoon'.

I'm putting together a full cosplay/airsoft loadout based on Sheen's character Chris Taylor. I've identified almost everything he's got but this pack completely alludes me. So far I've got the following;

Starts with a JG M16A1

Jungle fatigue shirt and pants

25th infantry subdued patch

Subdued name tapes which I want on even though through most of the film he doesn't have them

Jungle boots

M1 helmet on the way with a clean Mitchel cover to write Taylor's infamous quote

M56 belt

M67 suspenders

x2 M56 magazine pounches

x2 M56 canteen covers with 2x modern but same size/shape canteens

M181A bayonet with scabbard

M56 Compass case (notice the continuity error?)

USMC First aide kit

Era dog tags with Taylor's name and serial number but the blood type my own since I have no idea what his actually said

M56 E-Tool and cover

OD towel (need to find a doo rag)

Working on the claymore bag

Maybe I will get a magazine bandolier

The bandanna

And the watch

I can tell in the pack he's got another canteen and I'm not looking to replicate the rocket launcher or machete. Can anyone help?

Also any ideas for the M26 grenades? The only thing I can find are the airsoft type but kind of pricey for more of a costume piece than useable item. The lighters they have on ebay are 2" tall and tiny.

Lord of Rebirth July 10th, 2010 13:36

I'm pretty fail on most 'Nam gear but isn't the rocket launcher an M72 LAW? I have seen several "airsoft" versions that launch something like a rubber/plastic ball I believe but I have no knowledge of availability in Canada or how to get. If you scratch build such a thing I'd say make it so it can either hold and fire 40MM grenades and/or have an internal expansion chamber so it can fire nerf footballs or something like that. As for the machete either look online through tons of machetes till you find one with the right shape and handle or try a hunting/fishing shop.

AngelusNex July 10th, 2010 13:44


Originally Posted by Lord of Rebirth (Post 1271442)
I'm pretty fail on most 'Nam gear but isn't the rocket launcher an M72 LAW? I have seen several "airsoft" versions that launch something like a rubber/plastic ball I believe but I have no knowledge of availability in Canada or how to get. If you scratch build such a thing I'd say make it so it can either hold and fire 40MM grenades and/or have an internal expansion chamber so it can fire nerf footballs or something like that. As for the machete either look online through tons of machetes till you find one with the right shape and handle or try a hunting/fishing shop.

He's asking about the bag, not it's contents.

And sorry, I can't help.

Bowers July 10th, 2010 13:49

im also new when it comes to nam gear but it kind of looks like an ARVN rucksack

FC4L July 10th, 2010 14:48


Originally Posted by Bowers (Post 1271453)
im also new when it comes to nam gear but it kind of looks like an ARVN rucksack

Bingo! Thank you! You win a cookie!

matt91 September 8th, 2010 22:24

its just called a jungle rucksack with x-frame and they hade a two pocket and three pocket version in vietnam. as for the m26s g&g sells fake 20$ ones you can use as bb holders

Rooster September 8th, 2010 22:49

ehobby has the bb holder m26's. Not sure how they are for size but at $5 a piece it might be worth a shot. And they are clear so no import worries, just paint em OD when you get em..

the_griffinator September 9th, 2010 10:40

for the M26 VFC makes an M26 gas charger. Really cool way to keep your propane/duster on you without having to haul around a huge tank.

Renegade) September 9th, 2010 10:51

You can get almost anything you need from

FC4L November 4th, 2010 03:46


Originally Posted by matt91 (Post 1311973)
its just called a jungle rucksack with x-frame and they hade a two pocket and three pocket version in vietnam. as for the m26s g&g sells fake 20$ ones you can use as bb holders

Do you have a link for this?


Originally Posted by Rooster (Post 1311995)
ehobby has the bb holder m26's. Not sure how they are for size but at $5 a piece it might be worth a shot. And they are clear so no import worries, just paint em OD when you get em..

These are what you are reffering to?

I'm guessing these would have some sort of importing issues?


Originally Posted by Renegade) (Post 1312175)
You can get almost anything you need from

I've already found that site and put in an order. However they don't tend to carry the rucksack and don't/can't sell dummy nades. They do have a fall clearance sale on now with up to 20% off.

I dressed up for Halloween in my load out as it was pretty warm still and it was fun. Got lots of looks from kids and my dollar store M-16 (haven't yet found a JG one in Canada) both made sounds and lite up. Passed it to my little niece who was dressed as Minnie Mouse and turned her into psycho Minnie!

Any tips on cheap empty M16 magazines? Don't want to spend a pile just to fill out my bandolier.

Next project will be Charlie's dad Martin from Apocalypse Now. A lot of carry-over items with new fatiques and mitchel cover, plus a sidearm.

FC4L April 20th, 2011 13:36

Good news! Finaly scored a not rediculously priced ARVN Rucksack off ebay. Now only to wait until it arrives!

Also ordered 3 M26's from ehobby. Hope they make it here ok.

FC4L October 21st, 2011 03:41

Wow how time flies. Didn't realize it's been so long since I last updated this thread. Well it's almost Halloween and as I'm headed out in full Chris Taylor gear I thought I'd post a few pics of wht I've been able to assemble.

First, I did get the semi-clear grenades from ehobbyasia with no hassels.

They look very close to the real thing and the spoon is actually a seperate piece attached to the top with a plastic rod 'pin'. I broke those off pretty easily.

Next, reading some tips on a BMX thread about painting plastic I first washed each grenade with soapy water and rinsed clean. I grabbed a blow torch on low and heated the plastic till it looked wet and wiped off the chemical release with a clean rag. Then I took them out to the garage and began the process of applying 7 coats of flat OD green spraypaint. I wore dispoable plastic gloves the entire time so no finger oils would contaminate the paint.

I think they turned out great! Best of all is because of the prep-work the paint is SOLID. It doesn't mark up bad or scratch off at all. But I didn't think the little plastic 'pin' looked authentic enough so I bought a lot of 20 used M26 pins on ebay. Had to bore out the hole through the top and spoon a little to give them some flex but wow what a difference! Thinking if I find some extra authentic spoons on ebay I'll grab them and make these things look even better. Other than being super light.

So now the REAL hard part. Getting the infamous written quote from Taylor's helmet to look just right. I got a great couple of screen shots and put them together in photoshop to extract the text. I tried to print it off onto heat transfer paper and iron it onto the mitchell cover but that failed. So I took a regular paper print-out and placed it on the helmet, grabbed a good sharpie and under traced the quote on. Again I think it came out pretty good considering the angles and that I never could get a clean shot of the last part so I had to free-hand it. And I suck at free-hand tracing.

For comparrison. Throughout the film the placement of the text would move around the helmet so I placed it as best as I could.

And finally the reason this thread was created in the first place, the ARVN Rucksack. Looks a little dull without being stuffed full so I'm going to grab some cotton batting for effect.

2 of the 3 grenades, the helmet and rucksack all ready for the 31st. Thanks for the help and suggestions and I'll propably post some pics of the full load-out soon.

MrEvolution October 21st, 2011 23:59

Very nicely done.

Armyissue October 22nd, 2011 10:53

nice but needs more dirt. oh and Tiger Blood.

FC4L November 1st, 2011 04:06

A couple pics from earlier tonight. Used a $6.99 M-16 from one of those Halloween super stores so as not to scar the kids (or adults, or cops) and got lots of compliments. Scared the shizzle out of a former co-worker when I jumped out from behind a corner and unloaded on him. It was great!

Sorry the pics are kinda crappy. Had my 7 year old niece take them. Need to get the better shots from my sister still.

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