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cbcsteve February 18th, 2009 02:53

Blammo Kill-Marker
A new interesting marking BB, better than your crappy blowup in the gun BBs

Supposedly can be washed off easily.

Website Here:

More info here

YouTube - Blammo Kill-Marker 2

pusangani February 18th, 2009 03:04

ahh Steve, once a paintballer eh :D

Shirley February 18th, 2009 03:08

Nice find, I like the colours. But it still won't be accurate..

dpvu February 18th, 2009 03:20

Looks better than crappy paint filled ones. Perhaps maybe once they get some heavier weights and stuff it'd be good. Still can't be like paintball because the mark's pretty small.

Amos February 18th, 2009 03:25

I prefer when people just call their hits or get banned from playing :)

cbcsteve February 18th, 2009 03:46


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 921835)
ahh Steve, once a paintballer eh :D

Yup still gotta relive it one way or another

Actually went to Defcon during the normal hours to do some picture taking of the games when it first opened. Loaded the old gat and showed the noobs the old semi power has its virute over the ramped electric ones.


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 921842)
I prefer when people just call their hits or get banned from playing :)

Yeah but how else are you going to paint a happy face on your opponent

pusangani February 18th, 2009 03:59

with welts hehehe jk

HaZarD SFD February 18th, 2009 07:38

Read up on their research.. looks actually well thought up and executed..
I might run a bag for fun.

Drake February 18th, 2009 08:02

I'm sure some people will be thrilled at getting paint on their gear.

There's this other sport, its very similar to airsoft but it uses paint: it's called paintball. Get RAP4s and play that if you want paint.

whisper_kill February 18th, 2009 08:47

I think it is an interesting "option" for games. But it would need to be mass accepted in order to run even a mid-sized game using this stuff, it seems like an everyone uses it or no one uses it type scenario. I would be interested in seeing it first hand, more of a curiosity than anything.

cloves February 18th, 2009 14:35

so from what i'm reading it's just a coating on the outside of the bb? Will that mess up your gun?

pusangani February 18th, 2009 14:39

if it is a coating, then the inner barrel would be covered in it, not so good for the guns.

I for one don't want paint on my gear and I'm no gear whore either :D

L473ncy February 18th, 2009 14:40

Will this coating rub off in tightbores?

How exactly is the coating applied to a piece of clothing? Will it only mark when the BB is at a certain velocity and hits?

Sounds interesting but still it's like we want to be paintballers. We don't need a marking system all we need is, "You cheated so you're banned from playing with us".

cbcsteve February 18th, 2009 14:43

I posted this up as a means for curiosity but obviously not a sign to change the gameplay


Originally Posted by whisper_kill (Post 921884)
I think it is an interesting "option" for games. But it would need to be mass accepted in order to run even a mid-sized game using this stuff, it seems like an everyone uses it or no one uses it type scenario. I would be interested in seeing it first hand, more of a curiosity than anything.

Yeah I am along the lines of curiosity too would be interesting to play around with it.


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 921860)
I'm sure some people will be thrilled at getting paint on their gear.

There's this other sport, its very similar to airsoft but it uses paint: it's called paintball. Get RAP4s and play that if you want paint.

Are people that finnickey of getting dirt on their camo?

I've played in outdoor fields and paintball fields, even in indoor fields with no paint there still are dust bunnies that get smudged on my gear.

Rain I would understand, it was not pretty mud everywhere, deep water holes that looked like puddles and unprotected batteries connections malfunctioning

cbcsteve February 18th, 2009 14:46


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 922104)
if it is a coating, then the inner barrel would be covered in it, not so good for the guns.

I for one don't want paint on my gear and I'm no gear whore either :D


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 922105)
Will this coating rub off in tightbores?

How exactly is the coating applied to a piece of clothing? Will it only mark when the BB is at a certain velocity and hits?

Sounds interesting but still it's like we want to be paintballers. We don't need a marking system all we need is, "You cheated so you're banned from playing with us".

Aw man you LAZY BUMS!

It said it can wipe off with a wet cloth off your gear.

And the coating does leave residue but says to not be damaging. It can be taken off with a normal swab.

I mean after a long period of use with normal BBs I noticed some minimal amount of dirt from the fields and very minimal amount of sludge from the lube in my gun inside the inner barrel but it wipes away like normal

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