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Yankee May 22nd, 2008 11:47

What kind of style..?

I'm new to airsoft, and I'm now looking to get an uniform and a couple or gears.. But I wondering if it's better to go on something looklike a real military style (CF, USMC...) or going on a multi-military stuff... For exemple ; A World War II german camouflage set with a modern tactical vest and a M16.

Personally, I would like to go with a multi-military look, but I don't want to go in a game and everyone look at me like I'm wearing a pink bunny suit.


Jiggiwatt May 22nd, 2008 12:34

It's best to stick with something more common for your first set of BDU's since it makes fitting onto a particular team easier during games. Usually you'll have Greens vs Desert, or something along those lines.

I'd recommend Multi-cam, Marpat or Cadpat as your first set since you can get repro stuff fairly easy and at a good price. If you have money to burn, there's legit stuff you can get your hands on easily enough.

If you want something a little more unique, you can always pick something a little less common such as Tiger Stripe or Flecktarn. European stuff is easy enough to find and isn't found in great quantity during most games. I'm a flecktarn man myself.

In most games, there's an OPFOR themed team so you can always put something together like this :

You mentioned WWII German stuff...there is a small community of WWII airsofters, however it's kind of difficult to create an authentic look without spending a lot of money.

At the end of the day, you should go with whatever look you feel works best and whichever gear set you find works for you and your equipment. Have a good look through the Themed Airsoft forum and see if anything strikes your fancy :

kalnaren May 22nd, 2008 14:15


Personally, I would like to go with a multi-military look
Well, there's your answer.

CDN_Stalker May 22nd, 2008 14:57

Wear what you want, is all dependant on what you like about airsoft, want to skirmish? Wear anything. Want to dress up and look like ***** soldier, then go for that. Want to collect an outfit right down to the last detail, such as US Marine in Vietnam, go for it. Even civies have it's place in airsoft these days.

Roughneck May 22nd, 2008 15:04

Wear what's effective. I personally hate the look of Cadpat.. but it works great in wooded areas so I use it when it suits. When working with a limited budget, I spend my money on gear and weapons and just keep the basics as far as BDU's go. Again, it's all a personal preference.. no one can tell you what AEG's to buy, same as no one can tell you what BDU's to wear.

CDN_Stalker May 22nd, 2008 15:09


Originally Posted by Spencer (Post 723858)
Wear what's effective. I personally hate the look of Cadpat.. but it works great in wooded areas so I use it when it suits. When working with a limited budget, I spend my money on gear and weapons and just keep the basics as far as BDU's go. Again, it's all a personal preference.. no one can tell you what AEG's to buy, same as no one can tell you what BDU's to wear.

Unless one is on a team.

<Psst, when are you getting multicam Doug?>

deadman101 May 22nd, 2008 15:25

i would say wear what you feel comfortable in if u want 2 wear a cf uniform go to town like i wear whats best for my load out when i run my m14 i have a TT OD premade vest that works perfectly but i pretty much always run a digi combats becouse most the veterans do aswell so i like to be on that team lol

Drake May 22nd, 2008 15:50


Originally Posted by NessMcCool (Post 723762)
Personally, I would like to go with a multi-military look, but I don't want to go in a game and everyone look at me like I'm wearing a pink bunny suit.

You can wear what you like, I've often seen people fielding uncommon patterns (some of the less common Russian patterns, or even Alpenflage, among others); in that respect a WW2 pattern like Splintertarn, for example, would work fine.

There are a few things to keep in mind however:

Firstly, you'd better feel very secure about your choices, because you WILL be the odd man out wearing that setup (unless you're playing in a game where one faction is using a lot of mismatched camo).

Most players tend to stick to a general theme, in terms of look: color matching, if you will. So if you start wearing some wildly mismatched patterns, you will stick out like a sore thumb and yes, you will become a funny looks magnet.

So ask yourself what vest/colors you'd use for accessories etc. and how well it'll integrate with whatever camo you chose. (and beyond that, ask yourself how effective the camo you chose is in the environment where you're playing)

Secondly, be aware that some games have specific kit requirements; you'll need one of the specific sets of camo to play. If this is the only gear you're getting you might be painting yourself into a corner if you go with something too unusual. Check out the game section to see the types of setups that are sometimes (often?) required.

In that respect you'd be better off with one of the more common patterns. Safe bets are Multicam (I hate it personally, but it seems just about everyone has some now), US Woodland (oldschool, non digital, easily obtainable and inexpensive, and it works in our environment), and Desert MARPAT (digital, available in both repro and surplus, good for "desert team", can easily be confused with Arid CADPAT if necessary).

CDN_Stalker May 22nd, 2008 18:20

Funny thing about multicam, seemed only those that could afford it bought it and used it, then Huang and others come out with cheap replica multicam the same time that some special forces guys are starting to use it, RCMP tactical squads are using it, seen a bunch of 101st Airborne wearing it, etc. etc. And at this point, because of the cheap MC, it's become the new 'noob-camo' (after Frontenac cadpat) the same time as elite soldier/LE units are picking it up.

Even if guys like Morbius claim it's 'AirsoftPAT' (even though he owns 'WalMARPAT' and loves it), isn't it safe to say that "Airsofters lead the way!!!!!" Lmfao

DuffMan May 22nd, 2008 20:48


Originally Posted by NessMcCool (Post 723762)
wearing a pink bunny suit.

it's been done.

Yankee May 23rd, 2008 01:28


Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs (Post 724102)
it's been done.

Haha, I'm sure is't a nice camo!

Gigaknight May 23rd, 2008 01:41

Hmm, I think Flecktarn is pretty damn sexy... or maybe it's the German guns.

Turd May 23rd, 2008 01:47

I do a semi multi look, digital acu bdu with a black vest, black kneepads and a black MICH helmet pretty mixed and matched but looks good, kinda like the dudes from V for Vendetta when they are guarding the parliament building from the mob...if uve seen it lol

Firewalker May 23rd, 2008 05:51

multi military?

Easiest way to do so you have three choices.

Olive Drab. The plain old olive drab is the easiest way to go and there's plenty of options for gear in Olive Drab.

Woodland Camouflage. Arguably, the most common pattern on earth.

All black. Got the SWAT/SAS/Special Forces thing going.

I'd recommend Woodland, as it's easy to come across (hell you can even buy it at wal-mart in some cases), plus you can use it in tons of scenarios. Gear is easy to come across and you can use plain coloured gear (olive drab vest) which will still be useable if you decide to go with a more individual camouflage.

Gunk May 23rd, 2008 07:10

I love my OD stuff. It works, keeps me not naked when in the field, it's everywhere... and mostly everything works with it, and it works with everything else. It doesn't keep you invisible in all terrain, but you can mix with almost any other camo pattern. Plus, not too many people run with OD anymore... it all seems to be the digi stuff or whatever is in fashion this season, Cadpat, Marpat, Multicam...

In short, Olive Drab FTW.

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