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Canadian Airsoft Girls Calendar
Well here's a crazy thought.
Lets make a Calendar one for each province Tasteful and comfort if you don't feel comfortable in a situation say it and who ever is in charge of your province will try to make you feel better. this is a lot of responsibility both legally and ethically the weak need not apply well there's gonna have to be people appointed for each province to make sure everything is done well and right. The shots can be done in any environment that reflects airsoft and that the girl feels comfortable in. group shots would be nice. like stacking up on a door, or tactics through the woods. be creative! tell me what you think tell me if your interested tell me everything! |
well, i'd make sure the girls are happy with the pics... But i cant take em... lol
Interesting, Let me ask my GF and see if I can convinced her to take a shot but still we need photographer and so on, so who would volunteer for that in Montreal. My GF is Asian so would be some fun to have some Asian girl on Calendar.
you wouldn't have to take them, you can basically be the go to gal.
make sure the girls don't have issues with the photographers, making sure the photographers are on time and doing things right, making sure that there are enough girls, and who's posing when, i'm gonna have to dig up my image release forms and property release forms to so there isn't a legal issue. people in charge of the provinces are mediators, council, organizers, photographers, critics, models everything! thats why i said its not a task for the weak. I would never except a person to run more then one province. also if some one feels they can't keep up, divide up the responsibilities among people who are working on the calendar in your area. so have one person working on the photographers, one working on the models, another with the weapons, another with locations. this is a team effort no one person can make this succeed . |
who ever is up for it is more than welcome. as for Montreal as i said we're gonna have to put together teams of people for each province to make this work. I'd love to help but money is tight. Are there any people who you know, who do some good work? ask them to help out. lethal barbie seems interested in helping. see what you guys could put together |
let me be the glass of cold water in the face of your reality
How will you fund the printing of this? How will you fund the distribution? have you thought this out beyond "would'nt it be cool if" |
As for the Montreal area, if anybody interesting then shot me a PM. Right now , I can provide two thing as for the team work, -Model ( For makeup and whatever is not an issue since that thing is her professional ) -Weapon ( Right now, I only can provide my custom M4 but other weapon would be consider if other people would be willing to help ) So for Montreal, there are only a few spot left to work this out, KND |
calendars would be made in bulk. there are deals everywhere or we can make them to order distribution ASC mart, privately there are options which brings up other things, talking to who ever is running ASC mart, making sure they're okay with it. the profits would be for ASC and to cover costs. basically fund raising for ASC. |
I volun-tell White_Knight to take the pictures.
well what province is he from? what are of the province? and he's gotta come on here himself and volunteer. right now we have Nova Scotia- NOBODY New Brunswick - NOBODY Prince Edward Island - NOBODY Newfoundland - NOBODY Labrador - NOBODY Quebec - KND, Lethal Barbie Ontario - Me Manitoba - NOBODY Nunavut - NOBODY Saskatchewan - NOBODY Northwest Territories - NOBODY Alberta - NOBODY Yukon Territory - NOBODY British Columbia - NOBODY |
I could be the photographer for the Montreal photoshoot. I got all the gear needed and the skills.
well there we go, talk to knd and see whats going on. I'll be posting the release forms soon. 1 copy to model, 1 copy to photographer, 1 copy to province rep.
Perhaps you should talk to the people at ASC mart before organizing a calender that they're supposed to sell.
You're assuming a lot of Canadian airsofters will want calenders of women (who are mostly wives, fiancees and girlfriends of players) holding airsoft guns, without the usual standard for attractiveness that makes/breaks the typical professional model calenders. You'll have to convince someone to fund the calender and accept the risk of printing off hundreds of physical calenders that might not sell. Not to mention that calenders, being year specific, quickly loses their value over time. I've seen calender projects turn into money wasters first hand. You're better off making an electronic version and limiting yourself to that, instead of trying to get too ambitious right off the bat. |
I'm sure everyone would want to see me pose wearing nothing but a multicam speedo and dual drop-leg holsters. Mmmmmmmm sexy....
Ok, now that I've dispensed adequate mental eye-bleach for everyone, you can carry on with your regularly scheduled thread, already in progress... |
I'm sorry KND but it would not be a calendar of gf of airsoft players... It would be only girls that ACTUALLY make it to games... If not, why the hell would we not ask models to do it instead... It's the girls of airsoft canada, not the girlfriends of airsoft canada... Sorry, but am i the only one here that think this is not right???
I think that's how it should be, Lethal Barbie. The issue is more of whether there are enough female airsofters (12? one for each month?) in all of Canada willing to pose for the calendar. And as superficial as this might sound, it needs to be 12 female airsofters who are easy on the eyes.
for sure there is 12... that i'm sure... and its cool if its a gf, but that actually plays,... lol
Ok ! then count me out !!!
The issue is we don't have much female airsofter who is in action. So Good Luck ! If the calendar manage to come out then I will be happy to buy one as well. KND Edit, The point is asking model to make a shot is not something that low on budget and volunteer. That's why I volunteer and take girlfriend for model but if we're all manage to get 12 female airsofter to make a calendar then it would be fine for me and I'm gladly buying one. |
i have met at least 7 on the field... and those are the ones i met... so i'm sure we can manage 12... and if more, than we could plit some pages... When there's a will, there,s a way...
I'm sure Crunch will volunteer as filler for the months you can't find people to model for :)
12 months of Crunch, and some girls who were at the shoot too... |
Hey, lets ask Ronan to take the photos, hopefully we'll get a better rate than 1500$ an hour...
It's a joke Crunch.... You know i love you... |
I got a decent camera with some camera equipment...I'm not the best with it though but its available for this project if need be.
Meh, it's bad enough that I've probably already scarred poor Barbie for life as it is. I don't need make everyone on ASC want to shoot themselves.. lol
Well, looks like I scarred Sepulcrum with my earilier comment, but he's already pretty fucked anyway, so that doesn't count...:D |
I think if it was made alot of players would buy one. Even without girls a calender with sexy guns everymonth that sold to raise money for the site would be a great idea. Either way I love girls and guns and would buy one for every room in my house! Maybe a guns only one for the kitchen though.LOL
I think Aquamarine could probly do photos for Sask, he is an amazing photographer and I used to do some photographer work in the past as well. I would also be able to supply the female talent for the shoots with ease unfortunetly they wouldnt be actual active airsoft players.
well, then it would not be the canadian airsoft girls calendar, but just pretty girls with airsoft... I mean dont get me wrong, if thats what the guys would prefer, and i'm sure it is... Than that is cool... But that would not represent the real actual girls that plays... But then, you could put them in bikinis and stuff like that...
my wife has played a few games (she typically works on the local game day), but we've snapped a few pics.
I'd rather see http://img246.imageshack.us/img246/2...ripwalk.th.jpg In a Calander than the 'pretty' dress or bikini shots http://img382.imageshack.us/img382/9...wedding.th.jpg |
Very true, it would just simply be another Calander of pretty girls with guns. Plan B: Ugly guys, nice guns. |
Girls + Guns..? :)
I love the idea if you can pull it off. Let's be realistic about it though. It's a great tribute to the girls to play and a great way to promote women and airsoft! Soooo maybe they all aren't "Easy on the Eyes" but do you really think the majority of us guys are? :P Comon lol.. Alright maybe with the exception of Crunch but still... If this was going to go down I think Game shots would be best, the real girls in action. I would buy one, but that goes along with my addiction to Airsoft lol! :D
Well as i said this began with an idea. and it still is, i want to see how many people are for it and against it. if there isn't enough people who want to pose for the calendar or buy it. the project would be scrapped. now the modeling issue. Canadian Airsoft Girls, pretty self explanatory any girl can pick up a airsoft gun strike a pose and look good, but as lethal barbie has said a few times its a calendar for the girls who really play, I've got 3 models that i could get to pose for me, but that's in case we need filler those spots will be up for any girl that's willing, but this is a calendar for the girls who play, and now i'm hearing about people talking about rejecting girls because they're not all that to look at? first thing a joke; that's what the masks are for :P second its an airsoft calendar, everyone who wants to be can be in it I'm not here to discriminate between the girls. any girl who plays airsoft and is proud of it is more than welcome to say "i want in on this calendar" I will be trying to attend as many events as possible so feel free to come up and talk to me, preferably not under fire. I'm the guy with R.I.T.Z painted on the back of his helmet in red Now to deal with the speedo wearing crunch. how about a guy calendar? i think it'll be easier to find people to pose, and group shots will be larger! a group shot of guys in speedo's with their gear ! |
But back to the calender, still great idea and willing to support. Just need implementation! :) |
i'm just glad to see that there is some positive support for all of this. and before even the first person poses for all of this we need to see how many girls want to do this who play airsoft. I have two Lethal Barbie Tokyo Seven not that i'm complaining that a calendar with just them wouldn't be hot and sell well, but i'm pretty sure that a calendar would be a little better with more than two girls |
lol Well, I'm sure KEN "Tokyoseven" would be glad to pose...
Now i have put the idea with some girls i know that plays... Awaiting some responses... Now for the easy on the eyes or not, everygirl i met were pretty... Maybe we ain't Megan Fox or anything like that, but nothing to make you shiver and make you wanna skip a month... But yet, i did not see a lot of Hayden Chritianson or Hugh Jackman in airsoft either... Now i know it's just an idea, and it needs lots of work, bla bla... We still have a good 7 months... But it is also a good opportunitie for the girls to show up at games and pose for the camera... And for all the Ronan's out there to take pictures of them and say it would be for the calendar... lol Basically, it would be something fun to do... And like i said, i am speaking for myself, but i'm sure lots of giirls would be happy to do it... I will talk about it at games when i see a girl, and try to convince her... BTW, here is an example where i feel it reflects Airsoft and a girl all shown in good taste... Or so i think... http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-...72410_7680.jpg |
as for your photo its great, those are the kind of shots that will make or break this calendar |
HT will be taking some pics of our friends in gear with proper stances and such sometime this summer. I'll contribute a couple months with that. ;)
<<< not the best lookin but would love to contribute for the meaning of the calender, actual women that get up in the moring to go to the field to get sweaty, dirty and shot at! Personally if it were models id be pissed! Some full hair and made up Bit, with a gun that she has not idea wtf it is and what it does, holding it cuz some guy handed it to her as said hold it like this..... shot in some studio. Just my opinion.
My cuzin is a photographer and is in Regina, and would love to do a shot like this! Plus i dont think Aquamarine is going to be in Canada much longer, would however love for him to shoot it too! BUT not wanting to volunteer anyone, will see about posting a thread on PDW too see if any of the local girls that have played would be intireasted! Kat |
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before anything gets shot or published and things get slightly out of hand i'm gonna post something very important model and property release forms.
they have to be signed by the people in the pictures, the photographer, and the owner of the property that your taking pictures on. i don't want this coming back and biting anyone on the ass so please please please use them, make sure everyone gets a copy. the model the photographer and property owner along with one copy needs to be kept by you. and its great to hear people are up for this |
going onlong my mery way of the day and thought......
the only way theyre going to know there are girls are in the pics are due to the name of the calender. Well, i shouldnt assume that im not the only one that does not look like a chick in full gear.... sorry, i think i need to keep my opinions to myself! lmao Kat |
and i'm pretty sure the guys will know that they're looking at girls, :D |
I think
That the best approach would be very well camoflaged women in landscape photos where you can't actually see them... right off
so you have 1 photo for each month .. in the season of the month with 1 camoflaged female airsofter hidden in the picture. Then it's not about "who's attractive or not" it about who's hidden the best. I'd buy that calendar.. |
but remember use the release forms, don't think your safe all the way back in japan, the law shall find thee! if anyone is up for it, post your head shots, we'll talk, see who can take the pictures, and see where this all takes us |
Basically what happens is you upload your file, and then you get an url that links to the calendar/book, that you can advertise wherever you like (you can get Buy Now buttons too). When (and only when) someone orders one, then one is printed off and sent to them. Lulu takes a cut over and above the cost of printing it off, and the rest you keep. They will either mail out a cheque quarterly or PayPal you the profits monthly. The best part about them is that if no one buys one, you are out NO money, and as soon as you sell ONE, you've made a profit. I.e., no risk. Check them out. |
thanks a bunch.
thats some great info there. |
Mikhail's wife Chris here again... :) As someone who's worked on collaborative long-distance projects before, I think this could be a lot of fun, and is absolutely doable. I also think you're getting a bit over-complicated in the execution, what with provincial photographers and representatives and all.
What I'd suggest is put the word out to the girls that you're taking submissions for the calendar. Let THEM sort out their photographers (friend, boyfriend, whatever), and have them email a designated person their say five best shots. Have a standard size, quality, and format they should send them in at (jpeg, 400 dpi, whatever), so the shots can be blown up to calendar size without losing too much resolution. Then the editor(s) pick the twelve best shots and put the calendar together. I'd suggest additionally that if it's an action or distance shot (i.e. it's hard to pick out the player let alone tell they're female lol), that perhaps a head shot be included, or a shot of the player if the main shot is a bit camo-y (i.e. she's hard to see lol). They can include a little blurb to go where you'd get the usual photo description in the calendar (you know, the standard "Sunset over Banff National Park" bit) that has maybe her call sign, and say her loadout and how long she's been playing. You know. Something that makes her a person as well as a figure in a picture, and also proves she's an actual player and not just a model lol. May go out and shoot some pics ourselves in a bit. Oh, the waivers are a good idea. |
Yes, thats me. |
Yay... Girls are starting to get on board, that is awesome... And let me say, it aint a freaking beauty contest... IT's to represent the actual girls in airsoft... Yes you can wear some make up, lol, i do, but nothing big... What you see is what you get... And for some that think that they would not like it, well, just dont buy the freaking calendar... lol It,s a really cool idea, and i feel i'm repeating myself, but we want the real girls of airsoft... lol If u paint your face when you play, well, go ahead... If you dont feel comfortable with a tank top, dont wear one... I believe that everyone is beautiful, and a good photograph can prove it to you...
aqua, your pics are awesome, so i'm sure you could manage to get a few... |
finally some one who supports the idea fully! |
wait your turn
and yeah i think lethal barbie has repeated herself plenty of times with good points this is for girls who play airsoft every girl is welcome pose however comfortable you are if you don't like the calendar don't buy it nobody is forcing you! |
http://www.sfmcanada.org/english/ima...stalForest.jpg Miss April! http://www.nps.gov/slbe/planyourvisi...st_556x400.jpg And the super sexy Miss July! http://www.msmary.edu/bin/d/c/Rocky_Forest_Path.jpg |
LOL thats great. i like the locations. |
Okay soo...
Alright, honestly.. Are there or aren't there people in those pictures TokyoSeven because honestly, I think I am going to go blind if I strain my eyes anymore lol!
Nice locations for sure :) |
Alright the others may have been a little hard then again they may not have had any people in them at all, then again maybe they did but were just hidden really well. Heres an easy one, if you miss this Im going to fire you...out of a cannon...into the sun. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/j...en/Forest1.jpg |
I'm not seeing it....
I see it...
I think I see it.. Top left hand side-ish..
Nice footnote in the bottom right :D |
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I'll ask my Gf and see if she would. I don't think she would have any problems. Unless of course the pic they wanted to use was this one, cause I don't think thats her good side.
Je suis in pour la région de québec
so far we have 8, ii think... Kiss This Kris Barbie and Chris (mikhael wife's, lol) Diva Primary BadKat Millerbros's wife Goddess Of War and its been a week since we started talking about it... not tooo bad... |
well, i have one more girl willing... the lovely Diva... we are now 6, lol
Sorry badkat, i had forgotten your name on the list, but your still on... lol |
its all good with all the hills and valleys between us i understand...lol!
Kat |
Female airsofters in bodypaint camo!
Sorry, it had to be said. :) |
I'm the only chick who plays airsoft in PEI, and I'm not exactly the photograph type.....
:( |
beating LB to the response, every woman is beutiful! and a chick that plays airsoft is hot!!! I dont care for pics either Cloves but to support a sport where we are few is an exception. Plus, wear whats comfortable :D
Kat damn too late :( lol |
i'd actually have to take the time to gets some decent pics....the only ones I have right now are "in game" from last summer...while shooting my Kraken...I have a prettier gun now!!
like i said...all my pics aren't posed...but "in game"...and you can't even see my face!!
here's an example http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e2...eiairsoftC.jpg |
one of our players brought a camera out to the field that day and took photos through a few of our scrims. This was while running through our cqb area.
here's one in the woods http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e2...eiairsoftB.jpg so what kind of pics are you actually looking for? Posed pics? in gear? or just regular street clothing and our guns? |
how about nothing but a chest rig? lol
Well.. if you really want a good set up I would recommend having a frontal shot posed on one side and an action shot on the other. This way folks get to see the person in a staged photo for recognition and the action pic showing the person having fun.
get the girls in a action shot and then in the corner have thier stats a "mug shot" girls name, ASC name, how long they've been playing, loadout, and a little blurb about them. and if its a group shot that i have yet to figure out. |
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don't laugh, i know its bad
but its only a EXAMPLE |
Thats an awesome idea! and makes sense! |
Ok, I'm just going to come out and say this now and get it out of the way.
If you can find 12 women across this country who play airsoft, AND are attractive enough to entice someone to buy a calendar featuring them, I'll eat my boonie. |
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