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pipefitter316 April 26th, 2009 21:15

WTF my gun blew up
I have had my m4 reworked and everything seem fine other then a battery issue, today it worked great all day got some kills and no issues except mag feed. At the end of the day i notice my hop up broke, got home went to reclear the gun fired once then stopped, saw a crack where the front flips up on the pin then looked into the magwell and my mech box got a huge crack. now i didnt hit the gun off anything while playing so if you have any idea all this may have happen cause im in a funk wondering why my gun blew up.

lemegacool April 26th, 2009 21:19

was your mechbox old? what fps were you firing?... v2 mechboxes have a bad habit of cracking in the front...

pipefitter316 April 26th, 2009 21:25

thats exctly where it cracked, it just blows me away that this gun had such a major failure, mechbox receiver and hopup all at once. Is that normal?

mcguyver April 26th, 2009 21:29

It's not uncommon for Ver 2 guns to have that failure. It used to be a cold weather + M120 = kaboom sort of thing.

It used to happen to Marui guns, and clones are susceptable as well. Even some "reinforced" mechboxes have died this way.

Shirley April 26th, 2009 21:31

What hop-up is it? 1 piece or 2 piece? Plastic or metal 1 piece or plastic 2 piece?

lemegacool April 26th, 2009 21:32

well the mechbox can continue to work even when snapped, but when the piston smashes the cylinder head the gearbox isnt absorbing the shock anymore... your hop up an receiver are absorbing this shock ... sad but sounds like the mechbox snapped at the start of your game and progressively destroyed the hop up and finally the receiver.

pipefitter316 April 26th, 2009 21:32

but the hopup and receiver broke too would this be related to the mechbox breaking. I believe it was upgraded with tm parts, and it chornied at 310.

pipefitter316 April 26th, 2009 21:33


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 972216)
What hop-up is it? 1 piece or 2 piece? Plastic or metal 1 piece or plastic 2 piece?

hopup was plastic dont know if its 2 or 1 piece.

lemegacool April 26th, 2009 21:35


Originally Posted by pipefitter316 (Post 972218)
but the hopup and receiver broke too would this be related to the mechbox breaking. I believe it was upgraded with tm parts, and it chornied at 310.

thats exaclty what i was saying your hop up and receiver was receiving the shock of the piston directly

Shirley April 26th, 2009 21:36


Originally Posted by pipefitter316 (Post 972218)
but the hopup and receiver broke too would this be related to the mechbox breaking. I believe it was upgraded with tm parts, and it chornied at 310.

If it's a TM stock M4, then it is weird for it to break like that. TM's have a 2 piece for M4, and that the 2 piece breakes really easily. The second piece of the hop-up is screwed onto the lower reciever where it is very fragile. You would need to remove those in order to remove the mechbox out of the reciever. So in that case, the front smashing into the hop-up is supposed to happen for it to break. the the second piece of the hop up bashed into the front of the reciever making the reciever to break.

pipefitter316 April 26th, 2009 21:37


Originally Posted by lemegacool (Post 972221)
thats exaclty what i was saying your hop up and receiver was receiving the shock of the piston directly

damn fucking piston nearly snapped my gun in 2.

lemegacool April 26th, 2009 21:42

it happened to my first gun ever a shitty mp5... it completely destroyed all the hop up and studs inside the gun giving me a great 260$ wall hanger:D

pipefitter316 April 26th, 2009 21:46

to make matters worst my pistol mag is leaking, not a good day for my guns

cbcsteve April 27th, 2009 00:10


Originally Posted by pipefitter316 (Post 972231)
to make matters worst my pistol mag is leaking, not a good day for my guns

Did you lube it? Sometimes lubbing it with silicon oil 1-3 drops and letting it soak in for a while helps
If you did, one thing I did once was filling that valve hole with a small pool of lube and then letting it sit over night and it worked again

ILLusion April 27th, 2009 03:42

what piston head are you using?

pipefitter316 April 27th, 2009 05:36


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 972472)
what piston head are you using?

couldnt tell ya, got some teamates opening whats left of it up see what needs to fixed and go from there.

pipefitter316 April 28th, 2009 06:16

well upon opening up my gun it turned out that my work on the gun was a joke, horrible drill holes a mix mash gear box and more stuff that I can write. Hey you know who Im talking about , Im not gonna mention your name but Im am gonna stop anyone who says their gonna go to you for gun work, your work is shit and you played me for a fool so good for you, but now people know about your work, alot of guys know about your shit job and already want to stay away for you, you know Im still fairly new to this sport and Im just amazed by all the great help and feedback I get from guysin this sport its to bad aclown like you has to rip me off and make me lose a little faith in the people of this sport.

scooby April 28th, 2009 11:51

Buddy your something else. I would like everyone to know It was me who did the upgrade for him on his cloned m4

It was a haung import, not the easiest box to work on, I replaced

Bushings (removed nylon installed hurricane bushings & modify shim set)
Gearset (just couldn't get stock ones to shim smoothly)
spring guide (added systema bearing spring guide)
Cylinder Head (stock cylinder head was cracked replaced with TM with sorbo)
Replaced tappet plate (new guarder)
Installed modify m110 spring
piston and piston head ( believe I used new TM OEM combo, great setup for spring type)
Air seal nozzle (replaced with systema)
I repaired solder contacts on trigger assembly
Also cleaned all heavy soupy grease out of box and relubed with systema greases

Working on the clone box was nothing short of trying my patience, very hard box to shim correctly.

Also removed stock stock hop up that was cracked, I'm pretty sure I installed new one piece hop up, along with sytema rubber and bucking.

I also replaced stock inner barrel with Mad Bull black python inner barrel

I than replaced the lower reciever on the body for with a TM one, because he had used a paint brush to paint his clear lower reciever, with some sort of tar paint.

I also gave him a 300 round hicap

I also through in a 10.8 volt battry

All parts a labour came to $300

How ever I had to take off $20 because he ruined the 10.8 battery because he charged it with the stock wall charger that came with his gun.

My first words to him were I don't know how long this gun will last, so I'm really not surprised the mechbox broke, the clone shell isn't the best quality, I haven't seen the box but I'm sure it broke in the front traditional spot, way too much vibration I suspect, this would account for the cracked stock hop up.

I did the work in the begining of January, he just paid me off last week, not even full cash total I had to take item in barter.

I have never drilled any holes during a mechbox upgrade, I dont think any other gun docs have either. Yes your parts are going to be a mix match, I use whatever part works the best in a set up, the main reason your gun was so hard to work on was I had to try different combos, the two key things to an upgrade are good airseal, and smooth gearset shimming.

I'm not a master like Illusion, but I have done at least 50 gun upgrades, there are numerous people who have been very satisfied with my work.

I can understand your frustration that your gun broke down, and you being new to the sport, dont know that gun breakdowns are just a way of life in airsoft.

I have to say you have been the most difficult person to deal with, I bent over backwards for you because you are a local here in Barrie and new to the sport.

Styrak April 28th, 2009 12:01

Where were the "drill holes" you speak of?

Scarecrow April 28th, 2009 12:15

This is a classic V2 mechbox failure. The front of the box fails. It makes a funny clacking sound. You bend over and listen and pull the trigger to hear what its doing - it makes more noise. The piston then overruns its typical stroke length and takes out your hopup. You continue to pull the trigger in the hopes of diagnosing the problem or hoping it will plain go away because you are in denial. You then crack your receiver which is the only thing left with integrity holding the front and back of the gun together and is taking all the remaining piston smacking.

I know, because I did this back in 2004 with my first TM M4.

Buy a re-enforced mechbox with quality internal parts or get a complete pre-built box and replace it. Replace your receiver. Don't do it again. Expensive lesson, but it is what it is.

Boche April 28th, 2009 12:24

I'd trust Scooby with any of my guns.

No good deed goes unpunished, it seems.

SHÖCK April 28th, 2009 12:31


Originally Posted by pipefitter316 (Post 973386)
well upon opening up my gun it turned out that my work on the gun was a joke, horrible drill holes a mix mash gear box and more stuff that I can write. Hey you know who Im talking about , Im not gonna mention your name but Im am gonna stop anyone who says their gonna go to you for gun work, your work is shit and you played me for a fool so good for you, but now people know about your work, alot of guys know about your shit job and already want to stay away for you, you know Im still fairly new to this sport and Im just amazed by all the great help and feedback I get from guysin this sport its to bad aclown like you has to rip me off and make me lose a little faith in the people of this sport.

If there really is such a gundoc out there, you should mention his name to help out your fellow players to avoid that. Unqualified people working on guns is the worst thing we have in airsoft. Everybody who can hold a screw driver thinks they are a gundoc. Most of them don't know what they are doing or have improper tools and lack of experience.

-edit, sorry I didn't see Scooby's post. He sounds like he knows what he was doing. Strange that it cracked - that sorbo on the cylinder should have provided some protection. If other people will stand up for him, then, this issue needs more clarification or is a private matter. I just don't like people who should never be working on guns advertising their services for new players who probably can't afford new that guy who didn't know what the anti-reversal latch did or if it was important selling his services.

m102404 April 28th, 2009 12:34

Buddy, I know Dean and he's a stand up guy.

I remember back around Christmas time when I fielded a bunch of PMs from you about tuning up your rifle (I was digging through my PMs this morning)...a fair bit of back and forth, advice/ the point where we were going to start into it and then a final PM from you saying that you were going to go with Scooby since he was local. I was a little disappointed to have put in that time and effort, but no big deal. I believe that my words were, "No problem, no hard're in good hands".

For the amount of work (those clone guns are crap inside), from a solid guy, and for the parts that were got a very good deal.

AEGs break...unfortunately that's a fact. Plastic ones break sooner and more frequently than metal ones. When the front end pops on a mechbox, it's extremely common for it to break the hopup as well if it's still used (the hopup takes the brunt of the shots since the mechbox isn't any more). I've only seen a couple the front frame holes break on a couple of plastic AEGs and that's from A) improper assembly or B) wear and tear via rough handling. I suppose that they could break from use if the mechbox/hopup are shot...but I haven't seen that.

I know that you've been playing hard since...I've seen you play hard since. Plastic guns can go for a lot of shots...but they don't take knocks/bumps/packing/etc... like metal guns. To expect otherwise is unwise.

In retrospect, I'm glad I didn't take on your work. Someone once asked me why I won't warranty the work I do. My reply was along the lines of, "they're toys...built with a lot of cheaply made, little parts...all moving at high speed under much do you think I'd need to charge if I was going to warranty the AEG?"

Best of luck on your repairs and/or your next AEG,


Scarecrow April 28th, 2009 12:35

SNK: I would not put Scooby in that category. Many can vouch for his work. I would suggest that it doesn't matter how good a gun doc you are, if you're working with a mishmash of parts to make a mechbox work, you've already got an issue with the shell. Anyone who's owned a V2 mechbox based gun for any length of time should know the weaknesses of that particular box and reenforced V2 mechboxes were available early on because of that generally recognized weakness.

ex April 28th, 2009 12:38

...and even a reinforced V2 Mechbox will eventually break in the exact same spot.

Porkchop April 28th, 2009 12:41


Originally Posted by ex-royal (Post 973526)
...and even a reinforced V2 Mechbox will eventually break in the exact same spot.

Indeed, it will. But 6 years on a Ver 2 ain't bad. At least that's what i managed to get out of mine.

Freak April 28th, 2009 14:04

Gun repairs
I trust scooby will all my gun repairs, I have never had an issues with scooby with any of my 8 guns. I wouldnt go to anyone else, what you have done on here is a big no no. After all he did for you and you turn on him like this. Duude you are "DICK", stay away from me.....



Originally Posted by scooby (Post 973499)
Buddy your something else. I would like everyone to know It was me who did the upgrade for him on his cloned m4

It was a haung import, not the easiest box to work on, I replaced

Bushings (removed nylon installed hurricane bushings & modify shim set)
Gearset (just couldn't get stock ones to shim smoothly)
spring guide (added systema bearing spring guide)
Cylinder Head (stock cylinder head was cracked replaced with TM with sorbo)
Replaced tappet plate (new guarder)
Installed modify m110 spring
piston and piston head ( believe I used new TM OEM combo, great setup for spring type)
Air seal nozzle (replaced with systema)
I repaired solder contacts on trigger assembly
Also cleaned all heavy soupy grease out of box and relubed with systema greases

Working on the clone box was nothing short of trying my patience, very hard box to shim correctly.

Also removed stock stock hop up that was cracked, I'm pretty sure I installed new one piece hop up, along with sytema rubber and bucking.

I also replaced stock inner barrel with Mad Bull black python inner barrel

I than replaced the lower reciever on the body for with a TM one, because he had used a paint brush to paint his clear lower reciever, with some sort of tar paint.

I also gave him a 300 round hicap

I also through in a 10.8 volt battry

All parts a labour came to $300

How ever I had to take off $20 because he ruined the 10.8 battery because he charged it with the stock wall charger that came with his gun.

My first words to him were I don't know how long this gun will last, so I'm really not surprised the mechbox broke, the clone shell isn't the best quality, I haven't seen the box but I'm sure it broke in the front traditional spot, way too much vibration I suspect, this would account for the cracked stock hop up.

I did the work in the begining of January, he just paid me off last week, not even full cash total I had to take item in barter.

I have never drilled any holes during a mechbox upgrade, I dont think any other gun docs have either. Yes your parts are going to be a mix match, I use whatever part works the best in a set up, the main reason your gun was so hard to work on was I had to try different combos, the two key things to an upgrade are good airseal, and smooth gearset shimming.

I'm not a master like Illusion, but I have done at least 50 gun upgrades, there are numerous people who have been very satisfied with my work.

I can understand your frustration that your gun broke down, and you being new to the sport, dont know that gun breakdowns are just a way of life in airsoft.

I have to say you have been the most difficult person to deal with, I bent over backwards for you because you are a local here in Barrie and new to the sport.

ILLusion April 28th, 2009 14:37

Given this new information, I think you had merely set your expectations too high with a cheap knock off gearbox clone. Combining that with continuing to run the gun after the gearbox broke, it's no surprise you had the following problems after - they are all results of continuing to run the gun after the front end of a mechbox pops off.

For the price you paid for the amount of stuff that scooby put in to fix a headache mechbox, you got a STEAL.

The headaches that those cheap mechboxes cause are exactly why I don't work on them, and if I do, the labour costs are so high that the buyer might as well have bought a good quality mechbox to begin with.

Buy cheap, buy twice. If you think the $300 you paid was an outrageous price, then you are in the wrong sport.

Amos April 28th, 2009 14:37

Lesson to be learned here:

Don't buy cheap. for that 300 bucks worth of parts and all that you could have bought a name-brand gun that wont explode on you.

Sounds like Scooby knows exactly what he's doing. It's not him that failed you, it's your low-quality gun.

CARL April 28th, 2009 19:07

I have had the pleasure of Dean to work on 2 of my guns, and he has done an amazing job! This is just recently by the way, I have known him for a few years and can honestly say he is stand up guy.

Now that being said, Air soft guns are shit in general, you had a wizard working on your low end gun, and it broke....Ohh well, it sucks balls, I feel your pain!

As for Dean, he knows quit a bit since I have known him, he has notice many fluctuations in parts over the years even in systema. Meaning airsoft parts are made like shit, we need them being made here in North America or Europe to get some decent quality, but it will never happen.

My advice is buy the best most expensive AEG you can, and then expect the worst and anything better will just be gravy.If you ever have the chance to pick up some real steal you will know what i mean.

pipefitter316 April 28th, 2009 19:19

im in the process of buying a new gun but there were no new parts, that begin said I know that it was a sham and will not change my mind. Thank you to those with the helpful info

pipefitter316 April 28th, 2009 19:20


Originally Posted by tattooedfreak_1 (Post 973597)
I trust scooby will all my gun repairs, I have never had an issues with scooby with any of my 8 guns. I wouldnt go to anyone else, what you have done on here is a big no no. After all he did for you and you turn on him like this. Duude you are "DICK", stay away from me.....


not a problem never cared to be around you anyways

Styrak April 28th, 2009 19:22

Wow you're kind of a dick.
He explained himself and you got many MANY explanations that a cheap mechbox will break, and people standing up for his gunwork. Hell, ANY V2 mechbox will break there.

pipefitter316 April 28th, 2009 19:35

hey he said his say and i said mine. Sorry if I dont feel like saying your right man and Im sorry. the battery wasnt pooched due to a bad charger it feel apart i still have it thought maybe i can salvage it, the gear box was a gear that said ca on it and two with nothing on them, I know what i saw in that gun and it wasnt new, I cant even get the barrel out cause its jammed so hard. You guys feel free to intrepret this any way you like. Anyways once again thank you to everyone for the help

Ilya_7 April 29th, 2009 02:16

3 guns upgraded by Scooby, as well as numerous ones of my own and others i have seen him take apart and fix on the field or in staging and not a single problem with any - quality work...

Besides his quality work Dean is one of the most trustworthy and honest guys I've had the privilege of playing and dealing with and I can't see him being anything but forthcoming about his reservations of the durability of a cloned AEG. Not to mention the countless warnings I've read on these forums alone from other reputable gundocs. This may have been an issue that you should have considered PM'ing him about first, but hey everyone seems to be agreeing with you so far...

Amos April 29th, 2009 02:23


Originally Posted by pipefitter316 (Post 973882)
hey he said his say and i said mine. Sorry if I dont feel like saying your right man and Im sorry. the battery wasnt pooched due to a bad charger it feel apart i still have it thought maybe i can salvage it, the gear box was a gear that said ca on it and two with nothing on them, I know what i saw in that gun and it wasnt new, I cant even get the barrel out cause its jammed so hard. You guys feel free to intrepret this any way you like. Anyways once again thank you to everyone for the help

... lol...

Guess what? Gears only say the brand on ONE of them. You're being quite ridiculous, I'll never be working on any guns for you... Same thing can probably be said for MANY of the guntechs here.

yuhaoyang April 29th, 2009 03:15

The parts that take the most beating on a V2 mechbox are the mechbox shell's front bit, and the sector+spur gear bushings. Cheap clone mechboxes are not only non-reinforced, they are made of a poor quality metal with many impurities, prone to either cracking or flexing. It wasn't suprising really... By scooby's list of parts, you will be able to get a solid $200 out of parts alone. You can always learn to do your own gun work like I do... It's a slow process and in the end you will have no one to blame but yourself.
EDIT: So... I added all the parts on a calculator for shits and giggles, it came to about $350-450... Umm... Holding off payment for work for 3 months and then ragging him is kind of... Unfair? To put it mildly?

Scarecrow April 29th, 2009 13:18

Well Pipe, you're going to have a hard time finding a gunsmith after that little display. Good luck you might as well starting learning how to assemble your own guns because you're now labeled as a high risk customer that no gunsmith will want to deal with - and good ones are hard to find and Scooby is one of those.

This isn't like buying gas - you don't like Shell so you go over to Esso... having a gundoc is a careful relationship and a balance and respect for his/her time and skills. And sometimes a shit set of parts is simply a shit set of parts and it doesn't matter what you do - and Illusion's approach is exactly what many are doing now so they don't get caught in this exact position.

jtf2-phalanx April 29th, 2009 13:42


Originally Posted by pipefitter316 (Post 973882)
I cant even get the barrel out cause its jammed so hard.

I think it was jammed really hard because your piston knocked it into the outer barrel when you kept firing it. That's not scooby's fault.

jtf2-phalanx April 29th, 2009 13:46

Also, you opened up a destroyed mechbox and came up with the conclusion that it was assembled improperly. Is that your opinion or from a qualified gun doc?

dpvu April 29th, 2009 15:20

It doesn't matter what gun doc works on your gun. It will break, it's a fact of airsoft life. Those parts are all quality parts. In fact, from the list it looks like the only thing left out of your clone mechbox was the shell and switch and trigger assembly and guess what broke. No gun tech could have prevented that. Unfortunately one problem compounded the next. I don't know what any other gun tech would have done that would have prevented this. There was even a sorbo in there so the impact was being reduced.

ILLusion April 29th, 2009 15:33

Locked. If any of the associated parties has anything more to add, PM me and I'll open the thread.

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