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Lisa January 18th, 2009 20:22

Verification notice.
Recently we found out that one of our age verifiers knowingly verified a member who had signed up again after he had been banned for a trade issue. This distresses me greatly as there is a level of trust that has been broken. The users in question were *madkill* and ***shadow*** aka *shadow*. Both users have had their access to the classifieds removed and *madkill* is no longer an age verifier. We will be going over the list of people who have had their verification by *madkill* to see if we need to have them reverify with a trusted verifier. I'm hoping that this is the only incident and we don't have anyone else that he verified to remove. If you have an active trade with either of these two you may want to cancel it.

testtube January 19th, 2009 07:20

Is there anyway we can have a list of banned players names and callsigns.

Gato January 19th, 2009 13:52

Damn ....... that's some shitty news

Cobrajr122 January 19th, 2009 14:52


Originally Posted by testtube (Post 900652)
Is there anyway we can have a list of banned players names and callsigns.

I belive a public Blacklist with all known tags would be nice.

Turnbull January 19th, 2009 16:03

Not only does that put some members of our community in a tough position after the fact, the entire incident brings the trust upon which this community has been built upon into question.

kalnaren January 19th, 2009 16:59


Originally Posted by Turnbull (Post 900876)
the entire incident brings the trust upon which this community has been built upon into question.

Not really. It's an isolated incident.

Crunchmeister January 19th, 2009 17:39

Regardless how good a system is, someone will always find a way to cheat it. Sometimes, they can get away with it, but as was demonstrated in this case, the subjects got caught. After the fact, yes, but still, they got caught. And they got dealt with appropriately. All this reflects negatively on in terms of trust are the 2 members in question, not the system. This just proves that it works and the admins are being vigilant to make sure it isn't abused.

swatt13 January 19th, 2009 18:39


Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 (Post 900831)
I belive a public Blacklist with all known tags would be nice.

agreed, this would be very helpful.

Vince January 19th, 2009 18:59

Lol a ban list for what? Some game admin wants to start banning people on the field because of what's been done on a forum?


BloodSport January 19th, 2009 19:15


Originally Posted by Pvt Vince (Post 900982)
Lol a ban list for what? Some game admin wants to start banning people on the field because of what's been done on a forum?


If you can't trust them to honour a simple rule on a forum, can you fully trust them to honour the rules on the field?

Some people will say no, some will say yes. It's up to the game admins who they wish to trust to play by their games rules.

Skladfin January 19th, 2009 19:16

are you sure madkill didnt know shadow was previously banned?

BloodSport January 19th, 2009 19:23


Originally Posted by Skladfin (Post 901003)
are you sure madkill didnt know shadow was previously banned?

He was asked and said he did know.

ChaosMonkey January 19th, 2009 19:26

Didn't they were on the same Team before?

CDN_Stalker January 19th, 2009 19:30

Is what I heard too, Testtube knows Madkill decently and told me they were on the same team after I let him know about this thread.

Vince January 20th, 2009 07:35


Originally Posted by BloodSport (Post 901001)
If you can't trust them to honour a simple rule on a forum, can you fully trust them to honour the rules on the field?

Some people will say no, some will say yes. It's up to the game admins who they wish to trust to play by their games rules.

Fair enough

Scarecrow January 20th, 2009 07:56


Originally Posted by Pvt Vince (Post 900982)
Lol a ban list for what? Some game admin wants to start banning people on the field because of what's been done on a forum?


Uh, not entirely. This was originally a ban due to a trade issue. Bans on trade issues are important because it ensures the integrity and trust of transacting online through ASC. In this instance the verifier knowingly circumvented the ban in order to enable this individual to conduct business again. This is a little beyond banning someone for using the F-word or something like that.

And yes, bans can occur because of on field actions and there are past precidents for it. It does not happen often, but when it does, there is generally board-wide consensus that its a good idea.

Bans are not taken lightly here, but when they do happen, its usually for a good reason. This particular case is pretty clear cut.

Lisa January 20th, 2009 12:06

Like Scarecrow said, people are banned for various reasons. If some one ripped off another person here do you really want them around your gear unsupervised? There have been people who have been banned for being ass hats and they have come back at later times under a different sign on. We often know about these people and as long as they don't act as asshats again we some times let them stay. Many of these people suffer from internet asshat syndrome and in face to face situations they're as nice as can be. I don't know what that says about a person who has a dr jekyll/mr hyde personality when they switch between off line and on line, but for the most part you don't see trade issues with those people.

As for being banned from games for the way you behave online, it has happened, I have a short list of people that it's happened to but it doesn't happen often. I've witnessed people excluded from games because they acted like a 12 year old on ASC. I've also witnessed people being banned from attending a game/club because of what they posted on ASC or other sites.

testtube January 20th, 2009 13:12

This Madkill thing has really shocked me. and how long should a ban last is a good question. people do change as they grow up or are publicly brought out on there mistakes.

But yes i agree on having a public ban list.

Tex January 20th, 2009 13:21

Even if it is not a public list the age verifiers should have some kind of black list. So people can not get re-verified under new accounts.

skalnok January 20th, 2009 13:25

i would say public with the reason(s) why they were banned so that people can determine if they want to have them at their games.

this would be a bit of work though

kalnaren January 20th, 2009 13:25


Originally Posted by Tex (Post 901385)
Even if it is not a public list the age verifiers should have some kind of black list. So people can not get re-verified under new accounts.

Granted, I'm not a verifier, but I still think this was one of those isolated incidents and Lisa just wanted to inform people.

swatt13 January 20th, 2009 18:32

no it dshouldnt be public i dont think, it should be a tool for the verifyers to help keep the integrity of the system

ILLusion January 20th, 2009 20:07


Originally Posted by swatt13 (Post 901577)
no it dshouldnt be public i dont think, it should be a tool for the verifyers to help keep the integrity of the system

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case this time, and the verifier WAS the problem as far as integrity of the system goes...

BloodSport January 20th, 2009 22:28


Originally Posted by Tex (Post 901385)
Even if it is not a public list the age verifiers should have some kind of black list. So people can not get re-verified under new accounts.

There is and has been a list that has been growing for about a year now that the age verifiers have access to in the Age Verifiers Section of these forums.

Tex January 20th, 2009 22:43

Good to know thanks Bloodsport. I figured you guys had some system in place.

[SIK] PiƩr January 20th, 2009 23:40

Apparently Madkill denies all of this.

I don't like the look of this...

For those of you who can read french :

Thx for the info guys, it's good to know that everything was clear at the beginning.

Ronan January 21st, 2009 01:11

This shouldn't have been posted.

/Drama Thread.

Deftonius January 21st, 2009 16:45


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 901941)
This shouldn't have been posted.

/Drama Thread.

You shouldn't have posted in it.

...Nobody likes you.

FOX_111 January 21st, 2009 17:03


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 901941)
This shouldn't have been posted.

/Drama Thread.

No it should be posted.
ASC, like airsoft, work based on trust and honour. In this case, trust has been lost and honour or more like a reputation, has been put on the line.

This has to be known so people know that this place and admins cherish those values and protect them.

Oh and Ronan, it's the first time I say this to you, but you are a wanker! (o:

simond January 23rd, 2009 15:13

ok... but i think the custom title ypou give to him are not a proof of profesionalism ....

Drake January 23rd, 2009 20:57


Originally Posted by simond (Post 903779)
ok... but i think the custom title ypou give to him are not a proof of profesionalism ....

Fox didn't give him the user title, only the highest echelon of staff can do that.

It was also well earned, and probably one of the nicer ones.

As for professionalism, everyone on staff volunteers their time and effort; the site is available to all, free of charge, and no one is forcing anyone to be here if they don't like it. There's tons of other airsoft forums around.

Ponche January 24th, 2009 13:08

well i think if there are some people that are old enough,should have a chance to reverify themself and not be totally banned.i don't think it would be fiar to the ones that are old enough to be totally banned,they should be reverified is.

Crunchmeister January 24th, 2009 13:10


Originally Posted by Ponche (Post 904264)
well i think if there are some people that are old enough,should have a chance to reverify themself and not be totally banned.i don't think it would be fiar to the ones that are old enough to be totally banned,they should be reverified is.

I think you missed the jist of this thread. No one is banned, and no one lost their AV status except the 2 members involved. Perhaps you should reread the thread completely to see what's going on.

FOX_111 January 24th, 2009 13:46

Just so we are clear, I do not have special moderator power or anything. I'm just an ASC emissary. I'm not part of the staff.

So I can't brand people with special names or atributes.

BloodSport January 24th, 2009 13:52

If you are referring to the "banned from the classifieds" or "no longer an age verifier" titles. Those are a part of the public information service provided. Considering if someone does not look frequently at the tags, they may forget that said person is no longer age verified or a verifier and enter into negoriations that are against forum rules unknowingly.

Don't like it, meh its not your house you are trying to keep clean.

As for second chances, some people have been given second chances more then once and blown it. Unfortunately when this happens as much as it has then those people ruin second chances for everyone else. This is the same everywhere, not just on the internet but in real life.

Scooby Steve January 24th, 2009 13:56

I think he means Ronan's "crybaby" tag.

BloodSport January 24th, 2009 16:50

Well some of them are just down right suitable and may not make sense to the general public.

Drake January 24th, 2009 17:16


Originally Posted by Scooby Steve (Post 904299)
I think he means Ronan's "crybaby" tag.

But if we had to remove everyone's tag and keep only one, that's the one I'd keep, cuz it's the most valid of them all :P

Huron April 5th, 2009 02:40

I think what Shadow should have done if he wanted to rejoin the community would have been to send one of the mods an email asking for permission to do so, rather than shadily making an account and getting re-verified. That's personally what I would have done if that were my situation. An apology in the email would probably have been good too.

However, the correct way to deal with that kind of a situation is not really discussed much on the forum, and left mostly to the user's own deduction. A stickied thread on what to do if you have been removed for whatever reason and want a second chance could be a good idea (this is a suggestion, not a criticism). On the other hand, if step-by-step instructions to rejoin ASC after removal were so readily available, a user could feign solemnity just to get access to the classifieds (or whatever they want) again.

I didn't really think ahead, and I am left with nothing to conclude this post with... I guess just be open, honest, and respectful to everyone at all times? Anyways let's let this thread die, this thing is pretty much done.

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