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Reasons why Airsoft is 18+
Plain and simply;
BECAUSE THEY SAID SO. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...e/IMG_0131.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...e/IMG_0133.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...e/IMG_0134.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...e/IMG_0135.jpg Edit: For those of you that don't know, That's a picture of guns produced in EVERY country that produces airsoft (Except Korea)... with 18+ on the box. |
I`ll drink to that.
im in for drinking to i lol
You people need an excuse to drink? :confused:
I only drink when I can smoke first :)
"Hmmm... I'm breathing today... " <Psshht (sound of beer opening)> <Glug glug glug> "Aaaaahhhhh" |
I only drink in days that end with Y.
This needs to be stickied.
THIS IS EPIC WIN. Rename the topic to "How to get cheap guns in Canada" and when people click it they'll see this.
Well, because its also the law.
Actually, there's no law that states 18+ for owning airsoft. There are some provinces that have 18+ laws to buy air guns, but nothing that governs its use. The 18+ rule a self-imposed by the airsoft community. And I agree with it.
When someone says, "I'll have a drink!", I say, "So shall I!" |
Airsoft is a sport and a hobby.
It's says only 18 because those rules are from the manufactures. The labels also say check the area where you're from and to check the law. It's different for most provinces and countries. Most is 18 to purchase. The reason why the number 18 appears on all labels is because it is by majority that most countries allow over 18 to purchase AND to posses one. In Canada, there is no law that states an age for those who cannot posses an airsoft gun. Reading labels from manufactures that states 18+ is no reason why the sport and hobby of airsoft is 18+. |
So this is the way to go to get a thread to the trash and locked up. heh
The truth does suck, doesn't it? |
How did you get 1000 posts in under a year? Also, why is everyone drinking now...it's like the middle of the afternoon :D
18+ all the way! |
Ah, but who reads the box or instruction books to anything *tries to assemble one of those stupid 'do it yourself' tables...and fails*
But anyway, I do agree with the age limit...law or not...as I could see minors more likely to do something stupid and give airsoft a bad name. Not only that, but I'm sure we've all played against (or seen) 13 year olds on those fighting games and how well they react. Although it was quite funny last boarder wars when my friend couldn't play as she was too young, but has fired rifles and done basic military training XD |
I'm sure you're correct though, if I remember correctly you're a master of threads in the trash section :) But in all seriousness, Shh don't be so butthurt. You're only a year or two away from being accepted. |
The self-imposed restriction of 18+ on airsoft guns is for at least a few reasons.
people below 18 are, in the large majority of cases, and i think by definition, immature. Airsoft is a sport that requires a lot of maturity and character, because there aren't always ref's watching you. You must act according to your better judgement, and moderate yourself according to accepted airsoft etiquette. I played CQB with some guys last night who displayed a complete lack of character by not calling their hits and ignoring the house rules(they were 18+ i'm almost sure). It takes integrity to have the will to compete and the desire to win, but to moderate your own behaviour in a game, and call yourself out when you know you're hit, but people wouldn't necessarily know if you kept going. a lot of minors don't develop any sort of responsibility or character till later on in their adolescence (according to my precise guesstimations). some develop it faster than others, and some just don't goddamwell develop it at all. The majority, though, are somewhat responsible by the time they reach 18. at least enough for our purposes. second, airsoft is a physical sport that involves inflicting pain on your opponent. Nobody wants to shoot a 14 yr old. I'd feel bad (in most cases), and i think a lot of other people would too. Third, airsoft mimics real life combat maneuvers. I don't know anyone who condones the use of children in a fighting force, and i sure-as-hell don't. as a side, we want to put our best foot forward with the public eye looking at us (which it always fucking is), and having a bunch of children running around shooting replica firearms at each other is not only in bad taste, but it would have so many armchair moralists writing their politicians that it's probably make your head spin. |
Also, Hitman, when is your birthday? When I met you I was positive you couldn't have been that far from 18. You look older then I do man... |
Hitman is 17 i believe, check out my post count moderatesniper!:cool:
lol pusangani, you rape noobs, that's why :p
Yes, I'm 17. 1 more year and I get to look in the golden place of all, the classifieds. ;) Quote:
heh, just need more facial hair. |
lol raping is fun, thx for the new avatar Ronan ;)
Dont forget Amos, Madbull is in on it as well.
http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/j...urgle/Back.jpg There is absolutely nothing wrong with drinking in the afternoon. http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/j...n/IMG_0733.jpg A pint of Rickards white with an orange slice, and double wild turkey topped off with bar lime. Who the heck needs a coffee break when you have this at 2pm in the afternoon. |
^ i can't stand the rickard's white with the orange, without tho, it isn't half bad
Personally I'm not a Rickard's fan at all...Keiths is usually how I go. *gets ready of Keith's upcoming birthday*
If you want to get technical kids can start in the Reserves at the age of 16 learning combat training and weapons. and Mr. Hitman you can legally look at porn too. T7 take notes you might have a customer. |
Quality post. I always laugh when one of the people who are under the age of 18 spring forth like the savior of the youngens to proclaim there are no laws. There aren't laws this is true we as a community say 18+.
http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/j...inandtonic.jpg Quote:
so off topic for a sec, what's everyone's top 5 beers?
1. Bavaria Holland 2. Steamwhistle 3. Sleeman Silver Creek Lager 4. Kronenbourg 1664 5. Lowenbrau |
1. Kokanee
2. Everything else that will get me good and tight. Let's see how many underagers respond to this question. |
Never actually had Kokanee, my favourite discount brand would have to be Carling tho if I'm trying to save money
Japan actually has a 10+ (or 13+ I can't remember right now) version of airsoft. The boys models from TM and a number of TM lower powered springers are all rated 10+. Look very closely the next time you see a TM catalogue and you'll see small 10's in purple and 18's in orange. Now the fact that it's pretty much equivalent to clearsoft is relevant but it's still interesting to see that in one country they do cater to the younger crowd.
My son has a TM M4 Boys and an MP5 Boys. They awesome guns for kids to learn to shoot with. That being said, he never has access to them unless under my direct supervision.
What do they chrony at Joe? 200 or so?
18+ for firearms too, yet kids shoot them all the time.
(note - im not arguing with the rules) |
yeah but seriously a +18 on toy guns is like a +18 on candy :(
EDIT: this was a "game" at my birthday party, i have never had alcohol since. hangovers in 6th grade suck. |
I've actually never had a sip of alcohol in my whole lifetime. May seem strange to most of you, but I'm still super cool.
i'm such a bad ass rebel. :cool:
I been drinkin since noon. finished off the last 3rd of a bottleof jack and now about midway through 26 of jimmy beam
when i was a kid i was playing with a mini crapsman mp5 ,i had so much fun with that mini mp5
you guys seriously look like a bunch of private tree house club or something. |
1. they're into airsoft 2. they're naked. |
#2 should come with a rule #3: No fat or ugly chicks :P |
lol! |
well yes because everyone would watch you while you shoot at them
Females tend to follow the rules. |
shit yeah, i'd come around a corner doin mah cqb thang, and she'd be all like "i'm naked.... completely..." and i'd be like "holy mother of- whats up can i have your number?"
*bam-bam-bam* "so is that a no...?" "hey, where you going?....." ... "hells yeah. Still got it!" ;D |
wait thats for another thread:D |
Shoot first, ask questions later.
We all know "dead girls can't say no" |
:rolleyes: Tsk! Tsk! Boys...
why is airsoft 18+?
my brothers friends(15-17) come to the house on one visit. they cant keep their hands off my guns while im taking them out of their hands. they keep winding the mags up which i have to take out, catch loose bbs, release spring tension, fire that last bb out, and dump a handful of bbs back in the mag while theyre doing the same thing with another gun. and then hosing the guns, dry firing, dry hosing. talking about how cool my sniper rifles are and my halo gun, which would be ak's m4's and the jg dragon.
then they come up with the idea "hey lets have an airsoft battle" and at this point im like sure (id love to shoot the fuck out of you punk bastards) they get shot a few times and become afraid. literally afraid. almost crying, and give up. and im like hey youre gonna be 18 in a few months, act like a man. ...oh and talk like a white person, youre not a rapper so before they leave the one thinks its a cool idea to load up a mag and hose the whole thing on me from 4 feet away while i was wearing a wife beat tank top. and then he dropped the gun on the floor this kids next visit which was today i might add... he sneaks off outside after him and my brother were out shooting a big rs magnum and killing chipmunks with a pump action 22.....anyway he sneaks off with my jg dragon (what he calls "the halo gun") he put my lipo battery in it which i dont like to use, and he takes it out on full auto hosing it and then put it back. i come down to the basement to find my aegs and a few spring rifles layin around. all the spring rifles cocked and loaded, and my jg dragon sitting there still set to full auto. so i picked it up to unload the mag and then when i fired it in semi to clear that last bb it went WHIIIRRRRRRRR!!!!!! so i had to raise the motor back up into postion. later my brother tells me about the kid telling him that it kept not shooting right and making noise and im just like aaaww...... fuck THATS WHY AIRSOFT IS 18+! |
If only all of my off-topic posts counted towards my total... lol
Rockin' the nonsensical posts since 2003, bitches. |
Maybe Canada will pick on this soon... Never know...
Dusti69 may I suggest a gun locker? Or some other means of storing your guns so only you may access them.
With all due respect, this entire post smells of improper gun storage and handling on your part.
1) Why are the guns out in the open and not locked away? 2) Why are they stored with the batteries and mags in the guns? In all honesty, the entire post you made could be avoided if you had locking gun cases. Quote:
Dusti, i would have actually punched those guys. Teach them some respect.
That being said, i remember a question about beer: 1.Becks 2.Holsten 3.Heineken 4. Rickards Red 5. Keiths But after 17:00, its Jack Daniel's for me |
I find it a bit funny that the people who are preaching the over 18 to play, are just over 18 themselves.
But I'm just an old fart, what hell do I know...lol |
Dusti no offense but you're a retard. Im not even going to go into the whole "omg trat airsoft like it r real guns!!" and pick you apart for a bunch of unnecessary safety precautions for a toy gun (although having the batteries in them laying out is pretty dumb), and since you live in the US where people are still sane about guns thats all well and good.
You're just an idiot because if you dont want people fucking with your shit, either hide it or lock it up. Thats like saying "oh man... im so tired of my car being stolen every day.. why cant a guy just leave his car unlocked with the keys in the ignition and not have to worry about people stealing it?!". You create these problems yourself, not your brothers friends. It's a teenagers job to be an idiot thats what they do. |
everything was kept locked in a room. but the house doors are easilly unlocked with a small flat head screw driver. and i keep my guns batteries in the battery compartments un plugged and mags in the gun. i dont really see any problems with it. even if they were laying seperate its no big mysystery how to hook everything up
18 +
Its simple... really .. until you are 18 you are not an adult and can't be held legally liable for your actions.
As a person who is not legally liable you should not be running around with an object that can cause property and personal damage unless you are supervised by someone who can be held legally liable. In most municipalities in Canada By laws prohibit the sale,possession or discharge of "firearms" by minors , most municipalities define "firearm" as "anything that fires a projectile" Provincial statutes establish the limitation of sale of "firearms" ( includding bb and pellet guns which airsoft guns are defined as ) to people over 18 .. Provincial statutes don't say anything about possession .. Federal law, the Criminal code, Says minors can not posses firearms ammunition or replicas unless supervised. Legal possession of replicas is limited to persons over 18 ( granted this is an interpritation of the statutes.. but its an A-B-C interpritation ) So you have Municiple, provincial and federal law indicating that firearms ( however they may be defined ) are not to be possesed by minors At the municiple level .. the definition is broad and the penalites light ( fines ) At the Provincial level the definitions are tighter.. and penalties still fines At the federal level the deninitions are quite specific and the penalites potentially stiff , incarceration.. through all the levels there is one theme.. Kids should not have these things |
If something can be opened with out much effort is is in no way secured. If you do not see the reasons behind storing a gun with the magazines unloaded and out of the gun then there is just no convincing you of the stupidity of storing them loaded to rock and roll. You constantly blame other people and things for your incompetence and it rings through in virtually every post you have made. Here you blame the lock, when it is YOU who must change the locks if they are faulty. It would be like blaming the gun for shooting when it is the finger that really pulled the trigger, but I guess you would only understand that argument when someone tells you guns are bad. Now that I've squandered my 1000th post, I can ASSume that the apocalyptic prophecy of my P1K ((Y2K funny)) will now cause ASC's self destruct. But I know our alien overlords will rectify the cosmos to prevent this so that they do not have a chaotic bunch of slaves on their hands and save our soother so that we keep about our days doing as we should while they keep us all in line with gizmo-doo-dad-thing-a-ma-bob implants. And every once and a while they toss out some new toy to our "chosen ones" at Area-51 so that we can make new devices that can help our every day lives. And then every other once and a while they take two of us hairless apes give us knives and watch the blood soaked entertainment of us battling to the death. Only now a days the knives are nukes! And then when we piss on the carpet to many times they toss in a disease like Cancer to thin us out. :D |
well i spose youre right, maybe i am at fault
because i like to be friendly and let them look at my guns but not shoot them when im there i guess thats an invitation for somebody who doesnt live at your house to come in anytime and pick the locks on your doors |
tiny cock–fight!
See proof, the alien overlords deleted two of my posts somewherez to save us all from the big boom of P1K!... making this now a 999 post! lol |
It's a damn good thing you don't have real guns, and if you do, you best learn your lesson quick. I suggest you take a firearm safety course, and refresh what you should already know. They are YOUR guns, meaning YOUR responsibility, PERIOD. If you were responsible with them this incident would not have happened. Quit blaming everything , and everyone else. An ADULT, takes resposibility for his/her actions. Children say it was their fault. Admit you fucked up, and be happy noone has been injured yet due to YOUR negligence.
I don't mean to rag on you, or preach, but unless you take resposibility for your actions, you will be considered a child among your adult peers. I hope you have learnt a lesson, and will endeavour to be a more responsible owner of firearms. |
Funny how this post is a great mix of 18+ rule and alcoholic breuvages !
This is a screenshot from Airsoft Forums, the most noob infested hellhole on earth. I have an account there so that I can mock silly children, and ask questions that would get me flamed here.
http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/7679/hahyb4.jpg |
oh my... thats quite funny actually. I think there's been a fair share of those kinda things here too on asc. |
crap now I want to join airsoft forums :D
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