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FireRat January 10th, 2008 03:31

Hmm.. Desicions...
G18C or P226.... I can't deisde they both look so cool,

G18C - Aep, gots lots of stuff to add onto it...
P226 - GBB, looks sweet, a few add-ons...

I duno if AEP's are any good... someone help me out here

surebet January 10th, 2008 03:33

AEPs are nice, but IMO, GBBs are nicer.

xandrewx January 10th, 2008 03:45

GBB's or death ;) haha go GBB

FireRat January 10th, 2008 04:08

ok here is a thought... i was browsing and I found this rail mount
It looks cool and I know many ways to use it. Has anyone baught it and used it before?
and Also does anyone know if it fits on a g18c? or just the g19

I was looking at these two guns

surebet January 10th, 2008 04:38

I've bought four KSC G19 for myself and others, along with a metal slide it's pure joy.

The rail frame is nice, but think about it, unless you want to use your pistol as your primary (which I wouldn't), you won't have many options to holster it especially will a scope on top and other crap on the bottom rail.

Besides, you already have a bottom rail, and you should only have a light, laser or Moscart mini-launcher on that thing.

Sergeantmajor January 10th, 2008 09:20

just on the side,

does the Glock have the integrated safety like on the real steel? (double trigger thing)

Drake January 10th, 2008 09:24

You're 16, so you'll have a hard time buying

FireRat January 10th, 2008 19:28

I'm not 16.. lol

And I know that putting a scope and such on it would make it bigger but I do play CQB so it would be helpful to be able to put that stuff on

The Saint January 10th, 2008 19:31

On the FAMAS, there are a number of them kicking around in the verified section if you don't mind a second hand gun. You'd save quite a bit.

FireRat January 10th, 2008 19:43

I would go look but I can't get ahold of the guy that is near me to verify me... lol and isn't a FAMAS a big gun?

Greylocks January 10th, 2008 20:17

Why do you want a handgun as a first airsoft?

surebet January 10th, 2008 20:22

Pistol only games are quite enjoyable, but against AEGs you won't stand a chance, especially outside of a milsim context (read: if you're facing a bunch of full auto guns with bottomless high-caps).

An AEG would be a wiser and less costly starting choice. Don't forget that your 300$-350$ dollar pistol will require a 100$ metal slide, another 100$ of various upgrades, 60$ mags by the bucket load plus whatever else you'll need to run it as a primary.

An AEG requires what, a 50$ and a 55$ box of midcaps?

Check with your available venues before settling on one or another, try to get a feel for what you'll need.

bigbeef January 10th, 2008 20:25

he allready has a g36 ubless he sold it

Drake January 10th, 2008 20:50


Originally Posted by FireRat (Post 612315)
I'm not 16.. lol



But that could be wrong. You can get yourself age verified to clear that up. Sorry about the confusion.

FireRat January 10th, 2008 22:28

lol well Drake.... I will have to clear that up considering I am 19 lol ><

To Surebet and Greylocks, I have been playing airsoft for a year now. I got a G36C with M16 mag conversion, silencer, G&P buttstock among other nice doo dads. I also got an M14 just normall one for now...

I want a good hand gun because, we have hand gun only games at my field and I play with Op-For Mission group on a ferry boat (CQB) AND lol before i had an AEG I had a springer pistol and I kicked ass with it. ;)

The Saint January 10th, 2008 22:46

I'd recommend finding someone with an AEP and trying it. It's a very different experience from a GBB, not nearly as interesting in most people's opinion due to the lack of sound or movement.

If you're used to using a springer pistol, though, think of an AEP as a springer on steroids. If you need something to kill in tight quarters, AEP is probably better than a GBB.

Styrak January 10th, 2008 23:02


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 612500)
If you need something to kill in tight quarters, AEP is probably better than a GBB.

Why is that?

FireRat January 11th, 2008 00:02

Well... The KSC G18C is a GBB but it has full auto :P so I think I will go with that one.

unused123 January 11th, 2008 00:45

from what i heard famas isnt that good of a gun due to its complex internals or something? definitely not a gun for beginners. as for the pistol, i have a tm aep myself, it has the 100 rd upgrade and what else can i say? and it too also has full auto and very stable and accurate compared to a gbb.

edit: not saying youre a beginner


FireRat January 11th, 2008 01:51

:P I don't like the FAMAS because it just feels plastic...

talon January 11th, 2008 03:37


Originally Posted by surebet (Post 612351)
Pistol only games are quite enjoyable, but against AEGs you won't stand a chance, especially outside of a milsim context (read: if you're facing a bunch of full auto guns with bottomless high-caps).

An AEG would be a wiser and less costly starting choice. Don't forget that your 300$-350$ dollar pistol will require a 100$ metal slide, another 100$ of various upgrades, 60$ mags by the bucket load plus whatever else you'll need to run it as a primary.

An AEG requires what, a 50$ and a 55$ box of midcaps?

Check with your available venues before settling on one or another, try to get a feel for what you'll need.

depends on where you play. I started out at TTAC3, and had played for quite some time with a pistol only. In fact, I find that even out on the field, my pistol occasionally serves me better than my AEG. It's not ridiculous to think that someone might want to start off with a pistol and move up from there.

Wilson January 11th, 2008 08:44

KSC G18C GBB ftw! I own one and I love it.

For new players, or those returning to the sport (like me), a sidearm as the first purchase isn't out of the question. A really good GBB from a reputable manufacturer is roughly the cost of one of those cheap China-made AEG's (~$300), which allows a the player to invest in a quality piece of equipment and get him/herself gaming on the right foot.

The Saint January 11th, 2008 11:31


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 612511)
Why is that?

No recoil at all, no cool down, less sensitive to temperature, more consistent shot-to-shot, weights very little, quiet.

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