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How to make an Airsoft Frag Grenade
Hello dudes and dudettes, don't know if this version has been posted here before (I looked and didn't find any) but it's a video of a homemade frag grenade using a firecracker, thought it might be interesting.
so heres the link: http://www.tricklife.com/view.php?id=992 |
we've used those before, someone lost an eardrum at one point. We've limited the decibal level but they work really well
Those are pretty small compared to the Ottawa Specials.
Completely illegal. Expect this thread to be gone shortly.
well obviously any homemade explosive devices are illegal.
we were. :D
Ya, using plastic pop bottles to increase the bang factor! Very creative. :D
having witnessed an Ottawa special at FR early this year I must say its awsome.
Are people still using them at FR? I heard Joe stopped that because the neighbors were complaining about the noise.
Oh and that grenade that kid made really sucked. Heres a grenade. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y14...t/DSCI0199.jpg http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y14...h_SSA50320.jpg |
shite grenade considering the fuse is crap for actually throwing
You don't throw them by the fuse.
They look pretty dangerous to me. If that was to go off beside your head could cause some serious damage, powder burns, hearing loss, plus bb damage
I had one go off on my back during Quick pass 3. Really fucking startling, but im fine.
-VM |
People will make and use these as long as private land/fields exist. This is a discussion for people who play airsoft. Please stick to your chairsoft topics. |
I say cooking bacon without a shirt on is more dangerous then the pyrotechnics the admins allow on their field.
Beware: Aggressive Cunt On Nudists On a side note, I have a damaged ear drum due to a mishap with firecrackers. Believe me from experience, a blast next to your ear with a well made BB grenade won't be as harmful as if the actual firecracker was next to your ear. I'm not saying you won't hear bells ringing, but at least your ears won't be bleeding. |
The only thing is it's almost impossible to find firecrackers these days, I've looked at most major firework places local and on the net and none of them had firecrackers. The grenade I had in mind would have a toilet paper roll cut in half as the outer shell, but with out something to make it go boom, can't do it, and I'm not going to experiment with gunpowder.
Aren't firecrackers illegal here in Canada? I mean the things that go Bang! I haven't seen firecrackers for sale for so many years now. I'm giveing my age away here but I remember buying 3", 6", and 12" blockbusters as they were called... man were they loud. Back then we could buy those, plus regular firecrackers(black&yellow checkerboard), and ladyfingers, and cherrybombs
-VM (I have absolutely nothing against chemical-powered grenades (baking soda / vinegar)--but thats not the point of this thread) |
Anything that you can not buy in a convenience store on Canada Day is illegal in Canada. Even the allowable fireworks are under scrutiny at the moment in this nation, so it's really best not to tempt fate. Regardless of where/ how you bought explosives of any kind it is very very illegal to tamper with them in any way as it will then count as an 'improvised explosive/ ordnance device' for the purposes of Canadian Law. The long and the short of it is, it's really not worth messing with. Sure, you might get away with it and even be relatively safe... But do you really want to be that guy who associated illegal explosives with Airsoft? |
The grenades that the Kameradschaft have are completely illegal unless they are constructed by a licensed pyrotechnic...
1. Firecrackers are illegal in Canada 2. Adding "Shrapnel" to any explosive device... Lol Do I even have to mention it? |
Jeez I thought I am the only one. Didn't injure me at all, my hearing was ringing a bit for a couple of minutes. Heck of an experience. |
And BB damage............... give me a break, look at what we shoot each other with! These things hit with about half the force of a Crosman airgun shooting you with 0.12g BBs at 30ft (my Crosman P99 springer shoots 0.20g BBs at 150fps). If getting hit by low powered plastic or natural lightweight balls is too much to deal with, why play airsoft in the first place? Go play laser tag and wear welding goggles instead. Or, better yet, wear paintball goggles when playing badminton, that might be better. Gotta protect the eyes you know! ;) |
Agreed.. Ive been hit by a grenade round before(Fun at FR after the game..) and it barely stings, getting shot hurts more. It adds to the game, hearing lound bangs like real rounds going off all around you, adds to the realsim of what we play.
OMG.. carboard shrapnel!!! Also, we dont use firecrackers. They're airbursts with reduced power (50%) wrapped in corn and construction paper and cardboard. And I dont have an agenda against chairsofters; I only hate those with opinions. |
Take your fucking head out of your ass before calling anyone a chairsofter. Please do tell me where I've pretended to have any airsoft experience. I've set off hundreds of dollars of fireworks and I don't think I need to play a game of airsoft to understand the laws regarding pyrotechnics. -VM |
Can someone please edit this to make it a letter V please? I'm being a chairsofter right now and am eating, also I'm a noob with photoshop or whatever, and I need to be spoonfed for once in my ASC life.
http://warmongers.dyndns.org/albums/.../greylocks.gif Thanks |
We all know the laws in Canada thank you. Theres really no reason for you to have to point out the obvious.
I think Koopas point is that if you dont play airsoft theres no reason for you to come in here and tell us if we should or shouldnt be using these at our games. Perhaps you might want to fight for the law a little closer to your home. Like stand on your street and yell at people who dont use the pedestrian crosswalks. Because J walking is illegal. |
hold on hold on hold on,Let me use your tone. Sit the fuck down on your chair! |
The next time those fucking Warmongers have a cool idea, I'm keeping quiet about it. :roll:
Im sorry i ask that here but it seems to be almost on topic. What about smokes grenades? Are they considered explosives? I admit i tried to build some(none worked very well and i stopped trying after the last chemical "x"/chemical "y" ignited in my hands) Im sure one of you airsofter and chairsofters can give me a quick answer. Anyway im sure it must be illegal to build them.
Am sure smoke pyro is fine, consdering they are sold to people without a license. Then again, there are people here with the mentaltiy that airsoft should be made illegal as well, so I'd say you won't get a 100% solid answer.
Should this topic exist? No, its not right to advocate the building of pyrotechnic items But all of these "Noobs" didn't have to jump in and yap about what they learned in high-school law classes and etc. when people we're discussing what has been done at games and other events. Report the post/thread to a mod next time and let them decide. |
ok having my pyrotechnics licence.. i can say that making an explosive with any form of shrapnel (bbs..ect) or making your own explosives or altering an explosive.. is illegal
but if ppl want to go off and build/alter some pyrotechnic.. its no skin off my back cause it will be them breaking the law.. smoke can be bought from marine supplie stores and some firework companies but check with feild admins before using explosives are dangerous.. the stuff you see in movies are under extreme controled conditions.. they are not just throwing explosives randomly. they usualy throw a dud then have a pre made flash pot ready to blow and that ringing sound when the !!CRACK!! happens it is the last sound those cells in your ear hear as they frequently die afterwards from the shock, so even tho it seams nothing bad has happend it has done some damage. i personaly dont like the thought of having some joe blow home made frag granade powered by an illegal pyrotechnic.. i figure if you want a frag granade just buy one of the gas powered ones just like the claymores or at mines they have out now just my 2 cents |
ya... it does kinda suck..
i should have rephrased that.. making any pyrotechnics is illegal... unless you have a licence or a manufaturers licence.. which leads to a hell of a lot more issue... some of the issues with smoke granades is the oxidizer cause when melting the *chemicalX* with *chemicalY* it can spontaniously combust...and thats bad... also if there is too much of the oxidizer it can potentually cause a rapid combustion and just be bad.. the smoke you can get from the marine supply stores is usualy orange (emergency smoke flares) and i believe it is HANDS that makes the smoke granades good luck :) about 5 games.. still a little new but i know my pyrotechnics;) |
Outside is good. Still illegal though! Being a chairsofter, I will now promptly exit this thread before getting molested... :) |
Thanks |
although perhaps they are illegal, the grenades slick introduced looked pretty kool and seemed to explode at least better then the crappy paper ones :P
in a match, they could be useful, i wouldn't know from personal experience, as i've yet to play a match and haven't been able to find a good enough gun to buy (my standards are too high for Canadian tire, but my budget too low for Tokyo Marui) but the issue i would have a problem with, is potential hearing loss, this game may involve shooting each other, but it was not designed to be potentially dangerous to your health, that being said i realise that the actual guns can do much more damage, but they do not typically emit a loud enough bang to deafen or permanently damage the ears, but whatever the legal stand point, i believe that as long as they are not using grenades that can cause hearing loss, then there is nothing wrong with these grenades, as if you actually are seriously injured from these and they are not deafening, than it is your own fault for not being well enough equipped for the match. |
psst...you can buy fire crackers in canada....shop on the native reserve. I just bought a bunch last week man. They even sell those old "black cats"
The people making these pyrotechnic devices are not idiots. They know the law, and they also know EXACTLY what they are doing. For those of us who go out to games, its always more fun with the pyro involved. I agree 100% with Kamradschaft in that those who chairsoft have no right to be buzzkills for those of us who use our AEG's for their intended purpose.
Please point out where I put in my OPINION anywhere there? I put what I have been told by a LICENSED Pyrotechnic... What you're doing here is taking apart fireworks (Illegal), Putting their "Charge" into another object (Illegal), and using them as a fragmentation device (Even though it's cardboard, all this is illegal if it's constructed by some one who's unlicensed to do this professionally) ... Anyone see any opinions yet? (Here's some) Just because you're being challenged and you really have nothing to prove you're correct you simply hide behind the whole "Chairsoft" thing. Good job, I believe the whole "Take your head out of your ass" thing has been covered already. Quote:
Gotta love ASC!
Has KS ever had anyone AT AN AIRSOFT GAME complain about their grenades and voiced concern for their own safety? I highly doubt it. If so they should stay away from milsims. I love games with pyro and your grenades were pretty sweet at qp3. Keep em coming and ignore comments from Amos and Vipachump who have likely never even been to a game with pyro. Go away.
Lol internet.
I found this a few days ago... http://www.airsoftretreat.com/oldfor...TOPIC_ID=92567 |
That's pretty cool :)
The only issue with mechanical or gas powered grenades is that you usually have to pick up some pieces after you throw it... It would suck to not be able to find the grenade or a piece of it. |
Holy crap.. That's like my gas idea.. Only cheaper.. And you don't have to carry the gas around! :) Excellent. Looks like my team will be outfitted with grenades next CQB season. |
I figure it would always cost something, but if the design is sound and it's not a pain in the ass to re-use, then i'm sure a lot of folks would be interested :)
This is the at least the second time (it was something about Poncho before) where you have stated your useless, noob, underaged opinion (yes, you assumed we we're using firecrackers; in addition, legalities are also expert's opinions). You're probably one of those people who scold people for ordering guns from abroad cause of what you've read and believe. You got a problem with the thread, report it. |
It's not opinion that modifying fireworks is illegal, it's law. |
I can see why now that this cant be discussed in an open public forum. Theres always going to be those 3 or 4 guys that are just going to keep repeating that this is illegal. Sadly these are mostly comprised of people who dont even play airsoft. They might be interested in the idea of playing airsoft. Maybe even own a gun or two but have no plans on playing the game. Then they come into all the game threads give their advice and opinions on what should and shouldnt go on at a game.
Kind of like one of the WW2 game threads that had pictures of players (reenactors) who wore SS uniforms and swastikas. People who knew nothing about reenacting turned the game thread into a debate on what players should and shouldnt be wearing at a reenactment of a historical battle. And if the subject comes up again in 5 or 6 months from now these people will be replaced with the new crowd of noobs who feel the need to berate us with the fact that this is illegal. So unfortunately we could never have a constructive conversation on the topic. |
Agree with you Rick, its unfortunate this thread topic went this way as pyro just adds realism to the game. If you dont like it? dont play the game that has it in it. But dont ruin the fun and enjoyment for the rest of us, they are aware of the risk, legality, ect of it as stated. Should be no need for any more arguing among us, youve made your point, let us get back on topic.
I tried to discuss it on our local airsoft forum and was shot down. I was frustrated at first but it makes sense. For one, someone looking to build an explosive device for malicious purposes could use some of the info presented here to make a larger scale device. I should also point out that if Gryphon says this shouldn't be discussed, I'm definitely inclined to agree with him. If anyone's word has any weight on this topic, it's his. Lastly, I never said these grenades shouldn't be used at games. I've been grenaded at games once or twice, and it was awesome. My argument is that the construction of these devices shouldn't be discussed openly like this. It's irresponsible. I'm all for discussion, I'm just saying this might not be the best place / medium to conduct this conversation. |
Maverick is far from what you people call a chairsofter, and is a valuable and active member on my team. Which just proves the quality of your judgement of people. Suggestion: dont make assumptions about peoples involvement in their sport based on their concern for safety and law.
In Manitoba, we have banned certain types of grenades from our fields due to being unsafe. Does that make every MB player a chairsofter? Yes, grenades are used in games Yes, therye fun and add a nice level of realism with minor risk to our safety. (sometimes) Yes, theyre illegal 99% of the time. Yes, they shouldnt be discussed openly on public forums for dozens of reasons. That being said.. its also illegal to roll through a stop sign, or download a movie dvd. See what Im getting at here? Although, I DO find it funny how people on here are so worried about airsoft becoming illegal, yet have no issues with discussing Publically how to build illegal pyrotechnics to be used solely for throwwing at people. Maybe we should keep the bomb-building discussions on the DL till the sports no longer in a grey area eh? |
BTW, there are some cops that play/own fields and they allow the use of grenades (as distactions or to 'blow up' an objective) on fields provided there is a low fire risk in the area at gametime. Othewise they are forbidden when it's dry out. |
Thanks for your concern. (My whole point about using illegal pyro is that with the state Canadian airsoft is in... I don't think the whole "WE TAKE APART FIREWORKS AND LOAD THEM UP WITH BBS AND MAKE SHRAPNEL SHOOT AT PEOPLE LOLOL!!" would make us seem like the responsible people we're trying to put ourselves forward as..) I'll italicize my opinion... Because some people have a hard time distinguishing it from fact. I'm not going to say any more on this subject.. Because the dead horse has already been beaten. |
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Reminds me of the idiots who made a stink about the German uniforms at The Stalingrad gane at Deadlands and said we should replace Germans with Japanese so there would be no Swastikas.....Losers
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