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faithful November 7th, 2006 20:51

New Airsoft E-Mag...FREE! Check it out
Hey all,
Just wanted to let you all know about the free e-magazine I have out now. It's U.S.A.S.O.C. Check out the first issue! What is in the e-mag you may ask...Well, quite frankly…a lot! It has over 70+pages. In the current issue, the Classic Army M15A4 CQB is reviewed, I have a talk with AMSOG, basic squad tactics that your team can use, current news, and much more. In the next issue, CQB tactics will be discussed, the Tokyo Marui M4-S System will be reviewed, more tips on how to do modifications to your guns including how to create a custom scope mount for your AEG, a new team interviewed, plus much more! Within a little bit, there will be sniper, CQB, and outdoors tactics and information sections. There will be more for you gas and spring airsofters including modifications, upgrades, reviews, and previews. Also, you will learn how to create a custom ghille suit for a cheap amount of money, while it still being a very effective suit in the future issues. Also, real missions that have actually happened will be reviewed, discussed, and described on what they could've done better (in our eyes), and maybe how you could act them out. Those are just some of things. Also, since it is a U.S. based e-magazine, there are no non-U.S. advertisers but please don't take that offensive in anyway. If you do...I'm sorry, but that is the way I am running the e-magazine as of now. So check it out the website and download for FREE! The site is:


Kuraitenshi November 9th, 2006 04:59

I like it, thanks for posting:D

losttourist November 9th, 2006 07:10

thanks will give it a look

Kurgan November 9th, 2006 08:38

Great idea, thanks for including us as an audience.

faithful November 9th, 2006 11:41

Hey thanks guys, I appreciate it. I plan to, in the future, have a section for airsofters in Canada, but I'm still working on ideas for that.

Thanks again,

zener November 23rd, 2006 22:25

Thats great! I really enjoyed the magazine and learned a few things, hope to see another one in the future.

ColtFarmer November 23rd, 2006 22:40

anyone else think this was an ad for electric winding hicaps? ;D

Janus November 23rd, 2006 23:17

I did, I really did.

thephenom November 24th, 2006 00:06

Briefly scanned over it. I like the idea and all, but I would like to see a different font and perhaps the layout needs a bit more organization. The content is awesome; news, interview, reviews as well as DIY guide. Very well thought out.

While I'm sure some of the articles are interesting, but it gives me a headache when I try to read it with those fonts. So I just quickly scanned through it.

ILLusion November 24th, 2006 03:22

Great content. Poor layout. Bring on a graphic's design artist. Not meaning to "bitch." Just trying to give some constructive criticism, although from what I've read, that critique is universal. Otherwise, great job! More e-mags like this are always welcome in to the sport!

faithful November 24th, 2006 07:44

Thanks guys for the comments. I appreciate them alot. Yes, the font will be changed, and I'm trying to find out if you can import themes into .PDF documents. If I do, then the theme will be changed.

Thanks again guys,
Nick Petrus-Owner/Editor

Gerkraz November 24th, 2006 08:55

Wow, that was some good reading. I'm really impressed.

My only comment about it, and this is really minor, but I wish the font had been a bit smaller so you wouldn't have to scroll as much.

Again, it was really a good read.

faithful November 24th, 2006 12:41

Thank you for the kind comments. Yes, again, the next issue will have a font change.

God Bless,
Nick Petrus-Owner/Main Editor

sherlockbonez November 24th, 2006 13:58

I was sceptical about the FREE stuff, but it was decent. Good work!

faithful November 25th, 2006 08:46

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.

God Bless,
Nick Petrus-Owner/Main Editor

dutchydoc November 25th, 2006 17:40

I would like to say thanks and great work i will tell everyone i know about this great venture.

faithful January 5th, 2007 23:16

Thank you very much.

God Bless,
Nick Petrus-Owner/Main Editor

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