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Lakonian August 30th, 2006 21:31

VFC released their HK416 already?
apparently VFC has already released their 416? This doesn't look like a proto. YouTube - VFC HK416

R.A.T.M._JLD August 30th, 2006 21:41

Repost but a good repost can't wait for some reviews.

Lakonian August 30th, 2006 21:44

Did they release it though? I thought they said it was due in late september >_O! fuck!

Combine August 30th, 2006 21:50

Wow, need to change my pants, that is a nice gun.

SolidifiedPenguin August 30th, 2006 23:33

Maybe its just me, but does the mag in the gun look kinda awkward and not...right.

KaneLupis August 30th, 2006 23:40

OOOO pretty pretty

Something calls for me to get back into airsoft


Krumzy August 30th, 2006 23:57

anyone know if the real one has a floating barrel?

Identity August 31st, 2006 00:03

Man that looks alot like a M4A1..

-=]MH[=-RaiDen August 31st, 2006 00:24

Uhmmmmm didn't the # "416" gave it away?

Identity August 31st, 2006 00:39


Originally Posted by -=]MH[=-RaiDen
Uhmmmmm didn't the # "416" gave it away?

I don't know much about the M4 series. I only play G36C's and Ak47s...
I didn't like M4's that much because so many people had one. It's everyones favourite gun in Counter-strike and seems over-played. Thats just my opinion. I'd go with a Mp5 instead.

zero delay August 31st, 2006 01:00

Sunnuva B! HK doesn't even really have that widely available in Real Steel yet and there is a Airsoft verison almost ready for distribution! Acelerated development or what. VFC is comin' on strong to say the least.

-=]MH[=-RaiDen August 31st, 2006 03:38


Originally Posted by Identity

Originally Posted by -=]MH[=-RaiDen
Uhmmmmm didn't the # "416" gave it away?

I don't know much about the M4 series. I only play G36C's and Ak47s...
I didn't like M4's that much because so many people had one. It's everyones favourite gun in Counter-strike and seems over-played. Thats just my opinion. I'd go with a Mp5 instead.

I see... Dam I really want a Ak-74su with a surpressor.

Identity August 31st, 2006 09:19

HAha I want a Ak47 Spetznaz all in black + a silencer. Now that looks insane!
Picture from Rx78. I got the picture off him.
I've been trying to build a AK like that however I ended up getting a G36C...

Lakonian August 31st, 2006 11:03

GET SOME , VFC!!! hahah. They will end up dominating the market ;)

attack-beaver September 3rd, 2006 15:52

must have 416 now. i only hope its not as pricey as the AKS-74NU.

ZeroDown420 September 4th, 2006 16:51


Originally Posted by Identity

Originally Posted by -=]MH[=-RaiDen
Uhmmmmm didn't the # "416" gave it away?

I don't know much about the M4 series. I only play G36C's and Ak47s...
I didn't like M4's that much because so many people had one. It's everyones favourite gun in Counter-strike and seems over-played. Thats just my opinion. I'd go with a Mp5 instead.

pfft, when it comes to cs its ak all the way... yet i hate the ak for airsoft...

Lakonian September 4th, 2006 17:30

lol It's horrible in zombie hordes. MP5 or M4, and sig226 ^_^!!

1970 November 11th, 2006 08:52

:p :p

Junky November 12th, 2006 15:34

I think im in love... excuse me while i go dump my GF ::D

1970 November 14th, 2006 05:04


Originally Posted by al3x_newton (Post 380423)
I think im in love... excuse me while i go dump my GF ::D


dust and water test

YouTube - VFC 416 water test
YouTube - VFC 416D water test
YouTube - VFC 416 water test

Yuu November 14th, 2006 05:17


Originally Posted by -=]MH[=-RaiDen (Post 346314)
Uhmmmmm didn't the # "416" gave it away?

Pretty much.. 4 refers to the M4 and 16 refers to M16 hence HK 416

attack-beaver November 14th, 2006 16:46

god damn the 416 looks better and better with the more media i see.

Homewrecker November 18th, 2006 04:39

I ordered mine - should be here in 2-3 weeks.

It's not cheap though - $1032.00 including gst & shipping for the deluxe verison. But hell, it's only money.

Lakonian November 18th, 2006 08:37 fuck that I'm just going to get a systema then...

thePiRaTE!! November 23rd, 2006 06:50

with regards to the water test - what is it they might have done that a typical V2 design didn't? I wonder if any AEG could take a bath and keep on blasting. Seems likely to me.

R.A.T.M._JLD November 23rd, 2006 14:26

Not a big fan of the markings for the non DX Version.

sherlockbonez November 23rd, 2006 15:00

I just realized that it was a airsoft being dumped on with water. I saw that for a few times and couldn't understand why anyone would get a ghetto little red bucket of water to test a real gun.

stokes November 23rd, 2006 15:15

Hurricane kit all the way... Approximately the same price purchasing all the parts but with way better quality parts... The kit from hurricane itself is so much better.

There is a review on arnies of this VFC gun... not to many people are happy with it.

00Russ November 23rd, 2006 17:22


Originally Posted by Homewrecker (Post 383206)
I ordered mine - should be here in 2-3 weeks.

It's not cheap though - $1032.00 including gst & shipping for the deluxe verison. But hell, it's only money.

How did you order yours? Through ASCA?

I do like the look of this AEG, but that's a fair chunk of change. How many different models did VFC release?


Alexei November 23rd, 2006 17:55

I have a question about another VFC gun, Anybody know the status of the Aks74, is it out? if so wher can I get it, but I think its not out yet.

Homewrecker November 23rd, 2006 18:18


Originally Posted by stokes (Post 385407)
Hurricane kit all the way... Approximately the same price purchasing all the parts but with way better quality parts... The kit from hurricane itself is so much better.

There is a review on arnies of this VFC gun... not to many people are happy with it.

Not too concerned about the review. Not many people have this gun so it's hard to come to a general consensus yet. Some of the internals do appear to be upgraded. But as I said before until more people weigh in on this AEG it is premature to say yes or no.

I'm not concerned and have not intention of cancelling my order. If the mechbox internals could use some improvement it's no big deal for me to swap the stuff out. It will be nice to have something different for a change.

Besides, if I wanted the Hurricane kit I would have bought it. As for it being better, that's a matter of opinion. How could you possibly know if the VFC body is not as good as the one by Hurricane?

Here's a link to the thread at Arnie's:

spaceghost0 November 23rd, 2006 21:52

I wouldn't buy all the doom and gloom "woe is me I have a VFC!" junk over at Arnies. I have one and its the most solid gun I have ever felt. It's not an expensive gun and so yes, some parts are not amazing, which is to be expected. Other guns that are popular at said price have similar problems (CA hop anyone?). So far I replaced the stock with an M733 one, and put my G&P Phantom FH on it. Trades, oh well. It's a BB gun that sounds like a sewing machine. Trades won't do all that much for it.

Considering I payed 430US for the gun, and the Hurricane kit costs 500US, I have 70 to spend on internals before touching the Hurricane's price, not even including the fact you have to put an AEG in the Hurricane kit. From what I've heard of Hurricane internals I won't touch any of their stuff.

And like Homewrecker says, its not the end of the world to replace some parts, which everyone does on basically every gun anyway. Anyway, I'm biased, I just really like how solid it is :D Just trying to give an opposing view.

Homewrecker November 23rd, 2006 22:49

For you guys in the US it's not an expensive gun, but to get one here you're looking at CDN $1000.00 after everything is said and done. That's hella expensive for a sewing machine or BB gun.

Homewrecker December 21st, 2006 21:34

Well I finally got my VFC HK416 today. It is everything that I expected.

Now I'm going to take it out of the box....:)

thephenom December 21st, 2006 21:39

If I lived in the US, I would dedicate a room as my personal armoury since prices are so damn cheap.

But then again, I love living in Canada. So I'll trade off cheaper guns for nicer people. :D

ILLusion December 22nd, 2006 01:45


Originally Posted by Homewrecker (Post 398094)
Well I finally got my VFC HK416 today. It is everything that I expected.

Now I'm going to take it out of the box....:)

Damn, I gotta see that bad boy...

stokes December 22nd, 2006 01:57


Originally Posted by spaceghost0 (Post 385598)

Considering I payed 430US for the gun, and the Hurricane kit costs 500US, I have 70 to spend on internals before touching the Hurricane's price, not even including the fact you have to put an AEG in the Hurricane kit. From what I've heard of Hurricane internals I won't touch any of their stuff.

How did you get it for so cheap?

R.A.T.M._JLD December 22nd, 2006 01:58

Hes from the States.

stokes December 22nd, 2006 02:00

Ohh... I saw Vancouver so i thought thats where he lived... Thanks for the clarification...

Lakonian December 22nd, 2006 02:07

Gah. :( It's like $1000. Fark. I'd go with a systema with that price.

R.A.T.M._JLD December 22nd, 2006 02:57

So for the price of a Systema you could get the 10" and 14".

Homewrecker December 22nd, 2006 19:41


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 398199)
Damn, I gotta see that bad boy...

I'll try and bring it by when I pick up the stock.


Originally Posted by kos (Post 398211)
Gah. :( It's like $1000. Fark. I'd go with a systema with that price.

Uh, a Systema is like $2000.00. You're comparing apples to oranges.

Ace of SpadesĀ© December 22nd, 2006 20:28

Hey Homewrecker, once you get a chance to do a couple of games with your HK416, do you mind doing a review. I know there is already a bunch of reviews up on other sites, but its nice to get a Canadian perspective.


ILLusion December 22nd, 2006 20:57


Originally Posted by Homewrecker (Post 398475)
I'll try and bring it by when I pick up the stock.

ohhhh sweet. i'm gonna lay my manjuice all over it

Homewrecker December 23rd, 2006 09:12


Originally Posted by Ace of Spades (Post 398495)
Hey Homewrecker, once you get a chance to do a couple of games with your HK416, do you mind doing a review. I know there is already a bunch of reviews up on other sites, but its nice to get a Canadian perspective.


I'll do my best .


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 398517)
ohhhh sweet. i'm gonna lay my manjuice all over it

Alright then. I'll bring a box of shop towels.....

Guardian December 23rd, 2006 10:39

Can you post some pics? (not the manjuice thing... the gun)

swatt13 December 24th, 2006 00:25

does vfc have a website? theyre the company comeing out with the scar, thats my next purchase.

medhatboy December 24th, 2006 00:42

just for you Jonas.

DuffMan December 24th, 2006 12:33


Originally Posted by Guardian (Post 398689)
Can you post some pics? (not the manjuice thing... the gun)

Can you post some pics? (not the gun... the manjuice thing)

swatt13 December 24th, 2006 12:40
crock of shit, sure they show a pic of the scar proto, but they hid it behind the 416. and then they dont tell you anything, like progress, expected release, anticipated features.... assholes.

medhatboy December 24th, 2006 14:16

Calm down, quote from "The National Airsoft Magazine" from the states,

"Also rumored to be in the pipeline for release later this year, is the recently finalized SCAR rifle."

Now thats from issue #11 which was Septembers issue, so I'm not sure if that means later this year 2006, or later this year 2007? I'll wait to see if there is an update in Decembers issue, which I might get in the mail begining of January as the release date for that issue was the 18th, and with the mail plugged up with christmas, it'll be about 2-3 weeks.

medhatboy December 28th, 2006 19:43

Issue #12 came today, nothing listed for VFC about the SCAR, but they did mention something about a BAR. They did mention that G&G was going to take a crack at the SCAR. NAM magazine quote, page 10 under "LATEST INTEL REVEALS" "G&G proposed release list for 2007-2008. Never one to wait long between projects; G&G jumps right back into the labs to work on new projects for release in 2007 and 2008. Tentatively scheduled for release is the much talked about and most likely highly sought after SCAR weapon, the latest modular rifle from FN, designed specifically for the US Special Forces community. Also planned for later in 2007 is their own version of the venerable FA-MAS. Long considered the benchmark of the mass produced AEG's, the FA-MAS was Toyko Marui's first venture in the airsoft business. However, it was never improved upon, and virtually dead-ended there. Hopefully G&G will bring many new features and technologies to this old but still very useful piece. Tentatively scheduled for a 2008 release is the Euro-centric FN2000, a concept bullpup assualt rifle known by many PC gamers as the weapon used by Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell, and the RK95, most likely another variant of their RK (AK) series. Additionally, there are plans to build and release a replica of the Galil Micro, a very compact version of the famous Israeli Galil, as well as an AUGA3, a full body "RISed" AUG sometime in 2008."

stokes January 28th, 2007 21:19

Hey guys just a small video I wanted to post up of the hk416/417...

For people who say the stock on the hurricane isnt real.... well it is...

YouTube - Heckler & Koch SHOT Show 2K7

Look at the first weapon they show at the SHOT show... thats the exact version of the hurricane...

alpha54 February 7th, 2007 01:35

The Hurricane looks like the real-steel HK417 stock, not like the HK416 stock...

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