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Darklen December 3rd, 2005 01:40

Painted Rounds
Well, I got kinda bored with the same old G36 low caps, so I decided to put the old airbrush to use.

Stock "rounds" on the left, painted on the right. Painting is "supposed" to look like polycarbonate tipped, teflon coated, aluminum cased ammo.



Well, one down, 18 more to go. Might throw some red tipped ones in, you know, for color.

Edit - links kinda fixed.

dman December 3rd, 2005 01:42

Forgot to post the pictures?

BC_K December 3rd, 2005 01:47

Links dont work.

I get this "You don't have permission to access /51/6/44/69/515964469YLeqjm_ph.jpg on this server.".

pokey December 3rd, 2005 01:48

Your links/pics arent working. :( I wanted to see this!!

Mr Jon December 3rd, 2005 01:48

Now THAT looks spiffy inside the mags!

EDIT: Use IE if you can't see the images

pokey December 3rd, 2005 01:52

Woah! those look pretty sweet! Nice work! Might have to bust out the airbrush and do something similar to mine!

BC_K December 3rd, 2005 01:58

Fuckin sweet man!

Xepharo December 3rd, 2005 02:14

that looks nice man, good job.

Suspect187 December 3rd, 2005 03:10

Good job! looks great

Brimstone December 3rd, 2005 03:38

IE sucks... Bullets look good though!

Generation vexed December 3rd, 2005 04:02

wow shit they look frikin sweet

FOX_111 December 3rd, 2005 10:20

Look killer!

tiger-unit December 3rd, 2005 16:35

Thats awesome, good idea.

Danger_Doom December 3rd, 2005 17:00

Looks Good!!!

I look forward to the red tips.

GMTII December 3rd, 2005 17:28

Very good job on that bob. I knew just by the title that it was your thread because I remembered that you were planning on painting those fake bullets.

anyways, nice job again :tup:


Mason December 3rd, 2005 22:46

Looks AWSOME man, I'm jealous!

yanhchan December 3rd, 2005 23:09

I was never a big fan of clear magazines but now I'm very jealous...

Nortus December 3rd, 2005 23:34

Not bad, it's the small touches that go a long way.

SockMonkey December 4th, 2005 03:42

Well done, it is the small things that seem to make all the difference.

Darklen December 4th, 2005 14:19

Thanks for the comments guys. This project, while tedious with 18 mags to do, is quite easy. The most difficult part was masking the the white tips once they were painted. Tape is damn near impossible to get on straight wth the dual compound curve of the "bullet". I finally found some vinyl tubing just the right size for the reveal I wanted. This one was a lot easier than the BB ammo box I did for my daughter.

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