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EBR-Innis May 26th, 2017 21:41

Any one had any experience with the tm psg1
How rare is it, is it worth picking up?

Sent from my G3123 using Tapatalk

ThunderCactus May 27th, 2017 19:08

Quite rare, but its also a complete piece of crap.
Proprietary parts due to the one-of-a-kind mechanical precocking they have on it.
Plastic receiver on a gun that's long that you are tall is so freaking dumb. You really need a metal receiver on it or it wet noodles like you wouldn't imagine.
And then you're stuck with a 650mm barrel which like 150mm longer than you need a spring bolt action thats doing 600fps.

It's just all round a terrible idea lol

lurkingknight May 28th, 2017 00:33

definitely not a field-able gun outside japan and the marui supply chain of factory parts. If you want a money pit that looks unique, I guess it's an interesting thing on your wall. But that's an expensive wall hanging thing.

It's the only gun to use a v4 gearbox, and there are next to no parts for it. It uses a special barrel that isn't just long, but I think it has proprietary c clip cuts for the hopup unit. I think you can find a barrel for it but the gearbox innards are all unique to the v4.

EBR-Innis May 28th, 2017 07:21

Thanks for all the info guys

Sent from my G3123 using Tapatalk

Kos-Mos May 28th, 2017 12:29

Had one before.
Fully upgraded minus the metal receiver.
It was a nice wall hanger, but no where near fieldable.
Sold it

Almost got an other one because the seller told me it had the metal receiver installed, it had not.

If you want the look, it's not that hard to get a G3SG1 to look almost the same.

Datawraith May 28th, 2017 17:16

Or just wait for LCT to release their G3. I'm waiting for their HK line (they're doing both the G3 and the MP5). It's gonna be LIT!

Swattiger May 28th, 2017 22:26

Extremely rare gun now, but still may be able find to it from some Canadian retailers.

If you like its style and ready to invest a bit more for upgrades, then go for it.

I have one with full Systema internal upgrades. All externals and body are stock. Add TM PSG 1 bipod to it. Shoots hard, straight, far and accurate. Most important of all very stable. I am not a rough player, so the ABS body is not a big problem.

So all in all:
  • Very good sniper rifle. Not that bad with upgrades, considered it is an AEG designed more than 15 years ago.
  • But not recommended as a sniper gun in stock form as its power is really too low to give you any good results in game.

beta678 May 29th, 2017 00:19

Have one as a collector piece, feels way too fragile to run so I usually game my G3's instead.

That said... this is coming out soon...

Not quite a PSG-1 but for the most part, I actually like ergo's on this and the G3A3's vs the PSG.

Datawraith May 29th, 2017 01:09

The LCT receivers are actually stamped steel and hopefully the internals won't be trash.

Gato May 29th, 2017 01:16

Fragile, can be rather hard to find parts for these days, and it wasn't exactly easy even when they were more commonly available. To top it off, it uses a Version 4 mechbox designed solely as a one off specifically for the PSG-1, and is found in absolutely no other gun.

beta678 May 29th, 2017 01:21


Originally Posted by Datawraith (Post 2005829)
The LCT receivers are actually stamped steel and hopefully the internals won't be trash.

Hands down LCT wins, have dibs on 2 of them, internals are decent but they get replaced anyways so honestly, doesn't really matter in the long run.

That said, the MSG-90 is closer to the PSG-1 than a G3 and the CA would actually be skirmishable without worry when compared to Marui's PSG-1.

Swattiger May 29th, 2017 09:57


Originally Posted by beta678 (Post 2005826)
Have one as a collector piece, feels way too fragile to run so I usually game my G3's instead.

That said... this is coming out soon...

Not quite a PSG-1 but for the most part, I actually like ergo's on this and the G3A3's vs the PSG.

Look nice.

But not too sure as it is from Classic Army, whose products often cannot perform right out of the box due to poor internals.

I owned a Classic Army SR25 sniper, but it could not even shoot far right out of the box due to the crappy piston, which was broke after a few shoots, and poor internals which led to a lot of air leak. Finally spent an extra $ 500 worth of parts + labour to make it playable in the field.

I also have a Classic Army P90, which also has serious feeding problems right of the box, and other internal problems right out of the box. Spent another $ 300 worth of parts + labour to have it fixed.

So overall not very pleasant experience with Classic Army.

I don't mind to upgrade especially for sniper airsoft guns for good performance, but it is quite unacceptable that I have to spend to FIX the problems due to manufacturer's poor engineering, quality control, ....

Cliffradical May 29th, 2017 14:31

I am thrilled about the LCT news, but inless they offer an MSG90 I'll be buying the CA even just to put it on a wall.
PSGs / MSGs are just gorgeous collisions of design and engineering IMHO.

Would still buy a TM PSG if I got a good price as a wall hanger for that reason.

beta678 May 29th, 2017 14:50


Originally Posted by Swattiger (Post 2005841)
Look nice.

But not too sure as it is from Classic Army, whose products often cannot perform right out of the box due to poor internals.

I owned a Classic Army SR25 sniper, but it could not even shoot far right out of the box due to the crappy piston, which was broke after a few shoots, and poor internals which led to a lot of air leak. Finally invest an extra $ 500 worth of parts + labour to make it playable in the field.

I also have a Classic Army P90, which also has serious feeding problems right of the box, and other internal problems right out of the box. Spent another $ 300 worth of parts + labour to have it fixed.

So overall not very pleasant experience with Classic Army.

I don't mind to upgrade especially for sniper airsoft guns for good performance, but it is quite unacceptable that I have to spend to FIX the problems due to manufacturer's poor engineering, quality control, ....

Pretty much agree with ya there, players generally expect a functioning gun out of the box so its definitely BS when you get something and it either doesn't work or fails on ya.

I've had my fair share of FUBAR'd guns from factory, but I'm a tech and generally everything I get either gets torn down and rebuilt the moment I get it, or I've bought it as a base rifle for a build so I'm only really after the shell anyways. IMO most factory internals are honestly junk anyways, VFC pistons, LCT pistons, etc etc to name a few, so for me I just need it to look good and not be full of stupid proprietary parts.

lurkingknight May 30th, 2017 22:15

dat msg90 hhhrrrrrrrrrnnnnnnnnnngggggg

pestobanana May 30th, 2017 23:32

I felt a TM G3 the other day, it was a total piece of shit.

Cliffradical May 31st, 2017 02:08


Originally Posted by pestobanana (Post 2005950)
I felt a TM G3 the other day, it was a total piece of shit.

It's a fucking awesome model gun, but yeah. Even with the unicorn zinc receiver you'd have to be a special kind of delicate with one to game it (PSG or G3).

Keep in mind, (others, not necessarily Pesto) Back in Ye Olden Days we knew that external fitment directly contributed to internal fitment, but not yet exactly why.

TM had some precise goddamn mechanical clout, and CA at the time actually had some decent metal stuff (relatively), so many hybrids were made. Some of them rocked. Wish I had bought that Amos/ Thundercactus abomination when it was up (though it may have creaked itself to death by now). I may have gamed that thing once and it was goddamn platinum at the time.

Some techs did amazing shit with what they had, we've just got it easy now. Nevermind what people did with guns when an A&K LMG was two grand.

It was a dark time.

Amos May 31st, 2017 02:40


Originally Posted by Cliffradical (Post 2005953)
It's a fucking awesome model gun, but yeah. Even with the unicorn zinc receiver you'd have to be a special kind of delicate with one to game it (PSG or G3).

Keep in mind, (others, not necessarily Pesto) Back in Ye Olden Days we knew that external fitment directly contributed to internal fitment, but not yet exactly why.

TM had some precise goddamn mechanical clout, and CA at the time actually had some decent metal stuff (relatively), so many hybrids were made. Some of them rocked. Wish I had bought that Amos/ Thundercactus abomination when it was up (though it may have creaked itself to death by now). I may have gamed that thing once and it was goddamn platinum at the time.

Some techs did amazing shit with what they had, we've just got it easy now. Nevermind what people did with guns when an A&K LMG was two grand.

It was a dark time.

IIRC, D.Kovacs and Tony.K have one of the G3 monsters that I built a while ago that they wouldn't mind parting with :)

And as far as I know, my old green G3 is still going very strong :)

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