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Treadstone71 November 5th, 2005 13:43 WA 1911

Finally got off my ass and bought a digital camera, and now I can share my prized WA Infinity. What came to me as a worn and broken parts piece is now my favourite and most cherished project.


Base: WA Infinity Shibuya Custom Limited (pre "SCW")
Magazine: Single stack (15+1)

Guarder loading muzzle
Guarder firing pin
Guarder upgrade recoil and hammer spring
G&G Metal chamber (filed and sanded to give weathered look)
Pachmayr "American Legend" Grips
New original WA slide (the gun came to me with a cracked one)
Hand cut and polished grip screws (f*ck allen screws)
Hand stripped and polished mag release button and slide stop (came with a badly weathered black anodization)
Anti-gas-leak aluminum breech

I run a 50/50 mix of duster and propane in averages about 290 fps on a warm day, and that's plenty sufficient for me. I've considered a flow restrictor from MadMax, but I don't want a pistol that runs any hotter than this. In winter I use full propane to compensate for the temperatures, and still store it with duster.

More (larger) pics:

Anyways, I love talking about this piece, so feel free to ask questions.


Sargent November 5th, 2005 13:47

pretty. good job on that. Looks like a heavy gun. How much does it way do you know?

Treadstone71 November 5th, 2005 13:51


Originally Posted by Sargent
pretty. good job on that. Looks like a heavy gun. How much does it way do you know?

Y'know, I've never weighed it...but it IS surprisingly heavy for a WA gun. The upgrade parts are always a bit beefier, so they add quite a bit to the weight, in comparison to their stock counterparts.

Thanks for the compliments!

HGI November 5th, 2005 14:27

Vary nice, I was never a big fan of WA's untill I got my own a few month ago. I really like the grip and your custom mag release button.

Great work!

How much have you spent on it already ?

gandar November 5th, 2005 14:52

Very sexy. I like the fact that it's got that wear to it. Adds a nice flavour. Great job Treddy.

Mantelope November 5th, 2005 18:51

Beaut. The filed down mag release is a great idea, I did it to my SVI too and it looks a lot better... the mag release wears really badly and looks way too grungy after some time. The chamber looks a lot nicer than other pics of the G&G chambers I've seen. How exactly did you condition it?

Treadstone71 November 5th, 2005 19:44


Originally Posted by HGI
Vary nice, I was never a big fan of WA's untill I got my own a few month ago. I really like the grip and your custom mag release button.

Great work!

How much have you spent on it already ?

Easily about $400 including purchase price...spread out over two years, it's not that bad.


Originally Posted by gandar
Very sexy. I like the fact that it's got that wear to it. Adds a nice flavour. Great job Treddy.

Cheers man, it's greatly appreciated!


Originally Posted by harleyb
Beaut. The filed down mag release is a great idea, I did it to my SVI too and it looks a lot better... the mag release wears really badly and looks way too grungy after some time. The chamber looks a lot nicer than other pics of the G&G chambers I've seen. How exactly did you condition it?

Well, to be honest, the chamber didn't function properly when I got it. It jammed constantly for no apparent reason. So, I tried filing it in areas that it seemed to be jamming in. I rapidly found out that G&G uses really crappy pot metal for their parts, and what you're seeing is the underlying metal of the chamber, that appeared after I had filed it. By sheer fluke, I ended up with something I really liked the look of.

Thanks for all your compliments guys! More TreadCorp custom jobs coming once I win the lottery!

Penguin November 5th, 2005 23:02

Ohh man. Single stack love.

I dig it man. I also dig your furry american flag.

weird_al November 6th, 2005 01:16

Colts are just too nice! Once I get enough money to have a pistol, the Colt will be my first choice! Unless Kalashnikov have released some pistols that I'm not awared of 8-O

Relica Religia November 6th, 2005 03:13

Oh no, I just seltzered myself. That's real purdy.

Treadstone71 November 6th, 2005 07:53


Originally Posted by Penguin
Ohh man. Single stack love.

I dig it man. I also dig your furry american flag.

Thanks dude, actually, this is the exact same model you sold to Pyro.

(Side note, Pyro, sell it to me!)

The furry american flag is actually a fleece of my dingbat american aunts brought it for me. It has the american flag down the full length of it. I didn't care much to wear it, but it makes a wonderful pistol pillow when folded. I lay it out whenever I have any of my guns out of their cases.

Penguin November 6th, 2005 11:20


Originally Posted by Treadstone71

Originally Posted by Penguin
Ohh man. Single stack love.

I dig it man. I also dig your furry american flag.

Thanks dude, actually, this is the exact same model you sold to Pyro.

(Side note, Pyro, sell it to me!)

The furry american flag is actually a fleece of my dingbat american aunts brought it for me. It has the american flag down the full length of it. I didn't care much to wear it, but it makes a wonderful pistol pillow when folded. I lay it out whenever I have any of my guns out of their cases.

Sheesh, I just noticed it's the IED 5.0 single... the grip makes such a huge difference.

tofu November 9th, 2005 22:44

when it was still a baby:

man I miss that gun - it was by far the best and most reliable thing I ever had - even more reliable than any TM GBB I'll even say..
BTW, if u still want those stock SV grips, let me know..:P

make it complete know you want to..;)

Treadstone71 November 10th, 2005 13:15


Originally Posted by tofu
when it was still a baby:

man I miss that gun - it was by far the best and most reliable thing I ever had - even more reliable than any TM GBB I'll even say..
BTW, if u still want those stock SV grips, let me know..:P

make it complete know you want to..;)

Jeff! Dude! I thought you left airsoft...I would have sent you the pics first!

Yeah, this thing is great, thank you for selling it to me!

You still have those grips? Hmm...can't use them on this though...someone used blue loctite in an attempt to hold them on, and shortly after when I fitted the new grips, I had to grind out and re-thread the holes to accomodate the new slot screws.

tofu November 10th, 2005 20:30

Oh, I'm out, but hopefully after school, I'll be back in..
btw, where'd u get the replacement slide? that was one of the main reasons why I sold it..:P
It was damn near impossible to find the Infinity Shibuya slides..I think right now, there are only a handful of these in canada (maybe <10 or so?)

Hedonism Bot November 12th, 2005 19:38

Very classy looking piece, kudos.

pyromasta July 6th, 2006 23:49

any idea on how to remove the mechanism on the slide?

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