Airsoft Canada

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dude123 November 25th, 2012 21:04

Order from eastcoastairsoft?
They say that:

"There is a 0% chance for seizure if you pick an item from the Canada Legal area or the Sniper Rifles section of the website or as long as the gun clearly states that it shoots over 366fps."

Is that true and has anyone tried yet?

R.I.T.Z November 25th, 2012 21:07

As per site rules we cannot tell your how/where to get airsoft guns.
We can only tell you that airsoft is legal, and there are legal ways to acquire guns.
the only way for the answers to get any clearer is to get age verified, and access
the "restricted" portions of this site.

kalnaren November 25th, 2012 21:53

I *was* going to say read the FAQ.. but it appears that information is rather out of date.

DietCoke= November 25th, 2012 22:09

See that is the problem with the responses from everyone on the site. I know I've asked questions and be told to read the faq only to find that the relevant post is from 2003. How can I trust that it's been updated etc? There are no indicators of when it was last updated and even if there is one, unless it is recent I'm still not sure. In fact, this faq appears to have last been updated in 2004. After further research I found it contradicted current laws. Perhaps most unfortunately, once I see that a text is partially wrong I begin to doubt its entire validity. So please ASC community members, if you're going to point newcomers somewhere make sure it's in the right direction.

nstahl.19 November 25th, 2012 22:32

It would most likely get through with out a problem, like 99.9%, but you really can never know for sure with the CBSA.

I once had a gun held for a couple days, and I've heard people say that they had guns held for a few months.

redneck12 November 25th, 2012 23:01

All the current and relevant info for importing is in the age restricted area so you need to be age verified to read it.

DietCoke= November 25th, 2012 23:04


Originally Posted by redneck12 (Post 1729756)
All the current and relevant info for importing is in the age restricted area so you need to be age verified to read it.

If that is the case and I understand why it would be then newcomers should be informed of that. Wasting people's time seems unnecessary when one can simply the questioner to get age verified.

R.I.T.Z November 25th, 2012 23:07


Originally Posted by DietCoke= (Post 1729758)
If that is the case and I understand why it would be then newcomers should be informed of that. Wasting people's time seems unnecessary when one can simply the questioner to get age verified.

you'd be surprised how many people refuse to get verified.
as for the FAQ being out of date.
While it is true there are threads there that are out dated, there are still relevant threads regarding other topics.
Also the FAQ shouldn;t be the only stop for reading, there are a tonne of threads in other sections of the forum which hold information, usually more up to date. Chances are if you want to ask a question, its been asked and answered before.This MAGICAL TOOL Can help you out a lot.

THe_Silencer November 25th, 2012 23:47

Ordered a pistol from them once a while back back when they *practically guaranteed* guns could be shipped to Canada. It got seized and they didn't do shit about it since they weren't responsible. Besides, they carry mostly shit Chinese guns they don't cost much less than Canadian retailers. Then u gotta gactor in dealing with CBSA and getting hit with taxes, customs fees, shipping and brokerage. I can think of ZERO reason why any Canadian would buy from ECA.

DietCoke= November 26th, 2012 00:56


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1729760)
you'd be surprised how many people refuse to get verified.
as for the FAQ being out of date.
While it is true there are threads there that are out dated, there are still relevant threads regarding other topics.
Also the FAQ shouldn;t be the only stop for reading, there are a tonne of threads in other sections of the forum which hold information, usually more up to date. Chances are if you want to ask a question, its been asked and answered before.This MAGICAL TOOL Can help you out a lot.

Why do they refuse? Besides being under-age of course.

pestobanana November 26th, 2012 01:41

It is not a 0% chance. It is supposed to be legal, but there are entire threads in the AV section full of people waiting for their guns to be tested/released. One guy said he waited for over a year. I also see no benefit in ordering from that site in their Canada Legal section, when some Canadian retailers carry the same stuff for much the same price considering shipping and applicable taxes/tariffs.

boren93 November 26th, 2012 02:07

If I remember correctly someone bought a rifle from them and it was labeled as "garden ornaments" or "tools". They usually use false labels.

L473ncy November 26th, 2012 03:03

By the way. False labels WILL make YOU incur penalties in your import from CBSA and possibly put you on some list somewhere (you know with 9/11 and TSA and all that).

kalnaren November 26th, 2012 09:39


Originally Posted by DietCoke= (Post 1729739)
See that is the problem with the responses from everyone on the site. I know I've asked questions and be told to read the faq only to find that the relevant post is from 2003. How can I trust that it's been updated etc? There are no indicators of when it was last updated and even if there is one, unless it is recent I'm still not sure. In fact, this faq appears to have last been updated in 2004. After further research I found it contradicted current laws. Perhaps most unfortunately, once I see that a text is partially wrong I begin to doubt its entire validity. So please ASC community members, if you're going to point newcomers somewhere make sure it's in the right direction.

Truth be told, it's only been in the last 12 months that things have really changed as far as an individual is concerned, so it's actually not that out of date.

Unfortunetly it's against the rules of this site to inform a non-AV member how to procure guns, other than say to get AV'd (threads in the FAQ ;) ) and look at local retailers and/or the ASC classifieds.

lurkingknight November 26th, 2012 10:48

I'm quite surprised... CBSA CAN report anyone store or individual to the US authorities for fraud if thy declare their goods improperly.

I've had retailers refusing to declare print magazines as books or model kits as toys because they were so afraid of getting reported for misrepresenting things on export documents. Another one that's generally abused is the gift option, people think that will get them out of fees, it's not guaranteed.

There are plenty of canadian retailers that can be found if someone refuses to get AVed... and information regarding importing your guns is easily available if you're not lazy. I mean did evike, asgi and airsoftmegastore all sign up here to get aved in order to learn how to ship to canada? It definitely can help to be aved, but a resourceful, intelligent person can find out everything they need.

And then a resourceful intelligent person could also see that for the most part, it's generally not worth the cost after shipping and duty and taxes with the lingering risk that customs seizure is STILL at the discretion of the CBSA officials reviewing your paperwork. Most common guns these days can be had for 20-50$ more than the landed on your doorstep price of an import. So pay 50$ more or roll the dice to see if you lose 400 in a seizure?

It's not my money. :P

Curo November 26th, 2012 11:53

In the end it can even come down to this lets say the CBSA lets your gun through cause after all it meets the import criteria? But then lets say that your gun was only let through cause in reality heres what happened. They saw a gun on the package, opened it up, poked through the gun, fired it, took it apart the whole nine yards. How long does this take? Try a handful of weeks to even months. Why? The CBSA sees a ton of packages, if your package is deemed, suspisious than it gets put in a line and eventually its looked at, and then and only then, it MAY get through. Who knows despite all the stuff the store said about being above ### FPS there was an air leak or a dried seal or even the wrong spring.

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