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RacingManiac October 29th, 2008 20:56

just adding some more bored sitting around...

ujiro October 29th, 2008 20:58

That Hicapa is probably the sexiest hicapa I've ever seen...

And I love the grips and the comp on the 1911. What are the grips made of?

RacingManiac October 29th, 2008 21:13

Some sort of pressure formed rosewood or it off eBay...

scarletsnake October 31st, 2008 18:28

I'm new to 1911s, so could you please tell me how to remove the trigger? I removed the grip safety, main spring housing, all the sears but couldnt figure how to get the trigger out of its place.

ILLusion October 31st, 2008 18:44

Remove the mag catch as well.

scarletsnake October 31st, 2008 19:31

Thats it? Thanks for the quick answer :D

Edit: The screw thats on the mag release is too strong and it chips away easily, can I have to remove it another way?
Sorry for my newb questions but I really hate the standard 1911 trigger.

ILLusion October 31st, 2008 22:38

Push it in before turning it counter-clockwise. It's spring loaded. :P

scarletsnake November 3rd, 2008 09:03


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 852476)
Push it in before turning it counter-clockwise. It's spring loaded. :P

Thanks man :D
So I've stripped the gun of its mag catch button, but the hammer's black string-like thing that hangs down from where the grip safety used to be keeps getting in the way... I've taken all of the visible sears out, how do I disassemble the hammer & hammer assembly?

Sorry for wasting your time with my stupid questions, but I'd be grateful if you could help me more :D

the_griffinator November 3rd, 2008 13:03

Here snake

A complete disassembly guide for the TM 1911, hope this helps.

scarletsnake November 3rd, 2008 13:34

Thanks man :D
Im fresh outta allan keys, so will try tomorrow :D
BTW, the front screw at my frame (The one that the guy refers to as : the little Phillips head screw in the front of the frame, located inside the channel that the recoil spring sits in.)
isnt moving, and I've applied a serious amount of force to it. Is there something I'm missing?

ILLusion November 3rd, 2008 13:55

A bit more muscle on the arms.

... seriously though, it shouldn't be that hard to budge that screw. It's on very loose.

btw, that "black string-like thing" is called the hammer strut.

scarletsnake November 3rd, 2008 14:20

Thanks guys :D
I have the ehobby custom one, so they might have screwed it harder than it was supposed to be on the standard marui one. I work out regularly so I have some strength, but dang I've started to chip away at the edges.
Anyway, thanks again, I'll hopefully have stripped the whole dang thing down by tomorrow.

Edit: I almost hurt my wrist trying to get the screw off. It wont budge :(

RacingManiac November 3rd, 2008 17:15

Just to make sure we are talking about the same thing, its the magcatch retaining pin thing thats accessed from the right side of the pistol, with the slotted head? You are supposed to push in then turn counterclockwise by just about 90 degree. Then you press the mag release from the left and it should wiggle out....

Sergeantmajor November 3rd, 2008 18:44

Lol, your 1911's look like everything except an A1.

scarletsnake November 4th, 2008 10:47

Im talking about this little screw. Its not movin :(

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