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Azathoth February 23rd, 2016 12:14


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 1966664)
Wives, Businesses ... real guns, real games .. many have to pick and choose their time and place to participate, time is at a premium.. but many are still around

Many of us now have children... :D big priority changer

fantastix February 23rd, 2016 13:58

Most of the local players around here from that long ago have stopped playing. Our local organizations are handled through Facebook. A lot less airsoft is centered around ASC nowadays.

Ace of SpadesĀ© February 24th, 2016 07:38

This whole thread is a blast from the past. So many names that were common sight for the first few years I was playing.

I quit airsoft because of a mixture of school, career and non-stop moving.

Now that I've finally settled down in one location, I'm getting back into it because I have more then enough sedentary hobbies and I fly a desk, so spending time running around in the great outdoors is suddenly much more appealing when you don't have to do it for a living....

pusangani February 25th, 2016 09:30

Moved back to Trinidad to work in the family business, saw the drama over the gun ban on FB today and felt nostalgic so I logged back in :D

Gunk February 25th, 2016 10:52


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1966828)
This thread has me thinking, perhaps in the spring I should host an "old timers league" game at finch field.
Get some of you guys who have been away a while out without all the newer younger guys around so we can "kick it old school"
I know I haven't been around as long as most but I also know that a lot of you guys were the guys kicking around here and at the games I started at and I miss the "good old days" (as many have heard me complain) when everyone knew everyone and we could all shoot all day and drink all evening with no hard feeling because we'll there were no bad calls lol.

I'll kick you old school.

Splinter February 25th, 2016 11:26


Originally Posted by Big G (Post 1971891)
I haven't logged on in over 8+ years, however I see a few familiar names floating around in this thread. I was active from around '04 to '06 or so.

The last good match I can remember was:

Thinking about dusting off some of the old year and getting out this year!

Haha I remember that FR night OP! Was a great time.. I think that's the last night OP I participated in too...

BrendanL February 29th, 2016 19:31


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1972316)
Moved back to Trinidad to work in the family business, saw the drama over the gun ban on FB today and felt nostalgic so I logged back in :D

IIRC you shooting me with a p90 at Flag Raiders many moons ago, it was great.

I also remember playing some games at that old field in Toronto called CQB. I think a team called ECO ran them, that was a fun field.

Barf February 29th, 2016 20:48

Still around. Just a warning. Your hobbies eventually catch up with you. I have to juggle hobbies and expenses. Bought one of these, and later, one of these. So my my time and money is spoken for for the foreseeable future.

The old times were the best. Who here remembers the Kingston and Coldwater games with Mouse, Shneedle, JustBob, The Dogs of War....? Kingston games usually ended in a BBQ.

Still remember Operation: Hooters.....

Barf February 29th, 2016 21:00


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 1966703)
I don't feel like shooting bbs anymore...It feels stupid... :( what happened ?

Maybe if you had worn your helmet.....

Warning to the rest of you. When you ride, always wear your helmet. Don't be a Jimski.


Originally Posted by Malinak (Post 1966830)
Add to that, TRU was even a guest at my wedding. I still have the wedding gift he gave me 15 years later...

Penicillin should still be able to cure that.......I think.

lt_poncho March 4th, 2016 12:46


Originally Posted by Barf (Post 1972897)
Still around. Just a warning. Your hobbies eventually catch up with you. I have to juggle hobbies and expenses. Bought one of these, and later, one of these. So my my time and money is spoken for for the foreseeable future.

The old times were the best. Who here remembers the Kingston and Coldwater games with Mouse, Shneedle, JustBob, The Dogs of War....? Kingston games usually ended in a BBQ.

Still remember Operation: Hooters.....

Congratulations bud! Welcome to the Dad club.

Yes those Kingston Field games with the Salamanders were epic all in their own right. Remember the 3 Chimps that joined us? Too many laughs with those guys. I remember fixing Spleen's M16 with a rock once.

Kwokwai March 4th, 2016 19:34


Originally Posted by lt_poncho (Post 1973395)
Congratulations bud! Welcome to the Dad club.

Yes those Kingston Field games with the Salamanders were epic all in their own right. Remember the 3 Chimps that joined us? Too many laughs with those guys. I remember fixing Spleen's M16 with a rock once.

Wow, 3 Chimps is a name I haven't heard in a looooong time!

Oddjob March 30th, 2016 11:09

The air in this thread smells so old and wise. ;)

BloodSport March 30th, 2016 11:29

Sounds like a good old Chicken Fucker Drunk Festival is in order

silent_lemon April 30th, 2016 15:16


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1968333)
I heard Vondnik got into real steel. I think he's the one who sold me my first AEG way back in the day. It used to be owned by a guy named Hellranger IIRC. A lot of history in that SOPMOD I have...

Did anyone here ever hangout with Kampfer? He's a cool guy. I think he's still around and goes to the odd game here and there but his job keeps him real busy. I talked to Optix a few months ago, sounds like he's a super busy dude with a career now. Willie W. from SpecArms isn't allowed to have contact with the community anymore but I remember someone mentioning that he's involved with JDM imports now.

more specifically, will was doing the "VIP" JDM thing, while i was importing JDM 300zx's at the same time, circa 2006-07 i believe.

i heard from milsig awhile ago jasper is in japan or china or something. shrug, he used to be my gundoc and got me a job in coquitlam casting lead hark, what a guy.

here, have some BC history:
mugenman, golem, orgymeyer, palko, the bad karma guys, BATMAN, Lupo....

honestjohn/hojo? i purchased his aps2 many moons ago and it came folded in half, thanks canada post. like $1100 gun

a friend of mine i lost contact with, whom i met through airsoft, contacted me a month or so ago, telling me he still has the mp5 he purchased from gooseman, minh le. blast from the past, anyone mention the god of counterstrike? whats he up to these days?


ninjaedit: ASC had a post count that we couldnt be trusted with

Hooch July 15th, 2016 23:05

Sweet thunderin' Jesus! Lots of names I remember in this thread.

And the old fields! I remember getting heat fucked at Rigaud with Mini-T and us puking our guts out, then having an arty-sim thrown at us... good times.

Anyone remember Foxden just west of Ottawa?

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