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shiresniper November 15th, 2009 15:14

im gettin this gun for xmas im stoked, also wat is th Ma of the battery charger it comes with?

kalnaren November 15th, 2009 19:39

Don't know the Mah.. but it's a crappy battery with a crappy charger. You'd be better off purchasing both aftermarket.

Spawn28 November 16th, 2009 16:44


Originally Posted by kalnaren (Post 1104929)
Don't know the Mah.. but it's a crappy battery with a crappy charger. You'd be better off purchasing both aftermarket.

+1 the battery and charger are garbage and the Mah of the battery is 1100mah the charger is a wall charger and will probably fry your battery so dont even plug it in get a better one.

And just cause Kalnaren didnt know the mah he still gave you valuable info stating the battery and charger were crap so no need to get all pissy he probably just saved you a house fire!


pusangani November 16th, 2009 17:02


Originally Posted by shiresniper (Post 1105402)
if u dont no answer to the question then dont answer

Dont like to hear the truth from more experienced players? then dont fucking ask for help, ungrateful little noob, learn to fucking spell and use proper grammar too

kalnaren November 16th, 2009 19:27


Originally Posted by shiresniper (Post 1105402)
if u dont no answer to the question then dont answer

The information I provided you is 100% correct and relevant. The Borxa is by no means a high end gun with high end components. Airsoft guns that sell for hundreds more don't even come with a battery... that should tell you something right there about the quality.

I bet a month after Christmas you'll be posting here wondering why your gun doesn't work anymore.

MoreToasties November 16th, 2009 19:29


Originally Posted by shiresniper (Post 1105402)
if u dont no answer to the question then dont answer

By the same token:

If you don't want help then don't ask questions.

shiresniper November 16th, 2009 20:08

i asked a question, and some1 gave me a stupid remark about how the product im looking at sucks. thats what friggen wrecks these forums, idiot trollers who think there pro at airsoft (not saying they aren't) with there 700$ guns going around insulting noobs at how they want to buy entry level guns. if some1 asks a question about an entry level gun and all you want to do is insult it, then seriously, leave noobs alone. and godang who cares about spelling.

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw November 16th, 2009 20:23


Originally Posted by shiresniper (Post 1105597)
i asked a question, and some1 gave me a stupid remark about how the product im looking at sucks. thats what friggen wrecks these forums, idiot trollers who think there pro at airsoft (not saying they aren't) with there 700$ guns going around insulting noobs at how they want to buy entry level guns. if some1 asks a question about an entry level gun and all you want to do is insult it, then seriously, leave noobs alone. and godang who cares about spelling.

Fuck I feel like suing the education board for wasting my tax money when we get little pissants like this who cant even bother to spell, even when called on it. Fuck.

And when did he say anything insulting? You need to get off your fucking high-horse and learn to take what we say with reason. We know more about airsoft than you and you can take that to the bank. When we say something about a product, 95% of the time its correct. Its even higher when more and more people tell you the same thing. If you don't want our advice then do whatever the fuck you want and take your whining elsewhere please.

Twin#1[Op-for] November 16th, 2009 20:23

But the truth is....$700 guns ARE better than cheap ones. I think I speak for everyone when I say they have experience and know that if you buy something cheap, you GET cheap. Would you rather get a $150 gun, have it break in less than 2-3 months, and have to THEN get something better? They are just trying to save you trouble.

kalnaren November 16th, 2009 20:24


Originally Posted by shiresniper (Post 1105597)
i asked a question, and some1 gave me a stupid remark about how the product im looking at sucks.

I didn't say it sucked. I said the battery and the charger sucks. Both are true.

Crappy chargers WILL KILL your batteries. Crappy batteries don't work very well. If you intend to get full enjoyment out of your airsoft product, you'll need a better battery and charger.

Grow up.

MoreToasties November 16th, 2009 21:15


Originally Posted by shiresniper (Post 1105597)
i asked a question, and some1 gave me a stupid remark about how the product im looking at sucks. thats what friggen wrecks these forums, idiot trollers who think there pro at airsoft (not saying they aren't) with there 700$ guns going around insulting noobs at how they want to buy entry level guns. if some1 asks a question about an entry level gun and all you want to do is insult it, then seriously, leave noobs alone. and godang who cares about spelling.


Originally Posted by shiresniper (Post 1105597)
I asked a question, and someone made a stupid remark about how the product I'm looking at sucks. What friggen wrecks these forums is idiot trollers who think they're pro at airsoft (not that I'm saying they aren't) with their 700$ guns. They go around insulting noobs about buying entry level guns. If someone asks a question about an entry level gun and all you want to do is insult them, then seriously, don't bother. "Godang" everyone who cares about spelling.

There, that took 40 seconds (I timed it) and that includes bold-ing, and rethinking/rewording some of your awful sentence structure.

Add in a good minute of thought before you write, and hey, you might have something legible.

Forever_kaos November 16th, 2009 23:32

Yeah I hate to say it but you completely missed his point.
He never mentioned the Broxa sucking, just the battery and charger.

Buzzrexx November 16th, 2009 23:37

This charger is SOOOO cheap- The wires on mine split, got twisted and I couldn't tell until I plugged it in one time and it almost burned down my house! Clouds of grey smoke and the stench of melting electrical parts, it was really that bad. Gave me half a heart attack.

BTW, the Broxa itself totally rocks. Just ask anyone who's met me on the field- my souped-up Broxa MP5 is the most badass MP5 alive!!!

Spawn28 November 17th, 2009 08:21


Originally Posted by shiresniper (Post 1105865)
wow. get a friggen life.

You really dont quit do you?

You've been helped and had your question answered and now your just trying to up your post count. And telling an airsofter to get a life is like telling a monk to get a prostitute. Wont happen.......

And just to clarify

Broxxa = semi good begginer gun...needs to be upgraded
Battery = 1100 Mah and is shit
Charger = Potential fire hazard and is shit

Qustion = Answered

Now please do yourself a favor before you make a shitty name for yourself on here and end up banned everywhere in Canada.

1. Show some consideration for older members who have been doing this for years.

2. Yes people here can be grumpy but too bad live with it or GTFO.

3.Trolling and trying to up your post count is frowned upon.

4. And for christs sakes use proper english when typing otherwise it makes you look like a 12 year old with retarded undertones.

pusangani November 17th, 2009 12:19


Originally Posted by shiresniper (Post 1105865)
wow. get a friggen life.

wow, stay in school kid

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