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Disco_Dante April 6th, 2009 16:16


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 954523)
Automatic shotguns.

He speaks the truth. GBB Spas 12.

Cheesevillage April 6th, 2009 16:16

+1 Stanag FAMAS

hbenjaafar April 6th, 2009 16:23

Something unique
How about G&G try thier hands at the AN-94 for something a little unique. Never fired an airsoft yet (trying to get verified but am cuputer-illiterate), but i have tested a few AN-94's out when i was in the service (Ex-marine here). Gotta tell ya, not the best asctetically pleasing russian gun, but my jaw dropped when you see it in use. first 2 rounds come out at 1800 rpm then the recipricating barrel assemplt kicks in at 320 ish... 2 rounds 1 hole on 2 round burst setting... AND no muzzle jump even on full auto. I would post a link but i have no idea how.. hahah sry they build marines big and dumb.

~Semper Fi U.S.M.C.

Jimski April 6th, 2009 16:26

+1 but it looks really weird:

pusangani April 6th, 2009 16:31

that's one ugly ass gun lol

what about Valmets, Beryls and Calicos, all really nice guns

Harbinger of Darkness April 6th, 2009 16:49

I'd like to see a good FN2000 and a STANAG Famas. Another Tavor would be nice, but the Ares one should get the job done. :)

Desmodus April 6th, 2009 17:38


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 956363)
+1 but it looks really weird:

It would be amazing if G&G made that... I love how it looks...


hull_b April 6th, 2009 19:14

an mp5k ;)

Strelok April 6th, 2009 19:17

Ugh, people are suggesting to many guns that area already made! Lets see something more overlooked, expecially the AN-94 thats pictured above (Its not ugly! its just preportionally awkward)
I vote for G&G to take a shot at springers of old battle rifles (As I had said before), i'm more than sure there is a biiig market for them.
California Dispensary

Disco_Dante April 6th, 2009 20:02


Originally Posted by hull_b (Post 956501)
an mp5k ;)

Why? There's already a super cheap one, a really reliable one, and a full metal one.

Conscript April 6th, 2009 21:09


Originally Posted by Con3jo (Post 956414)
It would be amazing if G&G made that... I love how it looks...


You must have been beaten with an ugly stick all your life to like the AN-94.

burningashes April 6th, 2009 21:41


Originally Posted by Skruface (Post 953926)
You'd figure someone would be able to build a plastic shell to fit a P90 mechbox and hop unit in...:rolleyes:

How about an Uzi that uses standard internals?

Oh, and Bren Gun for the win....

Good one about the Uzi. TM Uzi's have like no replacement parts. Plus theres no full metal kits for it (Except Zeke, which stopped making those in the 17th century). Uzis FTW

mmmmn.. Tasty.. Metal kit.. : Drool :

KILLvino April 6th, 2009 21:47

LOL +1

Originally Posted by Conscript (Post 956618)
You must have been beaten with an ugly stick all your life to like the AN-94.

Relja April 6th, 2009 22:27

In order of preference:
Zastava M21:

or AEK971:

or a spring M40A3:

Diabolic Tyrant April 6th, 2009 22:46


Originally Posted by Conscript (Post 956618)
You must have been beaten with an ugly stick all your life to like the AN-94.

Love the mechanics behind it, not so much the look of the rifle, and yeah old battle rifle springers would be cool especially considering some 3rd world and under funded countries are using the Lee Enfield and Kar98k still. But in this age i guess i would like to see a nice GBB pistol like a Glock 18 or even a Tec-9 =D

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