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Shirley November 1st, 2009 12:32

Making me start to think we're going to turn into zombie like with the H1N1 virus.
Starting to think 2012 is really going to happen with people going crazy trying to get the vaccine.

iamdecent November 1st, 2009 12:47

Yeah i think it was the H1N1 flu too.
I was at a house party with the lights on and all the Halloween regalia and decor, after 9pm, not one kid showed up... This was a new neighborhood too with a school within 1 block so plenty of young couple and kids.

I think it's the H1N1 flu scare, right after that 13 year old died i bet you all the parents were probably pissing their pants.

Armyissue November 1st, 2009 13:25

Hundreds of kids in my neighbourhood. But hey Kids or their parents just are not as stoked about collecting candy as generations gone by. Its one of the casualties of "better" entertainment for kids. Stick and ball meant hours of fun for the whole neighbourhood before. Pales against a WII.

MrEvolution November 1st, 2009 17:40


Originally Posted by 355 (Post 1095688)
It could be H1N1 fears. With what happened recently, I wouldn't be surprised if parents would want to keep children indoors until it all blows over.


It was even on CHCH news with parents being paranoid about everything.

They interviewed some teenage kids about it and the one actually said "Stop being a bunch of paranoid babies. Oh well, more candy for us!"

HGI November 1st, 2009 18:02

Everyone loved my cardboard ak, i put about a hour worth of work into it and got comments on it all night at the bar.

Deftonius November 1st, 2009 22:57


Originally Posted by HGI (Post 1095907)
Everyone loved my cardboard ak, i put about a hour worth of work into it and got comments on it all night at the bar.

I geared up too, no guns, just a banana in my safariland. Got lots of comments, even from cops that there watching over the place.

Also ran into a few more airsofters which was kinda cool, especially since I wasn't in Ottawa, I was in Belleville, and didn't even know there were any airsofters in that town.

I feel kinda stupid 'cause I was completely shitfaced and I told a cop he had a damn good costume, and then I looked at him and said "Oh shit, you're real, sorry"

Mak_line December 8th, 2010 04:30

Its Almost Halloween
Its almost the greatest holiday ever. The day where the freaks rule. Where its cool to dress like a zombie. Its Halloween.

Whats everyone going as this year?

I just got orange jumpsuit. Guess what Im being?

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