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88dechmustang August 22nd, 2010 16:15

i have agreed to do what i said just like what i have done in the past if someones not happy i try to make it better.
again sorry

Ronan August 22nd, 2010 16:24


Originally Posted by 88dechmustang (Post 1300909)
i have agreed to do what i said just like what i have done in the past if someones not happy i try to make it better.
again sorry

Not judging or getting in the middle of this, but here's some food for thoughts:

It's generally healthier to simply state the truth about the item, not leave anything out and then save yourself later problems LIKE THIS.

Simply putting an item for cheap doesn't mean anything (it does indicate that something could be wrong, but don't let it be a surprise to the buyer).

Let it be $5 or $5000, it doesn't matter, it's not only proper business attitude, its also being honest.

Little simple things to save you trouble.


P.S: Your signature doesn't help your case lol.

safx August 22nd, 2010 16:43


Originally Posted by 88dechmustang (Post 1300895)
so explain how selling MAC laptop that is worth 600.00 in ok condition and i sold mine for 250 thats in USED condition not new not even perfect, never stated that....its @250.00

When a AIRSOFT gun goes for a thosand and some guy sells the same thing for 200 does he have to explain every single thing no....ull just buy it.....
linching is bruttal on this site

I asked you to disclose the condition
& anything wrong with it, you simply
said you don't abuse your stuff. I'm
pretty sure most people would take
that to mean it's in fine condition, so
no need to describe anything. Claiming
it was adult used, is one thing, then
telling me it was your kids part time
toy is another. It's also nice to let
people know when you've tampered
with the the insides, why did you open
it up in the first place? That's the kind
of thing people should know before
they buy. $250 sounds like a good deal,
until you factor in all the headaches,
TIME and extra cash I'll have to put in,
just to get the book to a decent state.

An old beatup Macbook from 2007 is
hardly worth anywhere near $600.
The newest unibody Macbook sells
for $1050 on That includes
the perfect more powerful machine,
a working disc drive, functioning
battery, software discs, warrantee,
and a clean drive not a password
protected junk heap.

When I'm done buying a battery
and replacing the drive I could
have bought a better complete
Macbook package off Kiji for the
same money, or simply one in
need of a battery but in far better
condition and better specs:

There were a couple going for $400
a few weeks ago, but of course they
sold quickly.

I am sorry to hear you lost your
job, so I won't be asking for any
help from you with costs to repair
this machine. And remember I did
offer to return the item at my
shipping cost. You could have done
the right thing and avoided all this.

Jsofter August 22nd, 2010 20:50


Originally Posted by 88dechmustang (Post 1300909)
i have agreed to do what i said just like what i have done in the past if someones not happy i try to make it better.
again sorry

If you try to make things better why wouldnt you let the guy have a refund and give back the damn MacBook? And ending your PM's with him, starting your message with "listen Pal", not to smart on your part. Your messages are filled with errors and snarky remarks which obviously shows rushing and panic like you need to cover your ass because you know that you have ripped this guy off. Your not helping your case.

And I agree with Ronan, your sig really doesnt help your cause.

DarkAngel August 22nd, 2010 21:28

his sig is removed, what was on it that was bad?

Qlong August 22nd, 2010 22:38

Just take a look at the screen shots on the first page. "Go pound some sand"

Kokanee August 22nd, 2010 22:47

Mods can we please get this trashed so it's not cluttering up the General section? That is of course if Safx is satisfied and has obtained some measure of satisfaction with this endeavour?

pusangani August 23rd, 2010 00:27

Mods I'd also take a look at the retaliatory negatives he's left other buyers as well e.g. The professional where he actually told the guy to "go fly a kite" not unlike his signature.

I reported him for this a while back but nothing was done.

Drake August 23rd, 2010 12:34

I'm looking into various claims made and inappropriate feedback will be handled.

88dechmustang got a 24hr timeout for cluttering my PM box (word to the wise: don't send me 10 f'n PMs in a day to whine about stuff)

also infractions were handed out to some people for posting useless comments: if you aren't involved in a transaction and don't have something constructive to add, stfu.

hattrick August 23rd, 2010 21:18

Over the last two years I have purchased the following from "safx"

-tanaka 870 shotgun
-tanaka .38 chief special
-WA 5.1/3.9 hybrid (chrome infinity slide/bushing set up, 3.9'' frame)
-WA freebird (custom scw2 1911 full metal )
-WA 5.1 custom extended barrel (3.9 frame + rare mag + pro killer extended barrel )


-WA 3.9 Prime alunium slide (rare)
-WA 5.1 grip

Traded for marushin m500 8mm shotgun.

* all but ONE WA's are magna ( not scw )

100% A+ positive feed back

horto August 24th, 2010 00:31

DarkAngel August 24th, 2010 09:07


Originally Posted by horto (Post 1301725)

You come to my house...
You eat my food...
You raid my Fridge and Pantry...

And you dont SHARE the popcorn?

Selfish bastard!

safx August 24th, 2010 10:59


Originally Posted by hattrick (Post 1301594)
Over the last two years I have purchased the following from "safx"
100% A+ positive feed back

My favourite little gun-whore :)

Mods, feel free to trash/remove
this thread when you're done
investigating other matters with
88. I have no interest in pursuing
anything further with him. Time
to move on.

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