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Ace of SpadesĀ© June 10th, 2008 15:08


Originally Posted by techobo (Post 739267)
I agree with Ace about ditching the MK18 idea. Why? Probably because you painted it already. The MK18 is mainly used on boats and don't need to be camouflaged. Plus CQBRs are more SEALish.

Looking great though! Only a few more things to get. Don't forget about the sling adapter.

That pretty much sums up why not to make it. Its going to be an ultimate pain to get the pain off now and all Mk18's are not painted and are not allowed to be painted.

If you where making an impression of a SEAL's VBSS of late 90's to the early 2000's, the Mk18 would be alright. From a source, they are still being used issued by certain SEAL Teams, but only the reserve ones or ones working off of ships, since its easier for the armorers to have to work on only one version of the rifle.


Originally Posted by rockafella (Post 739226)
Nice! I will totally do that!!!

...Beamcover and pressure switch for the SF and CQC sling adapter.

Keep the XM107 clicky thing tail switch, its more used then the pressure pad. Your also going to have a bit of trouble mounting the PEQ if you do decide to mount it on top. Moving the SF back a few notches on the RIS will alleviates that problem.

I would suggest keeping only one of the rack numbers on your rifle too. Too much is sometimes a bad thing. Drop the aimpoint rubber cover too.

wey ferro June 10th, 2008 16:03
youll get it in under 2 weeks

rockafella June 11th, 2008 10:30

Geeze you guys are just walking encyclopedias!!! That's awesome thanks for the info, I did'nt know MK18's were only ever black.


Originally Posted by wey ferro (Post 739389)

Hey Wey, are'nt silencers "prohibited items" as far as importing into Canada goes?

RiteOff June 11th, 2008 11:00

Pretty dam close to a MK18, but im assuming these are CQBR's given the above info. Still youll find the basics of what you have, silencer, short barrel, tango down vert grip, crane stock, wilcox,aimpoint...

Shirley June 11th, 2008 16:25


Originally Posted by RiteOff (Post 740260)

Pretty dam close to a MK18, but im assuming these are CQBR's given the above info. Still youll find the basics of what you have, silencer, short barrel, tango down vert grip, crane stock, wilcox,aimpoint...

Hmm Why is their pants out of their boots? :s

Yuxi June 11th, 2008 16:31


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 740473)
Hmm Why is their pants out of their boots? :s

...I think the proper response to a question with that kind of insight is, why can't it be out of their boots?

Ace of SpadesĀ© June 11th, 2008 16:32

1. Because the ones that we see in the pic are ether Merrel or Converse assault boots. AKA tactical high top running *****.

2. When you blouse your pants, it traps heat instead of letting it escape, so it becomes very hot.

EDIT: lol Yuxi posted before I had a chance too =P

EDIT2: Interesting how s h o e s gets censored...

Motaal June 11th, 2008 17:40

Hitman when your outside the wire, i dont think Blousing matters. Like how you either roll up ur sleeves or undo the button to vent.

ex June 11th, 2008 17:47


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 740473)
Hmm Why is their pants out of their boots? :s

Comfort....plain simple and easy.

RiteOff June 12th, 2008 10:02

When your a SEAL rules dont apply

techobo June 20th, 2008 00:24


Originally Posted by RiteOff (Post 740260)

Am I wrong or are these guys all left handed. That's pretty crazy if they are. And about the suppressor thing, I would like to know too. I was under the impression they were a no no as well.

Groombug June 20th, 2008 00:45

Everyone but Luttrell has their weapons oriented for right hand. Two of their holsters are right-handed, and the other guy has his rifle inverted and a pistol in a right-side pouch. All three rifles are also right-oriented. Luttrell seems to be lefty, or at least I can't tell for sure that he's right-oriented.

Phil_Black June 20th, 2008 08:36

Eaven if the weapon is on ther's left side dosent mean ther are lefthanded.

I'm often putting my AEg in this particular position when i'm not using it. It let moore room for my right hand to grab things, pistol, knife, throwing grenades or doing nothing !

Just be comfortable.

ex June 20th, 2008 08:46

Left side = Weak side for right hand shooters. That's where your weapon goes when transitioning to your secondary.

techobo June 20th, 2008 09:29

Don't James and Matt have have their surefire mounted on their left rails? That would be kinda weird. But ya, I totally missed that they all have their holsters on their right side.

Sorry for the threadjack Rock :P

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