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-   -   Were are you fitness wise? Do you have the minimum to make it in the CF? (

Azathoth October 17th, 2012 11:21

Across the board I sit at a level 4, not bad for a 33 yr old paper pusher. I have some of the higher qualification in other area's but not enough to complete a column.

I can complete a 10k run in around 39-42 mins on rolling hills. If the 8km run is on a track I can complete that at level 7. However, my sprint times are garbage. I couldn't finish the 2.4k in that time. fastest i've done that is 9:20ish

Curo October 20th, 2012 00:55

I made sure I could do all of these when I enlisted. Just waiting for selections

Jimski October 23rd, 2012 14:27


an 18 year young adult
no no adult is minimum 35 nowadays, before that you're an adulescent :D

JRR October 24th, 2012 05:57


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1717357)
Are you PSP?

Your right!

cancer October 24th, 2012 14:12

Personal bests within the last 6 months (some could be higher, but I haven't tested myself as per CF requirements in a while for anything but running):
2.4KM run: 7 min 52 sec (last month)
Consecutive Push ups: 65 (July)
Pull ups: 32 (April) (Chinups should be about 20% higher).
Situps: 100 (April)
Handgrip: ? who knows, don't have a machine...

sirtaco27 October 26th, 2012 03:40

It took me 3 months of biking and pushups to lose 20 pounds and this pamphlet wants me to lose another 30? Holy cow.

Is there any room for tolerance? I'm not sure I can physically go below 250. My brother can attest to my weight drop and I am lean as a mofo

tygr701 October 29th, 2012 19:24


Originally Posted by sirtaco27 (Post 1718515)
It took me 3 months of biking and pushups to lose 20 pounds and this pamphlet wants me to lose another 30? Holy cow.

Is there any room for tolerance? I'm not sure I can physically go below 250. My brother can attest to my weight drop and I am lean as a mofo

You can't go physically go below 250 lbs? How tall are you 7 feet? :confused:

sirtaco27 October 29th, 2012 23:33

Close enough. I'm 6'6. My wide ass shoulders and hips helped alot in rugby and football, not so much for running. I'm pretty comical to look at

Harvester1199 October 30th, 2012 10:40

i would need to lose about 35 lbs just to get out fo the danger zone
i could probably only do half of what the cf expect us to do, airsoft no problem, but this guy wont be in the military ever!

Ninja_En_Short October 30th, 2012 15:06

25 years old male adult - 170 cm - 76 kg (screw you imperials :p) - a few extra kg.

On the combat side I always tell my trainees it's ok to have an enormous muscle mass, I do have a decent one after all, but never, ever try to get rid of all your fat because as soon as you get out of supplies or a bit too far from your lines you'll be likely to literately run out of energy about a dozen hour after your last meal in a combat scenario. Adrenaline can't propel anyone on its own.
I put some of the teams I trained through an intense food less training over three days, got half of the team, the gym nuts, failing said test.
Usually after that they got their lesson.

Huge October 30th, 2012 15:33

Yep I'd meet the requirements even with my Louis Cyr-esque physique. I'm not in any way an elegant runner (and I hate it with all my heart) but I'm not in bad shape thanks to powerlifting since I was 16.

MooseHead92 November 13th, 2012 00:07

I'm like a box of Lactantia unsalted butter (until I start sprinting and I sweat)... AKA I'm waaay overweight, thanks to having lived all my life (until 3 years ago) in a country full of shitty food regulations, and with nobody telling me what was truly healthy or not.

Looking at those CF charts gave me a slap on the nuts... Gotta hit the gym. I won't be joining our troops anytime soon, but still, I gotta be able to look good and have SOME physical performance.

Any tips?

THE BOSS November 13th, 2012 00:50

41 years old - 220 pounds butt naked.

drinking tequila like a hole - smoking like a smoke stake

pulling heavy weight suits and withstanding high heat for hours.

need no sleep - and can last a few days without food.

can walk all day - but dont make me run - I hate it.

Ugly like the devil - but indestructible

S.N.A.F.U January 22nd, 2013 22:15


Originally Posted by Antikythera (Post 1712531)
My Heart hurts just reading this.

thank you.

Gonzo Sleeper January 23rd, 2013 13:50

Looks like I pass everything.
My only problem is cold weather running. If the temp goes below zero I start wheezing.
I can run 15km straight in fair weather but maybe 1km and Im feeling it in the cold.
I had bad asthma as a kid so that is probably part of it.
Im 33 now and have a family so it isnt something I would want to pursue now anyways..good to know though!

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