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The Saint January 10th, 2008 22:46

I'd recommend finding someone with an AEP and trying it. It's a very different experience from a GBB, not nearly as interesting in most people's opinion due to the lack of sound or movement.

If you're used to using a springer pistol, though, think of an AEP as a springer on steroids. If you need something to kill in tight quarters, AEP is probably better than a GBB.

Styrak January 10th, 2008 23:02


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 612500)
If you need something to kill in tight quarters, AEP is probably better than a GBB.

Why is that?

FireRat January 11th, 2008 00:02

Well... The KSC G18C is a GBB but it has full auto :P so I think I will go with that one.

unused123 January 11th, 2008 00:45

from what i heard famas isnt that good of a gun due to its complex internals or something? definitely not a gun for beginners. as for the pistol, i have a tm aep myself, it has the 100 rd upgrade and what else can i say? and it too also has full auto and very stable and accurate compared to a gbb.

edit: not saying youre a beginner


FireRat January 11th, 2008 01:51

:P I don't like the FAMAS because it just feels plastic...

talon January 11th, 2008 03:37


Originally Posted by surebet (Post 612351)
Pistol only games are quite enjoyable, but against AEGs you won't stand a chance, especially outside of a milsim context (read: if you're facing a bunch of full auto guns with bottomless high-caps).

An AEG would be a wiser and less costly starting choice. Don't forget that your 300$-350$ dollar pistol will require a 100$ metal slide, another 100$ of various upgrades, 60$ mags by the bucket load plus whatever else you'll need to run it as a primary.

An AEG requires what, a 50$ and a 55$ box of midcaps?

Check with your available venues before settling on one or another, try to get a feel for what you'll need.

depends on where you play. I started out at TTAC3, and had played for quite some time with a pistol only. In fact, I find that even out on the field, my pistol occasionally serves me better than my AEG. It's not ridiculous to think that someone might want to start off with a pistol and move up from there.

Wilson January 11th, 2008 08:44

KSC G18C GBB ftw! I own one and I love it.

For new players, or those returning to the sport (like me), a sidearm as the first purchase isn't out of the question. A really good GBB from a reputable manufacturer is roughly the cost of one of those cheap China-made AEG's (~$300), which allows a the player to invest in a quality piece of equipment and get him/herself gaming on the right foot.

The Saint January 11th, 2008 11:31


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 612511)
Why is that?

No recoil at all, no cool down, less sensitive to temperature, more consistent shot-to-shot, weights very little, quiet.

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