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Rukus October 6th, 2007 16:23

I use a combination of my Danner's or Mark III CF issue. Either one is pretty good, I try to stay away from the new CF issue gortex because they are heavy and my feet sweet too much. Well if it's warm out anyhow. Proper socks help a lot in that department. Wearing my Danner's feels like I'm wearing running shoes compared to the Mark III's though.

Ducky October 6th, 2007 17:12

My boots have a Gore-tex layer in them, they don't feel all that how though. Mind you I never had the chance to try the CF gore-tex boots.

Danner would be great, best boots available but I definitely do not have the money.

NachoPuddin October 6th, 2007 17:24

The boots i wear are ok, however the ankle support isnt huge. I have a extremely week right ankle due to rolling it porbably 20 times a year. Looking into getting a good set of magnums, or something with built in ankle guards.

Amos October 6th, 2007 17:30


Originally Posted by NachoPuddin (Post 548992)
The boots i wear are ok, however the ankle support isnt huge. I have a extremely week right ankle due to rolling it porbably 20 times a year. Looking into getting a good set of magnums, or something with built in ankle guards.

I have the exact same problem.

Look into these:

They're called "Active Ankles" They make my $20 Jungle boots into the best thing I've ever worn.

Razcal October 6th, 2007 17:35

I use and have been using black Viper for two seasons now. They are the best darn boots i have ever worn. I got them from a buddy in law enforcement. Even after a long day in the bush my feet feel great. Lots of ankle support built into them too.

Whodini October 6th, 2007 18:09

Original Swat 9" classic side zip.

relleh comfy lolz

I wear 'em 24/7 so yee. I usually am pretty careful when running around in the bush and on rocks so I don't slip, but i find these boots have alright ankle support. better than my jungle boots.

Andres October 6th, 2007 18:13

I accidentally melted mine, so I don't have any... :)

Fidget11 October 6th, 2007 18:55


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 548931)
Original Swat. I've had the occasional scare when I hit gopher holes down south, but nothing bad to report. They are 8" or 9", I don't recall. But they will need to be replaced next year as they are wirn down pretty good, but structurally sound.

thats what i wear... highly recommended and very comfy

GrieverX October 6th, 2007 19:09

Oakley 6" SI Assault Boots Tan. Haven't worn anything else in airsoft since.

FOX_111 October 6th, 2007 19:28

I used to play and work with Magnum boots. They hurted my feets more than my old 1970 CF issue boots.

So I got some HAIX.

By far the more confortable and stealty boot I ever had. It was my everyday wear for 1 year because it was more confortable than my running shoes.

medhatboy October 6th, 2007 19:40

Used my issued desert boots twice, but no ankle support, thats how I ended up on the side lines for almost two months this year. Now I just wear my MKIII CF boots. Have a pair of Danner Ft. Lewis, but can't wear them, the toes are too narrow for my feet and cause my toes to cramp up, thats why I'm selling them. Anyone know where I can get a good set of Danners in a EE width?

CDN_Stalker October 6th, 2007 19:54


Originally Posted by DarkAlman (Post 548930)
Good old Canadian forces std issue.

The main reason I got them was that I was tired of rolling ankles in sneakers.

Haven't done it since.

Same. Just finding a set of GOOD yet under $20 insoles is a pain in the ass, even those I buy to put in my sneakers. I tend to swap around the half dozen pairs of insoles I've bought the past two years, but still find most of them to be useless in the long run, am fed up with wasting money on these things.

Nervikaire October 6th, 2007 20:10

Weared (and still wearing sometimes) old CF Leather boots, then got Oakley SI 6''... So comfortable I weared them as winter boots last winter...

Apoc_ October 6th, 2007 20:16

On the topic of boots, I just ordered some Danner Fort Lewis boots from this site and with the sale code COLUMBUS the total came to $210 with shipping to Winnipeg included.

Not sure what the border will add to the cost but still ~$50 cheaper than anywhere else I could find local or online.

The Saint October 6th, 2007 20:17

Another Original SWAT user here, 9" side zip for the last 2 years. Best shoes I've ever owned. I just retired it for the 9" water-proof model, which is a little less comfy compared to the side zip, but fall's here and winter's a-coming.

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