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krazie Sj June 21st, 2007 14:44

...and beaten within an inch of his life with a foot long black rubber dildo.

Lakonian June 21st, 2007 15:31


Originally Posted by moderatesniper (Post 489813)
Who the fuck sends their own kid to jail? I don't mean to bring out the Stereotype Textbook, but I bet the kid will get sued by his parents...because in America you get sued for EVERYTHING.

"You stepped on my sidewalk, give me $500 000 000! Or I'll send your ass to hell and back again!"

"You threatened me, I'm gonna sue you back for $600 000 000!"

"I saw this sue-fest between two men on the street, I was emotionally damaged by it all, I'm going to sue them both for $700 000 000"

"Someone made reference to a "fest" which brought back old memories of an orgy I once attended in college, I'm suing them for everything they've got!"

"I never attended college, you are getting sued!"

"I'm not getting anything, and I have nothing to do with this argument, but I'm going to sue you anyways!"

Fucking people these days...

on a lighter note: this kid should have his airsoft/clearsoft taken away and be grounded for a month.

they get sued for everything, because FREE healthcare is non-existent.

Andres June 21st, 2007 15:33


Originally Posted by krazie Sj (Post 489837)
...and beaten within an inch of his life with a foot long black rubber dildo.

Oh jeeze.

yanhchan June 24th, 2007 09:22

I thought he pistol whipped his mom or something. Plus if it was 10-15ft away the fair thing to do was to yell "mercy" since his mom was unarmed.

smith June 24th, 2007 11:46


Originally Posted by moderatesniper (Post 489813)
Who the fuck sends their own kid to jail? I don't mean to bring out the Stereotype Textbook, but I bet the kid will get sued by his parents...because in America you get sued for EVERYTHING.

Hah, i know kids who should be, and i'm pretty sure their parents have thought about it.

Kids are NOT dumb, and these days they know they are untouchable. I know kids who hit their parents, if their parents ground em they just sneak out, hell even "borrow" the family car (while underage). They know the cops are just gonna slap em on the wrist and their parents can't do crap due to the whole "touch me, i call childrens aid".

Ground em? That'll work until they just decide to walk outta the house. Can't hit em, and they get locked in their rooms to try to enforce grounding, they can pull unlawfull confinement charges on their parents.

Hell, i'm surprised we haven't had many lawsuits or the like from kids who were "emotionally damaged" by their parents yelling at them, or not giving them 50$ so they could buy "blah blah" clothes to fit in. Not being able to fit in with the popular crowd is very damaging to ones self esteem after all.

And at the WORST, if it DOES look like the cops are gonna charge em (like the kid in this particular article that shot his mom), just blame it on a video game, they make EXCELLENT scapegoats =) The poor child didn't know any better, he was just emulating what he saw in a video game


Sierra_Hotel June 24th, 2007 12:52

Or maybe just blame some kind of music...
Marilyn Manson was quite popular to blame when these things happenned so why not another time ....:confused:

Comrade Jamison June 24th, 2007 13:39

Why do all airsofter get blamed when something like this happens? They'll probably ban it now.

TokyoSeven June 24th, 2007 17:54

God, I dont understand kids these days, where has the respect for parents and elders gone? Mother of God if I woulda stepped outa line my mother woulda knocked me senseless with an oatmeal spoon. Im not saying that physical punishment is what is needed, Im just thinking that some parents gotta get a little meaner with their kids. For that kid to even think of shooting his mom with anything is utterly insane...I guess thats why Maury manages to feed himself with all his "my teen is out of control" shows, and why we have so many bloody "teenager bootcamp"shows. Ugh, it shouldnt be relality tv. Im sorta speechless.

dontask June 24th, 2007 18:04

lets bring back spanking.

TokyoSeven June 24th, 2007 18:19

In moderation, I somewhat agree. Its unfortunate that this occurance was related to airsoft but its even more unfortunete that that kids are being little tard bags these days.

Rusty_D June 24th, 2007 23:00

holy shit if i did this i would be killed, for two reason for not having common fucking sense and for hitting my mother.

stokes June 24th, 2007 23:10

Why the fuck would you hit your mother...

Rusty_D June 24th, 2007 23:14

I wouldn't? Ah I know what you mean now,hitting my mother with a 6mm plastic BB?

Lakonian June 24th, 2007 23:24


Originally Posted by stokes (Post 491504)
Why the fuck would you hit your mother...

Cause she made fun of your tentacles. ^_^ (I don't know where the tentacle thing came from..but I think it's sticking ;) )

But seriously, if you can't respect your family, what makes you think you'll respect anyone else? It's really the parent's fault here. Not enough discipline = shitty behavior.

Beat the stupid outta yer kids, or simply explain what is farking stupid, and what isn't.

Mitchell12 June 24th, 2007 23:35

Whip em. Whip em good.

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