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attack-beaver May 17th, 2007 01:26

he did to prices went up..

dontask May 17th, 2007 01:35


Originally Posted by attack-beaver (Post 472152)
he did to prices went up..

what? did they?

jamilsaleem May 17th, 2007 02:06

these asshole reporters just add bullshit to make thier new attractive enough...thats all, you dont find no news just go pick on random people....

attack-beaver May 17th, 2007 02:41


Originally Posted by dontask (Post 472156)
what? did they?

yup when i ordered my USP 320 price when i was there 30 mins ago 350 for a USP.

-Number7- May 17th, 2007 14:14


Originally Posted by Razcal (Post 471958)
I have 2 police (OPP) standing here reading this right now, they could care less about busting airsofters. Just like anything else resembling a weapon " you point it at me and i will shoot "
I will get them both out to a game by summers end.

Lol good enoughfor me :)

Lakonian May 17th, 2007 14:17

440 for HK MK23.... wow. I wonder what the WAs are going for.

Dracheous May 17th, 2007 14:21

You all do realise that if you're looking in the products some of those listings have not been updated since he last had the item in right? I mean when I look at the two AEG's he has IN STOCK the prices for them are not that different from what even ASCA was doing. Also his parts/mags are also not that much more expensive than any other retailers at the moment. Perhaps a few dollars but nothing drastic.

tony123 May 17th, 2007 14:25

Some prices went up more than others. Last week a KSC Glock-17 was $200 and now it is at $290.

Jimski May 17th, 2007 14:26


Originally Posted by jamilsaleem (Post 472172)
these asshole reporters just add bullshit to make thier new attractive enough...thats all, you dont find no news just go pick on random people....

And I firmly believe it's just a good moral way for many journalists to get close to the ScaRy WoRld oF GuNzz **insert dramatic music here** without having to deal with their own frustration of not being part of it at all.

Those people are litteraly making their pathetic lives more exciting by screwing our hobby while showing off on their blatantly useless media networks.
makes me real sick.

gamz May 17th, 2007 14:33


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 472427)
And I firmly believe it's just a good moral way for many journalists to get close to the ScaRy WoRld oF GuNzz **insert dramatic music here** without having to deal with their own frustration of not being part of it at all.

Those people are litteraly making their pathetic lives more exciting by screwing our hobby while showing off on their blatantly useless media networks.
makes me real sick.

Keep in mind, I would say at least 60%-75% of the people that see/read this report have no idea what airsoft is... and that includes half these reporters.

In the general public's eye, a kid has a replica to cause trouble. They know nothing of this sport. How should they know these replicas are for a legitimate sport if they don't even know airsoft exists?

It would be nice to see an educated article on airsoft, perhaps inviting a reporter out to a game or something. I've seen a few news articles like that on YouTube, and it 1) puts airsoft in a positive light, and 2) puts out awareness that these replicas actually have a purpose other than imitating a real firearm.

kalnaren May 17th, 2007 14:51


Originally Posted by Dracheous (Post 472423)
You all do realise that if you're looking in the products some of those listings have not been updated since he last had the item in right? I mean when I look at the two AEG's he has IN STOCK the prices for them are not that different from what even ASCA was doing. Also his parts/mags are also not that much more expensive than any other retailers at the moment. Perhaps a few dollars but nothing drastic.

Doesn't Ken list all his prices with tax included as well? I think I read that on his site somewhere... neither A&A or ASCA did that.


It would be nice to see an educated article on airsoft, perhaps inviting a reporter out to a game or something.
haven't there been some issues with having reporters out at games in the past? There was a thread in the games/events area where someone mentioned that reporters in the past have claimed good intentions and then slandared the sport and the players.

Droc May 17th, 2007 16:06

Reporters are always looking for stories that sell. A story about responsible airsofting doesnt sell. What sells is stories about guns, terror and anything that makes soccer moms scared. Possibly pre 9/11 we could have swung a story about how great and responsible we are, but not these days. Just cant spin assault rifles and machine guns into a positive thing.

And it seems like the reporter clearly is familiar with ASC if they can track down QP videos and know about our age rules....if they know that then Im sure they see the bad sides of ASC too. Tomorrows article could easily be about how the airsoft community reacted to the original article by calling the reporter names and such. We scream responsibility yet we lash back with anything but.
We know for a fact that the media reads whats on ASC, so lets try and react to this stuff as maturely as possible.

If we were smart, we would take it as constructive criticisms and email the reporter with our side and outline the positive steps we have taken and how we boycott retailers who are not responsible. They may care...prolly wont, but its all we can do to put our spin on things.

Perhaps ASC should have a statement that anything and everything on ASC is the property of ASC and cannot be used without permission.

F!reStorm* May 17th, 2007 16:22


Originally Posted by Droc (Post 472512)
Reporters are always looking for stories that sell. A story about responsible airsofting doesnt sell. What sells is stories about guns, terror and anything that makes soccer moms scared. Possibly pre 9/11 we could have swung a story about how great and responsible we are, but not these days. Just cant spin assault rifles and machine guns into a positive thing.

And it seems like the reporter clearly is familiar with ASC if they can track down QP videos and know about our age rules....if they know that then Im sure they see the bad sides of ASC too. Tomorrows article could easily be about how the airsoft community reacted to the original article by calling the reporter names and such. We scream responsibility yet we lash back with anything but.
We know for a fact that the media reads whats on ASC, so lets try and react to this stuff as maturely as possible.

If we were smart, we would take it as constructive criticisms and email the reporter with our side and outline the positive steps we have taken and how we boycott retailers who are not responsible. They may care...prolly wont, but its all we can do to put our spin on things.

Perhaps ASC should have a statement that anything and everything on ASC is the property of ASC and cannot be used without permission.


I agree 100%, especially with the last part. If we can't do shit about the problem, at least we should try to cut ASC off their arguments bag by acting like mature and responsible people. When I saw the reportage, I almost choke myself to death when they mentionned ASC. Airsoft Canada and the keywords he used (Robbery, Injury and underage) shouldn't be presented in the media togeter, at least in my opinion.

testtube May 17th, 2007 16:32

someone should make a documentary

Droc May 17th, 2007 16:37


Originally Posted by testtube (Post 472547)
someone should make a documentary

I think the only way that would ever work is if it was a nonpartisan 3rd party.

edit: im still for not rocking the boat at all....but if its gonna happen, I think it would be better if it was an outside group so we dont just end up making a video where we blow smoke up our ass about how great we are.

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