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Ominae August 14th, 2006 00:15


Originally Posted by ATREYU

Originally Posted by memel

Originally Posted by Skyla
....I need all the help I can get. I want to want into there next game ready to hand his ass to him....So HELP.....

So, what happens when you get all the advice and skills available and your boyfriend still hands your ass to you?

Sounds like a kinky proposition to me.

Agree with you there, mate.

As my response to the question, just learn and read the FAQ on the site and go to the game sites for advice or tips for starters.

thephenom August 14th, 2006 00:31

I love how we are friendlier to girls on ASC, lol.

But yeah, check out the FAQ, get age verified to see nicer deals, if you don't mind used guns, it would open you up to some nice deals. If you have the chance, go to a game, you'll learn a hell lot more that way.

Amgoosen August 14th, 2006 00:32


Originally Posted by thephenom
I love how we are friendlier to girls on ASC, lol.

Double standard for the win!

The Saint August 14th, 2006 01:04


Originally Posted by Amgoosen

Originally Posted by thephenom
I love how we are friendlier to girls on ASC, lol.

Double standard for the win!

Quiet you two, last thing we need are newbies exploiting that by pretending to be young, nubile females inexperienced but curious in the ways of airsoft.

Gloves. Seriously. No matter what type of camo you choose for your BDU, gloves usually help complete the setup by covering up two otherwise glaring and out-of-place patches of paleness.

Black_Orchid August 14th, 2006 01:49


Originally Posted by quick90
Does he play indoors at Trek or just outdoors?


Originally Posted by Skyla

He does both.. why what do you think is better?


I personally don't think there is a "better", it's all personal preference. I find indoors and outdoors are 2 different playing styles as a lot of the things you need to do and pay attention to are different for both. Some things you'll figure out for yourself, some of them you'll need to learn by trial and error and from other people. I like both about the same. The best thing to do like others have said is to just show up to games. That way you'll figure out your own style and learn things people on the internet can't explain to you. Hope to see you at a game in the future!

Greylocks August 14th, 2006 06:31

What I said about women in gun-related sports is true; they learn faster and tend to become better shots sooner than the guys. That is a fact, and that fact has been proven in Internation competitions with real firearms.

However, I've seen women who were so naive it was scary. Or they were unable to deal with the attitudes at games and expected special treatment. Some only got interested to hang around with the current boyfriend, and that is sad.

What you get out of this game is directly proportional to the effort you put in it. That's where most newbies fail; spoonfeeding requests overcome research.

NuttyHunter August 14th, 2006 13:43

Droc- I am quite messy- but this is more because my father raised me. Henry used to clean hotel rooms and he's military. He can walk through a room and glare at it to make it clean. He's freaky neat. It's all about raising.

Greylocks- same as above. Henry is a small arms coach and it's 'easier to train a female because they don't have bad habit's'. You of course know this, it just hasn't been said. I know your backround so you'll agree with this- Little boys play with guns so they form bad habits, learn some, and aren't 'naive'. Whereas girls play with barbie dolls. To die in that my father raised me- I hunt deer moose and small game with him so... there goes being naive right? There's common sense but the way you're brought up makes all the difference. Most females would see airsoft and go 'Oh my god *freak out* are those real!?!?' I saw them and got so giddy Henry said 'I'll let you shoot them next time you're over' and I hugged him.....

To all the parents on the board take one from Stalker- his daughter is shaping up to be quite the little sniper.


quick90 August 14th, 2006 14:07

Skyla come down to Laser Trek this Friday or Saturday afternoon and I can give you a tour of the arena so when you play you will at least know where you are going. You might want to bring some money to play laser tag because that will also help you to get to know the arena. If you don't know the arena, you will be out of the game very quick.

evilmonkey August 14th, 2006 14:29

Just come to a indoor game and they will usually put the noobie with a more experienced player for the night, its a great way to "learn the ropes". My team runs monday night games at Lazer trek on flint road in calgary from 7pm-11pm feel free to drop in, even if you just talking to fellow airsofters you can learn alot.

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