Airsoft Canada

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recon May 30th, 2006 00:57

I also have the full set of the 101st, German and Canadian, crap i have it all ...........dont use half of it tho. if anyone is looking for anything let me know i might just have it... :-D

leecas May 30th, 2006 17:32


Originally Posted by recon
I also have the full set of the 101st, German and Canadian, crap i have it all ...........dont use half of it tho. if anyone is looking for anything let me know i might just have it... :-D

Recon, you're not going to sell off you 101st kit are you? I'm trying to get guys interested in coming out to more games with their WWII kits. If Quikstrike and Youonlywish put a 101st kit together we've got a start of a squad. Hang on to it... I'm thinking that by the end of the summer we will see more interest. Maybe even host a WWII milsim.


Krieg May 30th, 2006 17:40

Recon do you have a German canteen?
I really want one!


recon May 30th, 2006 22:26

Dont worry some stuff i will never part with.. :-D

quikstrike May 31st, 2006 04:15

Haha yes, I am going to shave my head, give up meat, wear a burlap robe, and you shall call me marglar.

Haha, yes I am going to sell off my M4A1 and get an M14 then dive into the realm of the Garand Conversion! :O Wish me luck!

I'm still contimplating though... Get the garand and be really unique, have some trouble finding the proper gear and wait a lil while longer to get my gear. Or get a thompson and be able to afford all my gear in one shot.

Hmm. And maybe venture into the Garand a bit later on..

Oh and just to make you feel at home lee, I will shoot at you from time to time. haha.

leecas June 1st, 2006 01:16


Originally Posted by recon
Dont worry some stuff i will never part with.. :-D

Good to hear Recon. I think it would be real cool to have a squad of the 101st here in Ontario.

leecas June 1st, 2006 01:21


Originally Posted by quikstrike
Haha yes, I am going to shave my head, give up meat, wear a burlap robe, and you shall call me marglar.

Haha, yes I am going to sell off my M4A1 and get an M14 then dive into the realm of the Garand Conversion! :O Wish me luck!

I'm still contimplating though... Get the garand and be really unique, have some trouble finding the proper gear and wait a lil while longer to get my gear. Or get a thompson and be able to afford all my gear in one shot.

Hmm. And maybe venture into the Garand a bit later on..

Oh and just to make you feel at home lee, I will shoot at you from time to time. haha.

Chad, the Garand would be unique!!! But like you said you could always get it later.

LOL... I was thinking the same thing about shooting you from time to time :grin:

Zanzibarbarian June 1st, 2006 12:19

Although at the moment I'm focusing on a VN impression, count me in within a year perhaps....SO many enticing Canadian WW2 items on ebay etc. !

On that note, as Canadians, I feel we should be focusing on Commonwealth impressions, not too much American airborne (as cool as it is); of course you can do whatever the hell you want, plus Krauts, Wops and Japs are always needed to shoot at (excuse my joking-racism, but I'm trying to to talk from the perspective of an Allied soldier during WW2, any other time it isn't funny... :) )

quikstrike June 1st, 2006 12:28

Haha zanz, I found it funny anyways XD

I think when it comes to "racism" when its joking around and people dont take it seriously, its fine, I'm a wop haha. It's only racism when the person on the accepting end accepts it as racism, but if your me, when people say wop, or anything, just toss it to the side and laugh about it.

Hah anyways! As you can see I'm very pulled between the Garand or the Thompson. I think I last night talkin to lee I came to the conclusion.

M14 first.
Then the conversion kit.

So at least Ill have a gun still, and I can get the gear. Then conversion kit to just complete the 'autheticity'

leecas June 1st, 2006 16:57


Originally Posted by Zanzibarbarian
Although at the moment I'm focusing on a VN impression, count me in within a year perhaps....SO many enticing Canadian WW2 items on ebay etc. !

On that note, as Canadians, I feel we should be focusing on Commonwealth impressions, not too much American airborne (as cool as it is); of course you can do whatever the hell you want, plus Krauts, Wops and Japs are always needed to shoot at (excuse my joking-racism, but I'm trying to to talk from the perspective of an Allied soldier during WW2, any other time it isn't funny... :) )

Hey Zanzi, is that a Canadian VN impression that you are putting together? I figure that it will be American. Like you said the American Airborne is cool, not to say the Caniadian or British units were not. I just prefer the 101st kit. So put your Canadian or British impression together and welcome. All Allied and Axis are welcome. :salute:


recon June 5th, 2006 01:40

Like i said i have it all so i can join any unit any time. Lets get a good ww2 game going. We only had one last summer. I think i changed 3 times for that one as well, for pictures, German then American and then

quikstrike June 5th, 2006 01:49


Originally Posted by recon
Like i said i have it all so i can join any unit any time. Lets get a good ww2 game going. We only had one last summer. I think i changed 3 times for that one as well, for pictures, German then American and then


This is getting quite exciting :)

Current update:

I have brainwashed 2 people to join us. Muahaha.

One should have his gear july/august. We are going to turn his m14 into a springfield... Well.. The best we can. Should deem to be a fun experiment.

The other, end of summer he should have everything. I'm not sure what he is deciding yet.

As for me, m14 is here on friday, after I get all my cash on hand, I will venture out towards buying the gear. This should be interesting :D

Krumzy June 5th, 2006 09:18

Im getting my hands on a Mar K98 soon so I would be interested, but i dont have any gear. I think I also want to get my hands on a m1 carbine some time this summer so maybe i will start building a kit then

leecas June 5th, 2006 13:16


Originally Posted by quikstrike

Originally Posted by recon
Like i said i have it all so i can join any unit any time. Lets get a good ww2 game going. We only had one last summer. I think i changed 3 times for that one as well, for pictures, German then American and then


This is getting quite exciting :)

Current update:

I have brainwashed 2 people to join us. Muahaha.

One should have his gear july/august. We are going to turn his m14 into a springfield... Well.. The best we can. Should deem to be a fun experiment.

The other, end of summer he should have everything. I'm not sure what he is deciding yet.

As for me, m14 is here on friday, after I get all my cash on hand, I will venture out towards buying the gear. This should be interesting :D

Recon, A WWII Milsim would be great. Maybe we could look at putting one on in July or August.

Quikstrike, nice work on the converts! Who are they?

See... there are a lot more WWII guys out there then had been thought. Nice to see the interest and let's keep it going.


leecas June 5th, 2006 13:28


Originally Posted by Krumzy
Im getting my hands on a Mar K98 soon so I would be interested, but i dont have any gear. I think I also want to get my hands on a m1 carbine some time this summer so maybe i will start building a kit then

Welcome Krumzy. You'll have a weapon or two and the gear will come together. But you've started and that's the important thing.


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