Airsoft Canada

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Atomic_235 November 5th, 2005 17:01

Stupid kids, they don't know the consequences...

Sargent November 5th, 2005 17:35

a 21 age requirement wouldnt do anygood. Its the same as the 18year old requirement. All they would need is someone to pull for them. like smokes and booze.

Good Ass Kickings is what there should be. twice the pounding for bringing a clear airsoft gun to school ^_^

Retribution November 5th, 2005 17:43

LOL, great so town counsel is suppost to know the difference if they compare. All I know is gun control doesn't work, I gave up my FAC and real steel 7 years ago. Everyone I knew that sold legal guns is dead, retired or bankrupt. I tried to become a gunsmith in the 90s and I had no options and now the OPP can't find one for a job opening lol.

Airsoft has been my only firearms pleasure and no one dies with airsoft unless your stupid enough to pull it on a cop and I hope you get the just penalty for that action. I am a true believer in maximum jailtime for use of firearms to commit crime including shooting at people on the streets. Regardless of age. Hell I know 80s that still drive cars that are a death waiting to happen.

As for Durham region, well I stay out of local politics as I already work for the local politicians in my area. The sale of softair for all our complaining is doing more good overall to promote our sport in a positive light through the legitimate sale in big box retails. It promotes communication tothe public that this is a accepted sport. It works for paintball it can quietly work for us too.

There will always be those fools who claim bravado and shoot at innocent people. I hope they get the maximum punishment for there senseless crimes.

Cheers and this is one to watch

whisper_kill November 5th, 2005 17:56

Airsoft is much like real world in that both arena's are having difficulty "controlling" what we'll call "illegal" gun distribution and use. The problem isn't the age of the user, it's the intent of the user. My son is 10 years old. He has been taught the "responsible" manner in which to safely use his airsoft/paintball guns and he does quite well.

The problem is these irresponsible, unthinking youth who think it is hilarious to point a weapon, whether it be clear or an exact replica, at someone. Along the same lines as the kids who think drinking beer all night at a party and then hoping on the ATV for a quick boot around the forest is a brilliant idea. Now the province of B.C. wants to tighten the control on ATV users basically fucking the responsible users.

The government can simply make something illegal, or highly controlled if they choose, to halt this issue. There is not much we can do, other than be responsible ourselves and hope things don't go stupid. And if you see a kid being an idiot, poke'm in the eye!

Erik2 November 5th, 2005 18:18

IMO Canadian Tire should not be selling ANYTHING to do with firearms whether it be paintball, airsoft, or the real thing.

Recently in TO, there was a bunch of breakins where ONLY guns were targeted. THEN the cops are wondering "How did these people know exactly which houses to hit for guns?" Well It's not very hard to understand.
Walk into crappy tire and buy a box of 12 Guage shells. What does the 15 year old kid getting them for you ask for? Your name, address, and firearms license. Let me tell you, I have not ONCE given them my address. Wanna know why? Cause that 15 year old kid takes down your address. "Well this guy is buying ammo, he must have guns!" He automatically knows which houses have guns in them. I have not once given Canadian Tire my info.

I am 17 years old, I have my hunting license and my firearms license. I recently walked into Canadian Tire and bought a box of .308 cartridges and a box of .30-.06. I get them NO PROBLEM. I also ask to buy one of those 1000 count things of their cheap ass airsoft bb's to shoot through my springer pistol for shits and giggles (I know, no comments needed on the canadian tire bb's) and guess what? They wouldnt sell me the bb's. I walked out of the store with my .308 and .30-.06 cartridges, but they would be damned if they sold me pieces of plastic!
Canaidan Tire needs to smarten up. Stop selling ammunition. Don't complain that you wont be able to buy ammo for your guns if they didn't sell it. There is no shortage of gun shops around for you to buy whatever you needed.

He said that unlike some pellet and paint ball guns, the soft air guns do not use an air cartridge to launch ammunition. However, the models that have been removed are capable of firing plastic pellets at a rate of 230 feet per second.

OH NOEZ! THEY DONT USE AIR TO SHOOT THE BB! Like that has something do do with anything? WTF is the difference? People are VERY lucky people do drive-by's with canaidian tire paintball and airsoft stuff.

Imagine if people shot up their neighbour hoods with high powerd AEG's? Imagine if people did drive-by paintballings with instead of the canadian tire guns that shoot 2 BPS max, used a high end Timmy or Matrix that puts out 20+bps?

If canadian tire stopped selling their paintball/airsoft guns, the shootings would instantly stop. Because you know damn right a bunch of kids aernt going to drop $1000 + on a high end paintball gun to go shoot people from their cars.

[/end rant]

Sargent November 5th, 2005 18:48

one word. WallyMart.

Moderate November 5th, 2005 20:52

Canadian Tire should just be selling Fake Christmas trees and hammers, not guns.

yanhchan November 5th, 2005 20:56

Don't forget poor quality sweatshop crafted sports equipment

PTE. Pyle November 5th, 2005 21:27

They make quite a crackle when they fire,” said Mr. Cayen. hahahahahahahaha yeah right

mtallman November 6th, 2005 10:22

lol...everyone hates our generation (people aged 10 to 17 right now). I agree that probably 60% of us fit in this whole mischevious stereotype.

Don't you al realize the gov't's ultimite goal is to ban everything from firearms, air guns, air soft, items for self defence (pepper spray, taser type stuff,, etc (which is already banned, i would hate to be the law abiding citizen who runs into a bear on a camping trip)), bladed objects (yes, kitchen knives with points). The key is to not give in easily.

The problem, with gun control, is it only restricts the law abiding citizens. Think the gang members are going to march into SIR and buy a registered bolt action??? of course not, they're going to aquire their guns from illegal shipments coming from outside Canada. It's time to realize law abiding citizens arent the problem. The $998 million, and counting should have/should be used in hospitals, or legions, or something benifiting law abiding citizens.

whisper_kill November 6th, 2005 10:31

You need government. Without government our country would be thrown into a state of chaos. The problem is where the line gets drawn. How far do they (the government) go before we feel we need to push back. The government has to deal with people on ALL sides. Police forces, general voting public, the users of the airsoft guns etc... They weigh many things, voting capability, danger to the public/police etc. I'll be the first to admit that I don't envy their job. But I've never agreed with banning something or making something entirely illegal because a small percentile of the public abuse it. But it seems like sometimes, that's the only way to stop the bullshit.

If airsoft went deep underground, heck, maybe it would be good for the game. It would purge the system and potentially make things better. On the other hand, I'd rather not sneak around to the already limited places to play. Oh the humanity!

mtallman November 6th, 2005 10:35


Our grand children will be saying things like: Wow grandpa, you actually got to shoot a gun??? I though only (that hunter form buggs bunny) gets to shoot a gun.

And old billy the carpentar will be cursing at using his round ended knife for cutting carpet (in 50 years).

tentacle November 6th, 2005 10:45


Originally Posted by moderatesniper
Canadian Tire should just be selling Fake Christmas trees and hammers, not guns.

I disagree. Not only SHOULD Canadian Tire sell guns, they should be able to sell liquor too.

Just because some "people" have raised brats to be ignorant fucks does not make it right to limit choices. Stupid assholes. More and more I'm starting to think that parenting should be licensed. On the other hand, kids will be kids no matter their level of up-bringing; places such as Canadian Tire should smarten up and make their IDing a strict affair.

Bob the Angry Potato November 6th, 2005 11:11

Yes, perhaps constant check-ups and screening employees would be in order.

Kedirkin November 6th, 2005 11:24


Originally Posted by Erik2
Recently in TO, there was a bunch of breakins where ONLY guns were targeted. THEN the cops are wondering "How did these people know exactly which houses to hit for guns?" Well It's not very hard to understand.

Walk into crappy tire and buy a box of 12 Guage shells. What does the 15 year old kid getting them for you ask for? Your name, address, and firearms license. Let me tell you, I have not ONCE given them my address. Wanna know why? Cause that 15 year old kid takes down your address. "Well this guy is buying ammo, he must have guns!"

Your rant is wrong. The requirement for gun shops in Ontario to record that information when selling ammunition is a a requirement for ALL gun shops, not just Canadian Tire. The requirements are laid out in provincial legislation under the Ammunition Regulation Act, 1994, S.O. 1994, c. 20.

If the store let you get away with your uppity attitude, they're in violation of the law.

If you want to be pissed at someone, be pissed at the NDP Government -- they provincial NDPers passed that legislation in 1994 near the end of their mandate.


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