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Aper July 13th, 2014 19:21

I would like to see airsoft guns shoot some metal pointed BBs, that could be triggered with black powder through a shell.

I would personnaly call it ''Real Steel'' in the underground slang.

j_march July 13th, 2014 19:29

"Real steel"? Call it that because it would be made out of real solid metal? Also wouldn't that hurt??

j_march July 13th, 2014 19:30

Swear to god they already have something like this, but I can't remember where I've seen it.....

SteelToe July 13th, 2014 20:38

How about some innovation on the some sort of color coating that transfers on impact.

pugs144 July 13th, 2014 20:44

And have coloured spooge all over my immaculate $10,000 AOR1 DEVGRU circle-jerk loadout? No thanks.

pusangani July 13th, 2014 20:51


Originally Posted by SteelToe (Post 1900855)
How about some innovation on the some sort of color coating that transfers on impact.

Been done before, the coating supposedly gummed up the internals of the guns and the player base rejected it because airsoft is based on the honor system unlike paintball, as well as the obvious reluctance to get crap on our nice kit

scottyfox July 13th, 2014 20:55


Originally Posted by pugs144 (Post 1900857)
and have coloured spooge all over my immaculate $10,000 aor1 devgru circle-jerk loadout? No thanks.


j_march July 13th, 2014 21:02

Ya my friend Steve actually has some of those marker bb's

Heerven July 13th, 2014 21:23

Looking for AEG With a real blow back and moving bolt carrier just like GBBR.
And a new technology to get rid of the Hopup

j_march July 13th, 2014 21:38

I bet it could be done, it would need it's own battery to operate if it was powerful enough.

Aper July 13th, 2014 21:39

Actually, just making leakless mags and a more constant gas usage would be perfect and save some headaches.

j_march July 13th, 2014 21:46

And also cheaper? Lol

Aper July 13th, 2014 22:02


Originally Posted by j_march (Post 1900877)
And also cheaper? Lol

I wouldn't mind paying 30-40$ a piece if I know it wont leak and let's me play outside regardless if it's +25 or -15.

Heck, people buy them at that price and we all have the same problems.

ThunderCactus July 13th, 2014 22:20

Only thing that would make bbs better is being hollow and having all theit weight perfectly distributed around the shell. Makes it more stable in flight.

cetane July 14th, 2014 07:41

With the trend of bio bb's, heavier bio's than presently available (to like 0.50g) in a light color....

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