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Grim Fandango July 18th, 2005 05:01

I wear a pair of JT goggles (no face mask) and have no problem using the iron sights. But maybe that's just me. It also depends on you. I've seen people get shot all over their face. Myself, every "head" shot i've gotten has been in the goggles or in my forehead. It all depends on you, are you willing to take the risk of just goggles only or are you more comfortable in a full face mask. Just remember, chicks dig scars.


"Your vodka + cranberry is worth 40% of the price in tip."
If you are dealing with a bar or restaurant, cranberry juice or any type of juice has no affect on the price of the vodka or whatever booze. Which then has no affect on your tip. Also remember, bartenders live off of tips, so tip well and tip often.

Janus July 18th, 2005 05:23

It's the difference between mixed drinks and cocktails (not that I care what I mix the vodka with), and my point was that I don't tend to attract more tip money from the female patrons when my face is covered in zit-like welts.

Hence, my decision to wear full face protection.


Grim Fandango July 18th, 2005 05:31


It's the difference between mixed drinks and cocktails (not that I care what I mix the vodka with), and my point was that I don't tend to attract more tip money from the female patrons when my face is covered in zit-like welts.
The difference between a mixed drink and a cocktail is that a mixed drink has usually two bases (one alcohol, one not), while a cocktail has three bases (two alcohol, usually only one non-alcoholic). That is the difference in price. You are paying for alcohol, not the non-alcoholic ingredient. If you are basing your decision of full face mask or not on the ingredients of a screwdriver versus the ingredients of a cosmopolitan, then I would suggest you overlook your stance on appropriate airsoft safety equipment.

Janus July 18th, 2005 05:50


I am less inclined to tip well (or at all), REGARDLESS OF WHATEVER I AM DRINKING, if my bartender is not neat, healthy and clean-looking in appearance. I do not find it unimaginable that others may share the same opinion or hold a higher standard.

Which is why I wear a full mask in order to protect my appearance. 90% of my job is professional attitude, behaviour, appearance and showmanship. A face full of 6mm BB wounds and chipped teeth tends to detract greatly from that. Any idiot can mix liquid. Maintenance and protection of appearance is what I consider to be professional foresight. A full facemask allows me to enjoy airsoft without worrying about getting shot in the face and looking like crap for the customers.

Does that compute? If not, satisfy yourself with this.


I'm incredibly vain


Nuck July 18th, 2005 06:11

I usually wear paintball goggles with the face protection cut down to protect my mouth/teeth.
But after wearing a pair of AOS safety glasses at the cottage this weekend, Im now going to wear them whenever permitted.

hansrohleder July 19th, 2005 01:32

A beleclava won't stop a BB from chipping a tooth.

I don't know if I mouth guard would. A mouth guard is designed to stop your teeth from hitting againest themselves when you get jolted. Most of the mouthguard's protection is on the bottom. I have one for hockey and I can't stand it, I hold it in the side of my mouth everytime I'm on the bench.

Nuck July 19th, 2005 06:12

ha, you have it backwards, its supposed to be molded to your top teeth.....

shinjit noir July 19th, 2005 06:30

Tip for people worried about getting hit in the mouth:

When you're playing and think there's a chance that a bb will hit you in the face, cover it using part of your gun (EG: turn the body of your gun sideways quickly). You can even use your hand to partially block it, as your natural reaction will be to throw your arms over your face anyways. I've done this many times and have been able to avoid quite a few hairy situations.

Greylocks July 19th, 2005 06:44

This question gets asked about... once per week? Usually in the wrong section too.

Answer is the same; check local field rules, and buy whatever saves your face/eyes from injury and broken teeth.
Best overall answer; paintball goggles. That's it, no rocket science, no need to get 2 pages of answers.

Gerkraz July 19th, 2005 10:15

Well, I've been reading the boards for a while now, and I hadn't seen this question asked specifically. That's why I asked. I've been answered, so you can lock it now if you want.

XtracTidK July 22nd, 2005 14:29

my friends glock26 gbb took out my leftside center top tooth just yesterday (at about 30* feet) never wearing anything but fullmask paintball goggles ever again.


Freedom Fighter July 22nd, 2005 14:53


Originally Posted by Greylocks
no rocket science, no need to get 2 pages of answers.

Hey! It's ASC!

WARFIGHTER July 22nd, 2005 17:21

Has anyone ever tried a light or heavy wieght kevlar hood like the ones made by Hatch?

fly_boy July 22nd, 2005 18:37

Has any one used one of these?

Raw Deal July 22nd, 2005 19:23

I would be scared for anyone using those mesh masks, after seeing ksc perfects explode on hard surfaces.

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