Airsoft Canada

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Andres September 16th, 2007 17:06

Ah, I can understand.

leecas September 16th, 2007 23:21


Originally Posted by Andres (Post 537417)
Sorry to be a bit off topic, but I tried registering at your forum, and it appears my e-mail has been "banned."

Anyone care to enlighten me as to why this has happened?

Sorry, about that. As mentioned we have been attacked by spam botz and your account might have been deleted with them. Send me a PM with your email and I will unban it and you can create a new account. Again sorry about the trouble

bulikiti August 29th, 2008 11:18

2nd ranger and 101st easy co kits
Can you post some pictures of these kits. I've been trying to find a source where I could buy my WWII gears and uniform. They dont make WWII replicas in Manila. The closest I could get are Vietnam Era surplus to match my M1 Thompson and 1911 Pistol. My wife works in Edmonton and am planning to visit sometime in October or November.

baker_Jeff August 29th, 2008 11:26

Hey bulikiti,

What kind of stuff are you looking for? I have some WW2 Canadian trousers, helmet, Bren Gun pouches at the moment. I can always score more.


leecas August 29th, 2008 15:24


Originally Posted by bulikiti (Post 806349)
Can you post some pictures of these kits. I've been trying to find a source where I could buy my WWII gears and uniform. They dont make WWII replicas in Manila. The closest I could get are Vietnam Era surplus to match my M1 Thompson and 1911 Pistol. My wife works in Edmonton and am planning to visit sometime in October or November.

Go to our website and you will see a lot of pics with our gear and weapons. Just clink on the link below my signature. There isn't anyone in Canada that makes repro uniforms or gear. I got mine from Ebay and places like At the Front and What Price Glory. Do a search on google on US Repro uniforms and you will find a lot of sources. I hope this helps. If you have any other questions just let me know.

Roses.A.T.W. September 11th, 2008 19:01

Hey all, starting up my WWII kit. I've got reincforced Allied Paratrooper jacket and trousers on it's way, as well as the suspenders and musset bag. Still need quite abit to go though. Don't even have an era weapon yet.

JoeFriday September 11th, 2008 22:24

I'll be starting mine up too in a bit. I hope to maybe make it out to one of the skirmishes in Ontario. Do you guys have any really big events?

Drunk_Albertan September 11th, 2008 22:33

Joe, where bouts are you in Alberta? I'm trying to put together a German kit right now.

MrEvolution September 11th, 2008 23:41

Joe, sign up on the forum for the site in Leecas' signature, we discuss all our games there mostly.

Bulikiti I purchased my stuff from (formally What Price Glory)

JoeFriday September 12th, 2008 01:18

Drunk, Edmonton area.

Mr Evolution, yeah I think I will sign up!

Yorkie September 12th, 2008 09:52


Originally Posted by Roses.A.T.W. (Post 815815)
Hey all, starting up my WWII kit. I've got reincforced Allied Paratrooper jacket and trousers on it's way, as well as the suspenders and musset bag. Still need quite abit to go though. Don't even have an era weapon yet.

You're welcome to come out to any of the Level 3 events we have, there should be at least another one going on before the year winds up. You don't need all the kit to play at one of these events, but you can meet up with those that do.



leecas September 12th, 2008 17:05


Originally Posted by Roses.A.T.W. (Post 815815)
Hey all, starting up my WWII kit. I've got reincforced Allied Paratrooper jacket and trousers on it's way, as well as the suspenders and musset bag. Still need quite abit to go though. Don't even have an era weapon yet.

PM me and let's talk... Easy Company is always looking for new recruits.

leecas September 12th, 2008 17:06


Originally Posted by JoeFriday (Post 816113)
Drunk, Edmonton area.

Mr Evolution, yeah I think I will sign up!

You're all setup and ready to go.

bulikiti December 6th, 2008 14:09

try i got all my WWII stuffs from them. I am from the Philippines by the way. I have a complete US Infantry WWII impression, M1911A1, Bar 1918A2, and M1A1 Thompson with a 1921 Thompson upgrade

bulikiti December 6th, 2008 14:18

i followed your advise guys. Got my stuffs just recently plus the new guns from Hong Kong. It's a pity I can't bring it over to play with you. Sadly WWII reenactors are still are rare breed here in Manila.

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