View Poll Results: Which gun?
SAR Taktik Rifle II (G3 - SG1)
attack-beaver, B.C.Hawk, BBS, bigbadbob17, Boche, canadian guy, Ches, ColtFarmer, Dr_Tinshnipz, E-izzle, edgecoc, evilmonkey, Evil_yd, Fidget11, Flint, Gigaknight, Gryphon, Hedonism Bot, hellhound, Janus, KraziAzn, lem0ns43, MestHead, mrgruber, NewType ZERO, Petawg, R.A.T.M._JLD, Red Ghost, Roguer, Rumpel Felt, Shrike, Skater_maclennan, Swatt Six-Four, swatt13, szetor, TBAG6080, the end, The Saint, thephenom, wingman
41 |
47.67% |
.12grambb, Amgoosen, aMiT, Autumn, Captain Tenneal, Col.Thumper, Colin_S, Curtis Tactics, DB19, Dracheous, Dustball, Fly 9, freeman, Frozencricket, Giuseppe, GrieverX, Hunter Killer, IRONSIGHT, j3anius, Kid, Krieg, ktanriverdi, kuvos, Lt_Crazy, LUTNIT, made Man, MercedeSChink, Moderate, neil555688, Raysaaark, Silver Wolf, Smoke.Aug.a2, Smokey, stroodle, stutlc, syne, Tankdude, trevor, tron, tunabreath, ujiro, Voodoo, Yuu, [Lithium]
45 |
52.33% |
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